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13 Biorhythms and biorhythmology.


Biological rhythms, their indicators, and classification

Biological rhythms (biorhythms) - a regular, periodic repetition over time of the nature and intensity of life processes, individual states or events. biorhythms in one form or another are inherent in all living organisms. biorhythms described by a number of characteristics: period, amplitude, phase, average level, profile.
Depending on the generating cause biorhythmsare divided into exogenous - fluctuations caused by periodic influences from the outside, i.e. passive reactions to fluctuations of environmental factors, and endogenous - autonomous (syn. spontaneous, self-sustaining, self-excited) vibrations due to active processes in the living system itself (most of the biorhythms are among them).
Endogenous biorhythms supported by a feedback mechanism. Depending on what level of biological organization it closes, biorhythms is distinguished. in cells (mitotic cycle), organs (intestinal contractions), organisms (ovarian cycle), and communities (fluctuations in the number of populations in the predator-prey system).
According to the function biorhythms they are divided into physiological rhythms — the work cycles of individual systems (respiration, heartbeat), and ecological, adaptive (see circadian rhythms), which serve to adapt organisms to the periodicity of the environment. The period (frequency) of the physiological rhythm can vary widely depending on the degree of functional load; the period of ecological rhythm, on the contrary, is relatively constant, fixed genetically. Environmental rhythms are naturally captured by environmental cycles; perform the function of a biological clock (with their help, organisms are oriented in time).
biorhythms with different periods of the same organism can have a mutual modulating effect, but usually relatively independent. biorhythms with the same period, on the contrary, are often conjugated in a hierarchical way: the selected groups of cells can play the role of synchronization centers - rhythm drivers.
Biological rhythms are interesting in that in many cases they are preserved even with the constancy of environmental conditions. Such rhythms are called endogenous, i.e. “Going from the inside”: although they usually correlate with rhythmic changes in external conditions, such as alternating day and night, they cannot be considered a direct reaction to these changes. Endogenous biological rhythms are found in all organisms except bacteria. The internal mechanism that supports the endogenous rhythm, i.e. allowing the body to not only feel the passage of time, but also to measure its intervals, is called a biological clock.
In humans, not only sleep, but many other functions are subordinated to the daily rhythm. Examples of this are an increase and a decrease in blood pressure and excretion of potassium and sodium by the kidneys, variations in reflex time, sweating of palms, etc. Especially noticeable changes in body temperature: at night it is about t1С lower than during the day. Biological rhythms in humans are formed gradually in the course of individual development. In a newborn, they are quite unstable - periods of sleep, nutrition, etc. alternate haphazardly. Regular change of periods of sleep and wakefulness on the basis of the 24-25 hour cycle begins to occur only from 15 weeks of age.
The main parameters of biorhythms are such indicators: Period - the time between two points of the same name in a wave-changing process. Acrophase is a point in time in the period when the maximum value of the parameter under study is noted. Mezor - the level of the average values ​​of the indicators of the process under study. Amplitude - the deviation of the studied indicator in both directions from the average.
The classification of rhythms is based on strict definitions, which depend on the selected criteria.
- by their own characteristics, such as period;
- according to their biological system, for example, population;
- by the nature of the process generating rhythm;
- according to the function performed by the rhythm.

Biorhythms and performance

The main daily cycle, base and background for the flow of all the rhythms of the human body is the alternation of sleep and wakefulness. These two processes are inextricably linked and are the main condition for the organization of the regime of activities and rest. Waking is the basis of active and conscious human activity and takes about two-thirds of his life. The energy side of it reflects the concept of mental tone. Mental tone - this is the optimal intensity of mental processes that support the normal functioning of the human body with different degrees of its activity. Mental tone depends on the individual and age characteristics, type of life and the state of the human nervous system. The necessary level of tone is determined by the unconscious functions of the brain, but it can also be consciously regulated. Regulation of mental tone is carried out with a wide range of physical, mental and emotional effects. The most effective methods of its stimulation are the systems of psychological training, breathing exercises and effects on the biologically active zones of the body. A detailed discussion of them will go in the following chapters.
We should not forget about the noticeable influence of emotions on the tone. Positive emotions, good mood, confidence and optimism contribute to its improvement, and negative emotions, confusion, anger - reduce. To stimulate mental processes using tonic drinks: tea, coffee, kvass. Alcohol and nicotine cause a short-term increase in tone, leading then to a sharp decrease.

  13 Biorhythms and biorhythmology.
To maintain a high level of efficiency, the principle of gradual entry into the labor process is of great importance. Especially important is its observance after sleep, weekends, summer holidays and switching to another type of activity. Every new activity must be balanced with a system of existing functions and skills. A high productivity of work is ensured by a well-thought-out and tested sequence, a certain system of labor.
Rhythmic labor is an equal distribution of the load during the day, week, month, year. The requirement of rhythm is based on the physiological features of the centers of the nervous system, which function most economically with the correct alternation of the processes of excitation and inhibition. A sharp decrease in performance can be caused by excessive fatigue during a high rate of work, as well as periods of inactivity. The organization of the labor regime, based on the rhythmic activity of the body and the work of the brain, is a determining condition for economical and high-performance work.
Under the labor regime understand the alternation of periods of work and rest, which plays an important role in the prevention of fatigue.


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