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9 Features of the higher nervous activity of children and adolescents at different age stages. Types of GNI.


By the time the child is born, the nervous system is less developed and differentiated compared to other organs and systems.
At the same time, it is to this system that very large demands are made, since it ensures the adaptation of the organism to environmental conditions and regulates the vital functions of the newborn.
In the process of adaptation, the metabolism must be established, the work of the respiratory organs, blood circulation, and digestion must be reorganized.
All these systems after the birth of the child begin to function in a new way. The coordinated activity of all systems and organs must be ensured by the nervous system.
In the newborn, the brain mass is relatively large - 1/8 - 1/9 of the body mass, whereas in an adult the brain is 1/90 of the body mass.
During the first 6 months of life, the brain mass increases by 86.3%. In the period from 2-8 years, the growth of the brain slows down and subsequently its mass changes slightly.
The brain tissue of a child is rich in water, contains little lecithin and other specific organic substances. Furrows and convolutions are mild. The gray matter of the brain is poorly differentiated from the white matter.
In the first 5 years, the furrows become deeper, meanders larger and longer. Formed new small grooves and gyrus. All this leads to an increase in the total surface of the hemispheres of the brain.
There are as many nerve cells in the big hemispheres as in adults, but they are not mature. The process of maturation of nerve cells in different parts of the brain is performed unequally vigorously: for the cells of the cortex, it ends by 18-20 months, in the medulla by 7 years.
The spinal cord at the time of birth of the child is more perfect in its structure.
Since the cortex, pyramidal paths, striatum to the birth of a child are not sufficiently developed, all vital functions in the newborn are regulated by the interstitial brain, i.e. subcortical centers.
By the time of birth, a full-term baby has a number of innate, or unconditioned, reflexes. These include sucking, swallowing, blinking, coughing, sneezing, defecation, urination.
Most unconditioned reflexes are primitive. Their disappearance is a sign of subordination of the lower centers to the higher ones, which are beginning to function fully (for most reflexes, they are the centers of the striate body and the cortex).
On the basis of these unconditioned reflexes, the child develops conditioned reflexes that are of primary importance in a person’s life, in other words, the development of the first signal system occurs.
The development of VND-ti occurs in a child from the first days of life. The cerebral cortex begins to perform its function: the establishment of communication of the organism with the outside world. (environment). These ties are steady and bright. This means that the child can relatively quickly acquire certain behavioral skills, habits, which then remain for a long time, often for life.
At the same time, it should be remembered that the newly formed reflexes are easily quenched when exposed to adverse and strong stimuli. For example, a child was taken to hospital, he often loses the skills acquired before. Unfamiliar stimuli and impressions cause excessive irritation, which is expressed in the child's anxiety, whims, crying, crying, or in inhibition, lethargy, drowsiness.
The sense organs (hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste) function by the time of birth, but are far from perfect.
The child has a good enough taste, he distinguishes between bitter and sweet, more readily drinks sweet. Smell is worse developed, but the child can distinguish some distinct smells quite distinctly.
The sense of touch is well developed. For example, touching the lips causes sucking movements. The skin of the face, palms and soles is most sensitive to the touch.
The child usually perceives pain irritations immediately after birth.
The most difficult is the development of hearing and vision. From birth, the child hears and sees, but his perceptions are not clear. After the second week of life, the child begins to turn his head to the source of the sound. On the 2nd month, he distinguishes the dial tone from the bell, i.e. distinguishes sounds.
The newborn is often marked by squint due to the lack of friendly movement of both eyeballs. Many people experience photophobia. All these phenomena disappear in 2-4 weeks. Blinking in a child of the 1st month of life is very rare, tearing begins at 2 months of age. At 3-4 weeks, the child holds the gaze on a bright toy for a few seconds, by the end of the 2nd month of life - a few minutes. From 6 months, children distinguish colors, and from 3 years of age they correctly name them.
Consequently, the child around the world knows through the senses.
A huge role in the child's behavior is speech - the second signal system.
The formation of children's speech occurs according to the laws of the formation of conditioned reflexes and passes through several stages. In 2-3 months The child usually "gulit" is speech noise, the germ of future words. In the 2nd half of the year, speech begins to form. The child utters individual syllables, and sometimes repeated syllables take on a definite meaning. By the year children usually know 5-10 words. At the 2-3rd year of life, the development of speech is especially vigorous and intensive. By two years old, the child’s vocabulary should consist of about 200 words.
Speech develops by imitation, so it is especially important to talk to the child correctly.
The determining factor and the main factor in the development of a child's GNI is the environment.
The development and upbringing of a child is made up of a certain daily routine (mode), from imparting the necessary skills to him, from creating conditions that would ensure the proper development of his movements, speech, and also a cheerful, cheerful mood, from daily walks and communication with other children and adults. .
The child, from the first days of life, must have a certain mode of the day, which provides, above all, the proper organization of sleep and wakefulness.
The newborn sleeps for 20-22 hours and only the feeding regime is established for him.
As a rule, after each sleep, the child should eat, and after each feeding - be awake.
Starting from 1.5 years, children sleep during the day 1 time around 3 hours and stay awake for 4.5-6 hours in a row.
Consequently, the waking time gradually increases with age. The intervals between sleep and feeding should be filled with interesting games that contribute to the development of the child.
The child should eat and go to bed at the same time. Sleep of a child of any age will only be strong when he falls asleep after a quiet game, in silence, provided that the light does not fall into the eyes, in a well ventilated room or with an open vent.
You can not rock the baby, carry it in your arms, sing songs, tell tales, give toys to bed, take them to bed.
For children of the second half of the year, the walk is not only a health remedy, but also has a great educational value. While walking the child gets a lot of different impressions, shows interest in everything around him. A child who is able to walk, during a walk, encounters various obstacles, overcoming of which contributes to the development of dexterity, ingenuity, courage.
In winter, you need to take a sled or shovel for a walk; summer buckets, sandboxes, baskets, owls.
It is important to properly dress the child for a walk. In cold weather, clothing should be light, but warm and comfortable, so as not to hamper its movement.
Playing in a child’s life is a means of developing and knowing life. The main movements are formed in the game - grabbing, crawling, sitting, rising, walking, climbing. At the same time, the game contributes to the development of speech, attention, observation, memory, the development of certain norms of behavior. The game lays the foundation for the future character.
The toys that a child should see after the 1st month of life are important. The nature of the toys varies with age. A child from 2–3 months old should hang a large, bright and shiny toy above the bed at a height of 50-75 cm. A child older than 3 months. You should give a smaller toy and hang it so that it can grab it and hold it (rattles with rounded handles, etc.). From 9-10 months The child should be shown how to string the rings on a stick, roll the ball, open and close the box, and then give these items to the child for independent play.
At the 2nd year of a child's life, they begin to feel the need to play with other children and imitate them. Children of this age need light washable toys, as well as bright, simple content pictures for viewing.
The game for the child in the 3rd year should be more diverse and complex (drawing, modeling, playing with sand, water, building and construction of small and large building material, clothes for dolls, dishes, furniture, split images).
At this age, it is necessary to teach the child to be careful and respectful of toys.
The acquisition of skills is of great importance for the health of the child and they must be developed from an early age.
When from 5-6 months they begin to lure the child, then it is necessary to feed him with a spoon and wear a breastplate. From 7-8 months you should teach him to drink from a cup, and from 8-9 months. - independently use a spoon.
With age, other skills are raised and fixed in the child (wash hands before eating, do not leave the table with a piece of bread, be able to use a napkin, a handkerchief).
It should teach the child to tidy clothes. By the 3rd year, when you undress, you can teach your children to fold clothes and shoes into place and even hang them on a hanger.
Special attention should be paid to oral care.
Hygiene skills that are taught to preschoolers should be systematically reinforced in school-age children.
The ability of nerve cells to be active in children is very insignificant.
In addition, the nervous processes can not concentrate only in certain centers, but spread throughout the cerebral cortex. The consequence of this condition is rapid fatigue of the nervous system.
For the normal development of the nervous system and the prevention of early or severe fatigue during wakefulness, the correct organization of their mode of life is of paramount importance.
The correct mode is a rational duration and a clear alternation of various activities and recreation of children during the day.
The regime should provide for sufficient time for all the necessary elements of the child’s life (sleep, walks, activities, etc.).
Strict observance of the daily regimen contributes to the formation of strong conditioned reflexes (connections) in children, facilitating the transition from one activity to another.
The organism of the child in each separate period of time is, as it were, prepared for the kind of activity that he has to do, to perform, as a result, all the processes (food digestion, falling asleep, awakening, etc.) - proceed faster and with less energy.
The correct regime disciplines children, improves their appetite, sleep, performance, contributes to the normal physical development and health promotion.
To ensure the correct mode in preschool, children are divided into groups. And there are 7 such groups in nursery gardens.
Each group has its own daily routine, taking into account the characteristics of children of this age.
With round-the-clock stay of children in d-gardens, the rise is at 6.30 (7.30). Before breakfast, children wash, perform tempering procedures, do gymnastics and dress.
In day care kindergartens, a mandatory professional examination of children is added.
The total daily duration of sleep and its frequency during the daytime with children’s age decreases, and the waking time increases.
The frequency of food intake also changes. Children of the first months of life receive 7 meals a day, from 2.5–3 months. up to 5-6 months - 6 times, from 6 months. up to 9-10 months - 5 times, from 9 months. up to 1 year - 5-4 times, from a year, 7 years - 4 times.
Up to 1.5 years, daytime sleep is repeated several times, it precedes feeding;
After 1.5 years, when the waking time increases to 5-6 hours, they sleep 1 time during the day and after lunch.
During wakefulness, children are given games and activities.
With children up to 1.5 years old, they do not walk in the winter, because in a large children's team the organization is very difficult. And the need for fresh air is provided during sleep on open verandas or in bedrooms with open transoms.
Children older than 1.5 years walk at certain hours for 4-5 hours (after games, after breakfast and after snacks).
In children older than 3 years, in addition to games and walks, there is still self-service, duty on the canteen, to work in a corner of nature, to fulfill work assignments.
Sleep in bed at 20-20.45 depending on age.
Children who have suffered serious illnesses, as well as those suffering from chronic diseases, should be laid down earlier and later raised to the others, their walks in the fresh air should be extended, and the duration of classes should be limited. In some cases, these children should be assigned additional nutrition.
In institutions of the sanatorium type, such a regime applies to all children.
In the warm season it is recommended to increase the stay of children in the fresh air due to the many activities on the site. During this period, the nighttime sleep of children is somewhat shortened, and the daytime sleep is extended accordingly. Duration and nature of classes varies.
For many children, the transition from home to pre-school is quite difficult for many children, because the familiar home environment changes to kindergarten mode.
A large accumulation of children in kindergartens increases the possibility of their infection and leads to more rapid fatigue than in family conditions.
It is noted that children get sick more often during the period of adaptation to the d. there is a breaking home stereotype.
Preparing a child for enrollment in a preschool institution must be versatile.
First, the child must be healthy. Secondly, even before the child enters kindergarten (in the team), his home regime should be as close as possible to the pre-school institution.
To eliminate habits such as motion sickness, sucking a pacifier, etc. After vaccination, the child can be sent to a preschool not earlier than a month, and in case of illness - after complete recovery.
In the group where the child will go, the children know in advance about this, it is necessary to determine what to feed, where to put it.
If the child enters the older group, the caregiver will discuss with the children a little earlier how to meet and give what they want in order to bring about a friendly attitude towards the newcomer. All new entrants are surrounded by attention, affection, care.
It is unacceptable to take into the group many new guys at once. They should be no more than 3 per week and reception is organized on different days of the week.
Even before the child enters the group, the teacher must find out the peculiarities of his upbringing in the family: home mode, feeding methods, laying the day of sleep, how does the child fall asleep? Asleep What is his appetite? How wakefulness is organized. His favorite toys or activities, favorite dishes, individual characteristics and established habits. And during the adaptation period, all this is preserved whenever possible.
It is impossible to force-feed or put to sleep, so as not to cause a negative attitude to the environment, to prevent the development (formation) of a defensive-defensive reaction. Temporary preservation of home habits will help the child more easily adapt to new conditions.
The first days the child in kindergarten should be no more than 3 hours.
Gradually within 3 weeks the child gets used to this regimen for 10-12 hours.
In the first days it is impossible to carry out any injuries - injections, cut hair, nails. All this must be done before entering it in the garden.
During the adaptation period, the caregiver closely observes the child. And if he has pronounced violations of the emotional state, then for 2-3 days you can give the child home. Children with a slight reddening of the pharynx or moderate nasal discharge can also be sent home, as this indicates the onset of activation of the bacterial or viral flora, which can lead to the development of an acute respiratory disease.
The child adapts more quickly if the home supports parenting techniques used in preschool.
Children at an early age harder to get used to changes in living conditions, and therefore should not allow frequent changes of staff and unjustified transfer of children from one group


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Human physiology, hygiene and age physiology

Terms: Human physiology, hygiene and age physiology