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7 Age features and hygiene of the digestive system and excretion


1. The value of digestion.
2. The digestive system.
3. Vitamins and their value.
4. Age characteristics of the digestive system.
5. Food Hygiene.
6. The value of the excretory system.
7. Functions and structure of the kidneys.
8. Urine formation.
9. Age features and hygiene of the urinary system.

For the normal functioning of the body, its growth and development requires a regular flow of food containing complex organic substances (proteins, carbohydrate fats), mineral salts, vitamins and water.
Digestion refers to the process of physical and chemical processing of food and its transformation into simpler and more soluble compounds that can be absorbed, carried by blood, absorbed by the body.
In the digestive tract, as a result of chemical treatment, proteins are broken down to amino acids, fats to glycerol and fatty acids, carbohydrates (polysaccharides) to monosaccharides. In each of the sections of the digestive system, specialized food processing operations take place, associated with the presence of specific enzymes in each of them.
The digestive system consists of the digestive canal and glands associated with it anatomically and functionally. The entire digestive canal is divided into sections: the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines.
Metabolism and energy - the basis of the body's vital processes. Metabolism is a characteristic feature of all living things. Without metabolism, life is impossible. In the human body, its organs, tissues, cells are continuously formed, destroyed, renewed cellular structures and various complex chemical compounds.
The value of the organs of excretion
The organs of excretion play an important role in maintaining the constancy of the internal environment; they remove metabolic products from the body that cannot be used, excess water and salts.
The lungs, intestines, skin and kidneys are involved in excretion processes. Lungs remove carbon dioxide, air vapor, volatile substances from the body. Salts of heavy metals, excess of absorbed nutrients are removed from the intestines. The sweat glands of the skin excrete water, salts, organic matter.

The main role in the excretory processes of the kidneys, which remove water, salt, ammonia, urea, and uric acid from the body. Through the kidneys are removed some toxic substances formed in the body or taken in the form of drugs.
The kidneys support a certain constant blood reaction.
The kidneys are shaped like a bean; outer edge of the kidney is convex, inner concave. The mass of the kidneys 120g. On the concave inner edge of the kidney there is a deep notch. This is the gate kidney. This includes the renal artery, and there is a renal vein and ureter.
The kidneys receive more blood than any other organ, and urine is formed from the substances brought by the blood.
Structural and functional unit is almost, the body of the kidney - the nephron.


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Human physiology, hygiene and age physiology

Terms: Human physiology, hygiene and age physiology