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Transpersonal psychotherapy



1 Conditions for the occurrence of transpersonal psychotherapy.

2 General characteristics and main directions in transpersonal psychotherapy.

3 Holotropic psychotherapy S. Grof.

Humanistic psychology as a condition for the formation of the transpersonal direction. The emergence of associations of transpersonal psychotherapy (Maslow, Suitch, Watson, Murphy, Grof, Tart, Crippner). The prototypes of the transpersonal approach in the works of W, James, C. Jung, R. Assagioli.

Studies of ethnographers and orientalists (Eliade, Campbell).

Social and political situation of the 60s - 70s. The peak of the counterculture: psychedelic revolution, music, hippie movement, interest in Eastern philosophy.

Transpersonal psychotherapy is an approach based on the empirical experience of non-traditional and esoteric teachings exploring the phenomena of an altered state of consciousness ("mystical" experience, cosmic consciousness, ecstasy, meditative state), as well as theoretical ideas of Western psychotherapy.

The main directions of transpersonal psychotherapy are: holotropic therapy of S.Grofa, rebirthing, procedural psychotherapy A. Mindell, S. Crippner's approach, meditative psychotherapy.

The subject of transpersonal psychology is the psychological dimensions of religious and mystical experience, the substantiation of the psychological foundations of the spiritual and religious traditions of world experience.

Holotropic therapy.

HOLIUS - seeking integrity.

Two states of consciousness: chylotropic (everyday) and holotropic (holistic).

According to Grof, the structure of the unconscious is not exhausted only by the biographical level, but includes the perinatal level (the history of the birth of a person), as well as the transpersonal level itself, non-individual, the content of which is determined by all human culture and history.

The concept of a symptom and the condition of working with him.

Mapping of altered states of consciousness.

Principles of holotropic therapy.

Recognition of the therapeutic, transforming, and evolutionary possibilities of unusual states of consciousness.

The task of the therapist is to support the process of the client living his experience with full confidence in his healing nature, without trying to change it.

Elements of holotropic therapy: breath management, music, modern sound technologies, body-oriented work, drawing mandalas.

The main stages of therapy:

Discussion with the patient of transpersonal phenomena and their importance in his life.

The use of techniques that provide an altered state of consciousness.

Awareness of the problems on the basis of transpersonal experience and the choice of new behavioral patterns.

Opportunities and limitations of transpersonal psychotherapy.


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