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Logotherapy V. Frankl



  1. The main provisions of existential psychotherapy V.Frankla
  2. The concept of normal and pathological personality development
  3. Principles and methods of psychotherapy

1 . The main provisions.


1. human way of being

2. The meaning of existence, the desire for meaning

3.Freedom of will, ability to self-alienation

4. nological measurement

Striving for meaning is fundamental motivation. People need something worth living for. The difference between meaning and being ..

Consciousness. The purpose of logotherapy is the awareness of your spiritual self.

The spiritual unconscious is a personal spiritual core, an integrating center. Consciousness: "logo is deeper than logic." Freedom “from” and freedom “for”, self-transcendence of consciousness. Religious subconscious- "unconscious God." Direct experience of existential religiosity.

The meaning of life and death. Responsibility concept

Self-transcendence is the desire to go beyond oneself to realize meaning and love. Types of protection: hyperreflexia (self-digging), hyperintention (excessive desire for pleasure).

Sources of meaning: 1) give something to life (values ​​of creativity), 2) take something from life (values ​​of experience) 3) take a certain attitude towards destiny that cannot be changed (meaning of suffering).

The meaning of the work. Meaning in love. The meaning of suffering (the tragic triad is pain, guilt and death). Meaning in the past. Overthought (meaning of faith).

Existential vacuum - experiencing emptiness and abyss. Existential frustration (apathy and boredom).

2. Noogenic neurosis - neurosis, which is based on a spiritual problem and ethical conflict, when the desire for meaning is frustrated.

Mass neurotic triad: depression, drug addiction and aggression. Maintaining an existential vacuum: the suppression of spirituality, the avoidance of responsibility, the destruction of traditions and values, reductionism, insufficient self-transcendence, the neurotization of humanity.

3. The purpose of psychotherapy : assistance in finding the meaning of life.

Objectives: reorient clients to solve existential tasks, help in finding meaning, turning the spiritual unconscious into conscious, transcending through creativity, experiences and relationships, eliminating existential frustration.

Methods: humane relations, diagnostics (existential despair), deepening awareness, explanation, maxim suggestion, using comparisons, focusing on searching for meaning, listening to the voice of your consciousness, increasing the number of sources of meaning, societal dialogue, “logodrama”, suggesting meaning, analyzing dreams.

Logotherapy with psychogenic neurosis. Paradoxical intention is the deliberate implementation of what the client is afraid of. The development of a sense of humor.

Dereflection - reorientation from anxiety to the solution of an accessible task.


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