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Body Psychotherapy


Some forms of influence through the body on the psyche, which can be conventionally attributed to bodily therapy, have existed since time immemorial. Remember the proverb "In a healthy tele-healthy spirit!" Similar statements exist in the folklore and literature of different nations, so it is unlikely that anyone will challenge them.

However, recognizing the unity of the mental and physical in a person, we in the field of modern psychotherapy are more likely to meet only with a unidirectional influence through the psyche on soma-tika. This is certainly an important way to be effectively used for the prevention and treatment of many psychosomatic disorders and diseases. However, the way back (impact through somatic on the psyche) is not used as widely and effectively as we would like.

To some extent, we are faced with this in various techniques of psychoregulation, psychophysical training, and auto-training. We find these methods in the treasury of ancient Tibetan medicine, the system of yogis, ayurveda, etc. There is a complex interaction: a combination of physical exercises, special postures and types of breathing with a certain spiritual and mental work and focus on various internal and external objects.

Johannes Schulz, in his auto-training, uses, in terms of IP Pavlov, the effect of the conditioned reflex effect of the word with the actualization of muscular sensations (relaxation, warmth, heaviness, etc.).

The most active path of influence through somatics on the regulation of mental states is traced in the progressive (more correctly, although less often, “progressive”) muscular relaxation according to E. Jackobson (in translations from English; he is Jacobson in translations from German). Jacobson was able to identify patterns of tension and relaxation of individual muscle groups and segments in strict accordance with certain mental states. Therefore, according to the feedback mechanism, he decided (and many years of experience shows the correctness of this decision) to purposefully correct the client’s mental states with local tension and relaxation of specific muscles.

There are several more or less successful modifications of this approach by adding elements of physical therapy, various types of massage, etc. However , Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) is considered to be the official ancestor of that psychotherapeutic direction, which became widespread under the name of body therapy .

The key concepts of bodily therapy by V. Reich were “orgon energy” and “muscular armor”, which prevents the release of this energy.

V. Reich, who was considered (and considered himself to be a student of Freud), came to the conclusion that the treatment of neuroses and the solution of many psychological problems of clients can occur much faster and without such a deep insight into the psyche, as is done in classical psychoanalysis. Reich believed that to do this, it was enough to remove the muscular armor of inadequate tension from a person and thereby release the energy associated with them, which is still under the "shell" and has no direct output, does destructive work in the form of education and aggravation of neuroses and other psychological problems. A clearer (and wider) awareness by the person of bodily sensations already gives a therapeutic effect, removing many neurotic states and problems.

Reich singled out the following main areas of muscular arm formation: these are (in descending order) the eye, mouth, neck, chest, diaphragm, abdomen, and pelvis areas. In accordance with the concept of physical therapy, the so-called orgone energy fluctuates (moves) along the body parallel to the spine, sometimes down and up, and the rings of the muscular armor are formed perpendicular to this movement and interfere with it with their clamps. The elimination of these clips, their relaxation contributes to the attainment by a person of comfort and satisfaction, including sexual.

Reich offers the following basic ways to relax the rings of muscular shell:

- with the help of deep breathing, which contributes to the accumulation of orgon energy in the body;

-the relaxation of chronic "clips" (rings of muscular armor) with the help of physical effects, various elements of massage;

- a joint analysis with the client that helps him to understand the basic ideas of physical therapy in relation to his particular case, that is, the relationship of the mental states of concern to him with the voltage of specific muscle segments and the need to eliminate these clamps.

Here are some classic examples of the use of muscle shell removal techniques.

Eye area

Typical signs of muscular armor in the eye area are: the immobility of the muscles of the forehead and the empty (inanimate) expression of the eyes (like a student who stares out of the window or even at the teacher and thinks of his own).

To eliminate this clamp, the client is asked to repeatedly include the muscles of the forehead and eyelids by opening the eyes as wide as possible, as if you want to exaggerate fear in an exaggerated way. Then repeated and more and more natural and free eye movements from side to side are practiced.

Mouth area

This area of ​​the muscular armor, which, according to Freudian psychoanalytic terminology, Reich called the oral segment, consists of the muscles of the chin, throat and neck.

A sign of inadequate (signaling a certain disadvantage) of the state of this segment are the muscles of the jaw (for which it is easier to observe). They can be either too tense or, on the contrary, too relaxed. Both signs indicate the inadequacy of the state of the muscular region of the oral sector.

It is believed that this area of ​​the muscular armor contains such expressions of emotion, such as anger, cry, crying, biting, sucking, grimacing, etc., “encoded” in an inadequate muscular state.

Exercises such as imitation of crying, biting and even gagging movements, repeated pronouncing of sounds that cause lips to tighten and relax are applied to release from this muscle clip or paradoxical relaxation (and therefore their corresponding emotions).

To this is added the direct physical impact on these muscles in the form of various elements of cosmetic massage, crushing, pinching and stretching.

Neck area

The neck area includes the deep muscles of the neck, as well as the tongue. It is believed that the muscular armor of this area suppresses (contains in itself in a coded state) such emotional manifestations as crying, screaming, anger, etc.

Since the physical impact of the type of massage on the deep muscles of the neck is almost impossible, in the form of physical therapy exercises, imitation of emetic movement is used here, various maximum natural and spontaneous cries, moans and other usually restrained emotional expressions.

According to physical therapy, such exercises contribute to the relaxation of the muscles of this segment and, accordingly, the elimination or significant reduction of those emotional states that are “coded” in them.

Chest area

This area includes the muscles of the chest, shoulders, shoulder blades, hands, up to the hands. It is believed that this area of ​​the muscular armor holds the external manifestation, and hence the discharge of such emotions as passion (although this is too broad a concept. -A. R.), laughter, anger, sadness, etc.

Since one of the outward signs of muscle armor in this area and the suppression of the corresponding emotions are various types of breath containment, the work on removing this clamp begins with breathing exercises with an emphasis on maximum relaxation of the muscles of this segment during a full expiration.

Then active movements of hands and arms are connected with imitation of well-aimed blows, with a task, without restraining your emotions, making active movements, as if you are beating someone, choking, tearing something apart.

Aperture area

This area of ​​the muscular armor includes the muscles of the diaphragm, the solar plexus area, internal organs, and the muscles of the lower vertebrae.

It is believed that a characteristic feature of the presence of a muscular armor in this area (that is, unconscious protective tension) is forward bending of the spine, which is clearly visible when the client lies on his back on the couch and there is a clearly defined gap between his back and the couch.

Another sign of a clamp in this area is customer testimony that exhalation is more difficult than inhalation.

Reich argued that the muscular armor in this area holds (and, accordingly, accumulates) a manifestation of strong anger.

As exercises to eliminate the clamps of this segment, various above-mentioned types of targeted relaxation, massage, etc. are first used. for release from the shell of the first four main areas of localization of the muscular shell: eyes, mouth, neck, chest.

And only after that (from top to bottom, and then to the depths) go to work on the shell, restraining the relaxation of the muscles of the diaphragm and the discharge of unreacted emotions encoded in this shell.

This is done by painstaking and often lengthy work on special breathing exercises and imitation of the gag reflex. (The practice of physical therapy shows that clients with strong muscular armor in the area of ​​the diaphragm in most cases can not cause real vomiting, even if it is necessary, for example, in case of poisoning.)

Abdomen area

This area, typical for the formation of muscular armor, consists mainly of the wide abdominal muscles and the back muscles. It is believed that the shell (clamps) of the lumbar muscles holds (but does not eliminate) the manifestation of fear. And not fear at all, but fear of attack, both direct physical and indirect: psychological, encroachment on rights, personal freedom, property, etc.

(Of course, here, as in the discussion of emotions held back by different areas of the muscular armor, Reich, as a psychoanalyst, has in mind mainly emotions unaware by the client, although in my opinion combinations of "partially conscious - partially unconscious" are possible. - A. R. )

According to "body psychotherapists," muscular armor on the lateral muscles of the waist is associated with the suppression of anger, hostility, and ... "fear of tickling." Practice shows that the elimination of clamps in the abdominal muscles does not take a long time, provided that the work has already been done to release the shell (from top to bottom) in all previous areas of accumulation of mental and muscle tension.

Pelvic area

The last of the main areas identified by Reich for the formation of muscular armor is that of the pelvic muscles. Typically, this shell captures the muscles of the lower limbs at the same time.

An indicator of the strength of the muscular armor in this area is considered to be some protrusion of the pelvis back, which is the greater, the stronger the muscle clamps.

In these cases, as a rule, there is a certain pain and tension in the gluteal muscles. In the words of Reich, such a pelvis is “rigid (not susceptible to the natural dynamics of muscle tone variations. - A. R. ),“ dead ”and non-sexual.”

It is believed that the muscular armor in the pelvic region characterizes (and in turn strengthens) the suppression of natural tendencies, the need for pleasure and the spontaneous expression of anger.

Although inconsistent, but in essence a Freudian psychoanalyst, Reich proceeded from the fact that the muscular armor always arises from excitement or anxiety caused by the suppression of the desire for sexual pleasure.

It follows from this approach that the release from oppression of the impossibility of satisfying this basic (according to Freud) instinct can be accomplished by deliberately relieving anger and other strong but restrained emotions in the pelvic region by completely relaxing the stiffened muscles (or at the same time).

Physically, the procedure for such a discharge looks rather primitive, but, according to the body therapy practitioners and their clients, it often brings a quick and necessary effect.

This exercise, aimed at complete relaxation of the pelvic muscles, is that the client, lying on the couch, repeatedly stretches the muscles of the pelvis, and then sharply relaxes them, violently kicking and kicking the couch.

“Body psychotherapists” and many of their clients argue that as they gain the skills of liberation from previously unconscious bodily stresses, and then complete liberation from muscle armor, people not only have a feeling of internal emancipation and freedom, but their sense of principle changes as well and their whole life style.

The previously enslaved energy is released for its beneficial or enjoyable use, awakening dormant abilities and expanding the range of vital interests. People stop deceiving themselves about their true feelings and emotions and begin to live a real life with its deep and sincere natural experiences and their manifestations, which is a sign of their mental recovery.

Some other areas of physical therapy

The ideas and methods of Reich, despite their controversial (and largely due to its difficult scandalous and demonstrative nature), after numerous attacks, serious and frivolous criticism and ridicule, gave rise to a number of quite interesting directions of development. This development continues at the present time.

Among the most famous modern (or at least “post-raikha”) areas of bodily psychotherapy include:

- Alexander Lowen's bio-energetic body therapy;

- Feldenkrais method;

- Alexander method;

-rolfing (or structural integration);

- Arthur Yanov's primary therapy;

- therapy focused on "sensory awareness";

- Eastern methods of physical psychotherapy.

Almost each of these areas and techniques is used not only individually, but also in the so-called group body psychotherapy, which is becoming increasingly popular.

In a certain sense, many elements of hatha yoga, tai chi chuan, aikido and other eastern practically oriented teachings and schools can be referred to methods of physical psychotherapy.

Bioenergy Therapy by Alexander Lowen

The main elements of this type of therapy:

- various types of breathing (mostly deep);

- special static poses with the general and local stress of various muscular groups of the body for determining and realizing the places of the clamps of energy flows, as well as for the subsequent weakening and removal of the muscular armor;

- specially selected verbal formulas, which, after conditioned-reflex fixation, can significantly enhance the effect of physical effects when relaxing specific muscle groups and releasing energy.

Feldenkrais Method

The essence of this method lies in the consistent awareness of ineffective physical habits, the definition of inadequately strained muscle groups and excessive static or dynamic efforts while standing, household and professional movements.

Then follow the exercises on the release of these muscle groups from static chronic tension (muscle shell) and minimizing dynamic efforts to the level necessary for the effective implementation of the desired movements. (Essentially, this is close to the idea of ​​active relaxation (AR), although AR is understood, of course, much broader and more complex.) This method allows you to modify or form the best "body habits" (postures and skills), restore natural freedom, coordination and beauty of movements. , expand self-awareness and develop their capabilities, increase self-confidence and self-esteem.

Alexander method

This method is also aimed at identifying insufficiently effective habitual postures and their improvement, which helps to restore and improve the natural, most economical and cost effective neuromuscular energy.

As a result of appropriate exercises, the client has a feeling of the so-called “kinesthetic ease” —freedom and tensionlessness, which gradually (through exercises and positive reinforcement of each success) extends to all his other, everyday and professional, motor actions.


This method gets its name from the name of its author - Ida Rolf. She characterizes it as structural integration.

From a technical point of view, this method is based on a deep massage, which is carried out not only with the fingers, but also the joints of the fingers and even the elbows in order to work out the muscles and joints as deeply as possible, which, according to the therapist, need to be corrected (“straightening” and liberating muscle clamps). But this part, despite the importance and necessary qualification of its implementation, plays, according to I.Rolf, an auxiliary role.

Через формирование «правильного» тела и осознание этой «правильности» клиентом у него формируется и «правильный» психологический образ себя самого, что помогает освобождению от комплексов, осознанию и раскрытию истинного собственного Я , высвобождению и наиболее эффективному использованию ранее закрепощенной энергии на пути самореализации.

Первичная терапия Артура Янова

Сущность метода состоит в «организации» переживания клиентом так называемой первичной боли, которая, по утверждению А. Янова, заложена в каждом человеке, главным образом, психотравмами на этапе раннего детства (здесь он близок к З.Фрейду), но вытеснена настолько глубоко в подсознание, что не осознается «в чистом виде», а проявляет себя в виде различных неврозов, фрустраций и неадекватных поведенческих реакций.

Специалисты считают, что основными авторскими достижениями А. Янова являются разработанные и усовершенствованные им и его последователями методики, позволяющие достаточно эффективно концентрировать внимание и усилия клиента на восстановлении (перевод из подсознания в сознание), а затем и имитационном воспроизведении ранних детских психотравмирующих воспоминаний.

Эти воспоминания часто оказываются чрезвычайно трудны и болезненны для их осознания и воспроизведения, однако, по мнению психотерапевтов этой школы (и вполне в соответствии со взглядами З.Фрейда), являются необходимым условием освобождения от «первичной боли» и порожденных ею неврозов и психологических проблем.

Чтобы дать выход заблокированной энергии скрытого эмоционального напряжения, клиенту помогают преодолеть смущение и с максимальной интенсивностью осуществлять спонтанную разрядку эмоций в виде криков, ругательств, импульсивных агрессивных (безопасных для других и самого клиента) движений.

Терапия, ориентированная на чувственное осознание

Цель этого вида терапии - помочь клиенту осознать (сначала последовательно, а затем и одновременно комплексно) свои телесные ощущения и чувства (эмоции, потребности, желания, ожидания). Считается, что это поможет восстановить не только в памяти, но и в ощущениях свое истинное Я , свои врожденные задатки и способности, которые оказались нереализованными, так как были подавлены формализованной (недостаточно индивидуализированной) системой воспитания и обучения.

Упражнения данного метода состоят в оказании помощи клиенту научиться отличать свои собственные чувства и ощущения от навязанных ему на жизненном пути шаблонов и штампов.

Упражнения широко используют элементы медитации, которые помогают освободить сознание от суеты и зацикленности, мешающих самоосознанию (и соответственно - самореализации) своего истинного Я .

При правильном систематическом повторении медитативных упражнений возникает и стабилизируется чувство внутреннего покоя, снижается излишняя психо-мышечная напряженность, возникает ощущение единства и гармонии с окружающим миром, лучше осознаются свои истинные (а не «зашлакированные» суетой) самоощущения, чувства и желания.

За счет разблокирования одновременно хронически зажатых мышечных сегментов и ненужных барьеров сознания высвобождается энергия. Эта энергия в дальнейшем может быть направлена на более эффективную самореализацию или на прекращение скрытого разрушительного действия на психику и соматику клиента.

Восточные методы и элементы телесной терапии

Разумеется, речь идет лишь об отдельных элементах техники из восточной телесной терапии, так как углубленное изучение восточных методов психотерапии требует специального рассмотрения в непрерывном единстве с философией Востока.

Некоторые восточные методы и техники психофизического совершенствования имеют двойную связь с телесной психотерапией. С одной стороны, они сами или по крайней мере многие их элементы могут рассматриваться как виды телесной терапии. С другой стороны, различные западные направления телесной терапии в настоящее время используют различные элементы восточных практических учений, гимнастики и единоборств.

В целом надо сказать, что во взаимосвязи восточных методов и традиционной телесной терапии множество различных комбинаций, уже «отлаженных» техник, здесь заложено богатство перспектив использования.

Для тех, кто хотел бы более глубоко вникнуть в эту проблематику, отметим основные, на наш взгляд, направления.


Хатха-йога - одно из наиболее распространенных на Западе направлений (а точнее - частей) системы йогов. Это направление акцентирует внимание на очищении путем принятия и удержания специальных поз (асан). Согласно хатхе-йоге это приводит к высвобождению закрепощенных в организме различных видов жизненной энергии. Основная цель упражнений - очищение и усиление тела как носителя различных витальных энергий.


Если хатха-йога направлена на высвобождение энергии, то тай-цзи-цуань способствует повышению энергетического потенциала (ци). Если в хатхе-йоге преобладают статические позы, то в тай-цзи-цуань используются традиционные медленные движения, напоминающие плавание в воздухе.

Естественно, предполагается комбинация элементов и упражнений этих двух школ, что и делается рядом западных «телесных терапевтов», которые в отличие от восточных учителей обычно являются приверженцами какого-то одного стиля и не обязаны отстаивать преимущество своей школы перед другой.


Это древнее практическое учение стало в настоящее время популярно не только на Востоке, но и на Западе. Во всем мире распространены и распространяются многочисленные секции айки-до, главным образом как вида спорта и самообороны.

К сожалению, это поистине глубокое древнее учение (а по мнению многих - и искусство) таким подходом упрощается до набора физических упражнений и приемов (впрочем, так же как хатха-йога, карате и др.), тогда как в истинном айкидо физические упражнения решают вспомогательную задачу духовного совершенствования, гармонизации отношений человека с самим собой (снятие внутренних противоречий), с другими и со всей Вселенной.

Реже в западном обществе (в отличие от Востока) элементы айкидо используются как лечебная и оздоровительная физическая культура, которой могут успешно заниматься лица разного возраста и состояния здоровья, используя оптимальные для каждого виды движений и уровень их интенсивности. Но в таком случае возможности духовного совершенствования, а значит и психотерапевтического воздействия, используются крайне неэффективно.

Чтобы эффективно использовать возможности айкидо, надо осознавать, что это прежде всего духовное направление, предполагающее гармонию духа и тела. Айкидо - это словосочетание, ставшее единым словом, но сохранившее смысл составляющих его частей: aй, ки, до.

Ай переводится как единство (гармония).

Ки - жизненная энергия.

До - путь достижения этого единства со Вселенной, раскрытия и повышения жизненной энергии.

При телесной терапии здесь так же, как и в тай-цзи-цуань, применяются плавные текучие движения, которые способствуют перетеканию и высвобождению энергии и слиянию с окружающим миром. Резкие движения рвут эту целостность и гармонию.

Упражнения айкидо проводятся как индивидуально, так и с партнерами. При этом для стиля айкидо (как единоборства) характерно не сопротивление, а использование инерции собственного движения соперника против него же самого (что напоминает большинство приемов дзю-до).

В лечебно-оздоровительной гимнастике айкидо с партнером также используется принцип несопротивления, но уже не для победы над противником, а для гармонизации, слияния усилий партнеров, отчего (по айкидо) возрастает энергетический потенциал каждого.

created: 2014-10-23
updated: 2024-11-13

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