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Pathogenetic psychotherapy V.N. Myasishchev


1. Basic concepts: attitudes, beliefs .

Relationships are a conscious, selective, experiential, psychologic link of a person with various aspects of reality, expressed in his actions, reactions and experiences.

Types of relationships. Parties to the relationship:

1. Needs - the volitional tendency of the individual to master the object.

2. Emotional attitude - the area of ​​feelings (emotional reactions, states and the relationship itself).

Relatively independent relationships - interests, assessments, beliefs.

Personality theory. Personality as a system of relations to the surrounding reality. The main thing is attitude towards people.

4 components of personality characteristics:

1. Dominant relationships - problems of the meaning of life, goals, relationships, happiness.

2. Mental level - the problem of experience, the level of consciousness and self-awareness, functionality, intellectual, volitional and emotional properties.

3. Dynamics of personality reactions - temperament.

4. The relationship or structure of the personality - proportionality, harmony, integrity of the personality, its functional profile.

Conditions of personal development.

2. The concept of neurosis.

Neurosis is a functional psychogenic disorder arising from the harsh experiences of a person related to the conditions of his life.

Main questions:

What experiences are pathogenic?

Experiences are pathogenic if they occupy a central or significant place in the system of relationships.

Under what conditions do experiences become pathogenic?

Conflict conditions: contradictions between needs and capabilities, purpose and its achievement. Neurosis occurs when contradiction is not resolved.

When does a painful condition occur?

Pathogenicity arises from the inability to rationally (productively) overcome difficulties or abandon impracticable aspirations.

What is the neurophysiological nature of the disease?

Neurosis is characterized by an increase in affective tension, impaired mental processing of both higher psychosocial and elementary physiological reactions.

Types of neurotic conflicts.

Neurasthenic conflict.



Mixed type.

3. The concept of psychotherapy

This is a type of rational therapy.

Tasks. Achieving therapeutic relationships in three areas: cognitive, emotional and behavioral.

Leading method - the method of restructuring relations.

Detailed clarification of biographical data, a comparison of life events with the nature of neurotic reactions.

Establishing deep positive patient contact.

Correction of the concept of the disease, explanations, beliefs, information.

Assistance in the patient's intensive work on changes in his inner world.

Consolidation by the patient of new ways of experiencing and behavior.

At all stages, 2 processes are carried out - awareness and reconstruction of the system of relations.

The main task is to help the patient realize that the neurosis was caused not only by the circumstances of life, but by an internal conflict, which is based on inadequate relationships.

4. Group psychotherapy

The goal is the correction of a disturbed system of relationships, inadequate reactions and forms of behavior through the directional influence of the psychotherapeutic group on the main components of personality relations.

Mechanisms of therapeutic effects of the group.

Correcting emotional experience.



created: 2017-06-28
updated: 2024-11-14

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