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7.3 Test and Acceptance


After the equipment is installed, the application and configuration programs are loaded, including the database for the station instance being set up. Then complete testing of the station is performed in accordance with the accepted test procedure. Acceptance is done using standard software.

Network integration

Next, the station is integrated into the network. This is the last stage before commissioning the station. This term is understood as a serial connection to the station and verification of subscriber and connecting lines, their testing with the introduction of relevant changes in the database.

Verification and assurance of quality indicators

Quality assurance is guaranteed by periodic checks, automatic registration of the fact of the check and its results.

Are checked:

  • controls and diagnostics (their modernity and compliance of the measured indicators of the current version with the quality system);
  • quality check procedures;
  • check the quality of the equipment.

Man-machine language

The human-machine language is used for administration, maintenance and operation. With its help, the staff receives information about the state of the station, the state of the transmission and reception lines of information and alarm lines. The system also reports damage information and diagnostic results. The language also has standards for formats and sequences of communication commands. Currently, most stations are supplied with a menu-based communication system, while the classic formats defined by ITU are not always respected. Therefore, we give only information about the main teams.

Rules of communication should be issued in the documentation for each station. When interacting with the human-machine communication system, it is necessary to distinguish the initial state, the state of the first interaction (user’s contact with the system) and the state of subsequent interactions.

At the first contact of the user with the system, the system data, passwords and other information necessary for performing maintenance operations of the station are entered.

In this case, the command system includes database generation commands (for example, about the composition of the equipment, installed racks, printed circuit boards, about the existing external environment). We also need a command to delete data entered earlier in the configuration process or due to an error during the initial access, as well as information about the system configuration, remote service objects, configuration of the OKS network No. 7, etc., and select access commands in which passwords are assigned access for administration as a whole or by groups of equipment.

For further interaction (not the primary contact of the user with the system), the following commands are entered:

  • on establishing test compounds;
  • lock-unlock, introduction to the maintenance of equipment or group (for example, directions);
  • on load measurement (installation and removal of load control);
  • connection traces;
  • query data on the status of connecting lines and channels, coding of routes);
  • activation of damage levels of the station, starting the process and stopping the running processes.

All commands must be checked for syntactic and semantic correspondence. The following messages may be generated:

  • o incorrect command (no command; no data contained in the command; the system already exists; the command is incorrect due to the fact that it does not comply with the restrictions entered);
  • incorrect syntax (there is no corresponding equipment for the operation contained in the command).

The list of commands should also contain:

  • help commands that depend on the text displayed on the display, as well as a general command (Help or Help);
  • a request to repeat the previous command or series of commands, a command to finish work at any of the stages of service;
  • commands that indicate a sequence of related actions or call information about objects involved in a connection (sets, switching devices, and other devices serving this connection).

Functions of some test devices

Verification device subscriber and connecting lines

This device should provide the connection of measuring devices to the subscriber line. In this case, there are two ways of such a connection.

One way has already been considered when describing the BORSHT subscriber kit. Testing function is provided for connection, and the subscriber set contains contacts that provide connection of a test device, i.e., a device that performs not only verification of compliance with normal conditions, but can also perform testing under extreme conditions (imitation of the maximum line length, maximum variation of parameters power supplies, etc.).

At the stations, devices are used to connect from the cross where subscriber lines are entered. With this connection, a complete separation of the linear and station side is ensured so that the station equipment does not affect the verification of the line parameters. Equipment connected to the cross, consists of measuring and service parts.

The measuring part allows:

  • measure the ohmic resistance of the subscriber's and connecting lines and separately each wire of the connecting line (two-wire and three-wire);
  • measure the insulation resistance between wires a and b of the subscriber and connecting lines, as well as between any wire and ground (including wire c) in the range from one to several tens of MΩ;
  • check the presence of extraneous polarities (they may appear due to unauthorized or accidental connection of extraneous devices to the line) by measuring the insulation resistance between each wire and the "minus of the battery";
  • call the subscriber who has hung up the phone with an acoustic signal "make a call";
  • call the subscriber who has the line picked up with a tone signal of increasing volume;
  • check the integrity of the capacitor in the subscriber’s telephone;
  • check the serviceability of the fuse cross;
  • check the correct operation of the dialer in the direction of the station;
  • check the integrity and operation of the calling circuits;
  • establish test connections.

For the measurement and testing of lines, a connection to a line is often used by establishing a connection through the instruments (switching field and sets) of the station. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the influence of these devices of the station on the measurement results - for example, to turn off the power supply elements.

The service part contains a remote control that allows you to:

  • accept and document the subscriber's request (for example, subscriber number, time of call arrival, occupation duration, etc.);
  • display the parameters of the subscriber or connecting lines and the "history" of its measurement;
  • use test telephones for making test calls and one emergency device included in another station for the case of a complete failure of the serviced station.

Auto subscriber

Auto subscriber is designed to check the quality of the station. It establishes control connections between the test station numbers that are connected to its inputs. He can make single and group calls. Currently, it can be implemented in hardware and software. The numbers and the order of calling are given by the service personnel. To check the quality of the spoken path, it contains a frequency generator, which simulates the passage of the conversation and checks the level of signals in the spoken path. The device should also contain tools for collecting statistics on the number of calls made and the results of each call.

Means of control are provided for work with stations of other systems and long-distance stations.

It is possible to set the device to stop if the test connection fails, in order to allow the analysis of the station instruments during the failure.

Overview of some maintenance tools

Modern stations provide a large set of tools for program support administration, maintenance and operation. Consider some of them.

Call monitoring

This function consists in the fact that the operator records all the characteristics of the call with the fixation of events, with a time stamp during the phase of the call phase. Selective control is performed by the type of calls (regional, long-distance, international, all types of calls). The following information is collected:

  • date and time of a raising of a tube;
  • called / calling number;
  • the time of sending / receiving the first / last digit;
  • connection / release time of service devices;
  • time of transmission of service signals;
  • the time of the end of the routing from the start of the connection to the receipt of the "response" signal;
  • the duration of the conversation;
  • tariff and accounting information;
  • transmitted and received signals.

Software support for cost accounting

Tariffing is one of the important aspects of administration at the station, providing a profitable part of the operation.

To account for the cost, the following parameters are taken into account:

  1. Departure point
  2. Destination.
  3. Call type
  4. Used services.
  5. Time of day, day of the week and holidays.
  6. Type and / or method of service (for example, operator assistance).
  7. Subscription service.
  8. The need to revitalize the equipment.

During operation, the following cost accounting methods can be used:

  1. a single tariff, independent of the load;
  2. single-impulse registration - payment by conversation (one accounting impulse for the whole conversation);
  3. charge a predetermined number of pulses;
  4. per unit of time (time billing) conversation;
  5. payment with a threshold point (after reaching a certain time threshold or number of calls, the payment system changes).

The moment of commencement of accrual can be set according to the following options:

  1. when the subscriber answers;
  2. when the station responds (signal "connection established");
  3. when the operator answers.

When paying, you should consider some features of the conversation:

  1. payment of business calls;
  2. payment for additional services;
  3. payment for data transmission depending on the amount of information (when the subscriber leaves the data service);
  4. payment indicating the maximum loan;
  5. payment of hotel telephones. In this case, the subscriber number and the number of accounting pulses are transmitted to the settlement center.

Automatic preparation of data for a report on each call may include the following records transmitted to the billing center:

  1. Called number;
  2. Called number;
  3. the direction number of the incoming call;
  4. the direction number of the outgoing group SL;
  5. payment category;
  6. call type (incoming, outgoing);
  7. type of connection (use of various services or data transfer);
  8. date and time of the conversation (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tenths of seconds);

For ISDN subscribers, you can display the same full account of each of the channels B.

To share revenues between network operators, it is necessary to consider the separation of incoming and outgoing loads. This allows telecom operators to establish the division of revenues depending on the incoming and outgoing loads.

For subscribers the following service is provided:

  • output of visual display of tariffs on the display of the subscriber terminal of the device;
  • accounting of the call duration and its transfer to the display of the subscriber terminal of the device;
  • a warning about a change in tariff for various reasons (for example, due to the onset of the hour of greatest load).

To account for the station can be monitored:

  1. all calls;
  2. external calls;
  3. local calls;
  4. long distance calls;
  5. international calls;
  6. call service "Centrex".

At the station, it is possible to determine within one station several own subzones with different tariffs and taking into account the cost.

Software helps staff to keep statistics on income received: by time of day, by type of communication, by categories of subscribers.

At the station, the software guarantees the safety of billing data. For this, user accounts are stored in write-protected areas. The protection team is removed only in certain areas when making new entries.

Subscriber data is duplicated and stored on different types of media.


Any telecommunication system provides for light and acoustic signaling.

Currently, there is an alarm on printed circuit boards (for example, on the clock pulse generator boards, power supply units, etc.).

There is a rack-mounted alarm system that is displayed on a special panel. It signals the status of devices, non-productive occupations, etc. In most cases, the alarm is carried out using LEDs. The following rules are accepted at most stations:

  • green is normal;
  • yellow is a warning;
  • red - an accident.

Summarizing information is displayed on the station light panel. Serious damage resulting in the failure of a significant number of services is accompanied by an acoustic signal.

Details are read by service personnel from the display of the station console.

Work in overload conditions

To ensure the station under overload conditions are used:

  • redistribution of flows within the station;
  • practically non-blocking switching field;
  • overload protection programs (slower acceptance of applications and procedures of low categories, etc.).

In case of overloads, the system serves the calls as with a normal load with a validly exceeded waiting time.


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Telecommunication Services and Devices

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