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Alarm - The alarm generated when a failure has occurred or if the monitored parameter is out of tolerance.

Automatic Long-distance Station (Toll Center) - a station of a long-distance network that receives long-distance traffic from stations from a local network and interacts with nodes of a long-distance network.

An adapter is an interface device or program that allows two or more incompatible objects to interact with each other and exchange information.

Administration (administration) - the service responsible for the organization of communication, administrative management of the network and compliance with established procedures and access rules.

Algorithm description - an algorithm that displays the implementation of the process.

Algorithm-specification - an algorithm that reflects the requirements of the customer to the process being developed.

Pulse-amplitude modulation is the process of representing a continuous analog signal by time-discrete readings.

Asynchronous transmission (Asynchronous transmission) - the transfer of information without temporary connections between signals and messages.

Attributes are characteristics that define an object or indicate parameters that can be used by the external environment.

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply) is a device for protecting information distribution and processing devices from power cuts and power fluctuations.

Lockup - in the switching field: a state when the connection between a point and a given output cannot be established due to the absence of intermediate lines.

Wander phase (wander) - the divergence of frequencies in various parameters (phases, periods, etc.).

Mutual synchronization (Network Master) is a synchronization method in which the total synchronization frequency is established due to the fact that all nodes in the network exchange reference frequencies.

Temporary switching (Time Switching) - type of switching, in which the entire flow of information is distributed over time intervals (slots) and is introduced into the time interval to which the channel is fixed. The temporary switch must transfer information from one temporary position to another specified temporary position.

Time division of channels (Time Division Multiplexing) is a multiplexing method, in which signals from different information sources are required to be transmitted at strictly defined times, the channel is the number of the interval assigned to it.

Voltage-controlled oscillator (Voltage - Controlled Oscillator) is a device that generates clock pulses whose frequency depends on the voltage applied to its input.

Grouping (switching system) - determining the structure of the switching node, the connection of individual switching matrices and specifying the connections of the inputs and outputs.

Group search is a search in which at the first stage the selection of a group of exits takes place, and at the second stage an intermediate line is found to any free exit in this group.

The decadic-step system (Step-by-step system) is an electromechanical switching system that uses decadic-step finders to establish a connection.

Diagnostics (diagnostic) - a set of procedures and rules for the recognition, localization of errors or malfunctions arising in software and hardware.

Dynamic routing management (dynamic routing) - a method in which management is carried out using a variable matrix of directions. The data of this matrix changes in accordance with the situation on the network.

Phase jitter (jitter) - rapid phase changes, leading to poor communication or synchronization failure.

Doppler shifts (Doppler effect) —the change in frequency that occurs when the transmitter is moved.

Availability - in switching systems, the number of outputs available to this input.

Closed numbering plan (Closed Numbering Plane) - numbering, in which subscribers are assigned permanent numbers and their value does not depend on the position of the calling subscriber.

Attenuation (attenuation) - reducing the signal power as a result of passing through the transmission medium.

Local Access and Transport Area - a local telephone network including subscriber lines, the main cable section and several regional PBXs.

Pulse code modulation (PCM - Pulse Code Modulation) is a type of modulation in which an analog signal is encoded by a series of pulses. The amplitude of the analog signal (usually a speech signal) is measured 8,000 times per second, and the resulting value is converted into an eight-digit digital code. The resulting discrete data stream is transmitted at a rate of 64 Kbps.

Integration (integration) - the integration of software or hardware into a common system.

Interface, interface, interface (interface) - a set of hardware or software tools, rules that provide pairing on a physical or logical level.

Interface type Q - the type of interface for connecting controls to a network element.

Quantization (quantization) - the process of converting an analog signal into digital form by sampling it and then replacing each sample of the input signal with its nearest value.

Client (client) - a workstation in a network that uses resources of another network device for its work.

Switching (Switching) - a procedure for establishing a connection between two terminals.

A switching field (switching system) (Commutational Field Switching System) is a set of technical means designed to establish connections between lines, between lines and sets, or between sets.

A cross bar switch is an electromechanical switch made with N inputs and M outputs, which establish a connection at the intersection of horizontal and vertical bars, controlled by appropriate electromagnets.

Analog subscriber line kit - a station kit that allows you to monitor the state of the subscriber loop and a subscriber call, provide power to the telephone, protect the station from high voltage on the subscriber line, test the subscriber line, send ringing signals.

A finite state machine is a recursive function that allows one to describe the transition of an object from one state to the next, depending on the input signal, provided that the total possible number of states is finite.

Linear search - search for a specific line in accordance with the received address information (for example, by the numbers of two subscriber sets).

Backbone network (backbone network) - a network that is built on the basis of a single trunk, which distributes power to all station devices.

Route (route) - a set of possible ways to establish a connection to the end point.

Routing (routing) - the procedure for selecting the transport of information from the sender to the recipient.

Multi-vendor equipment (multi-vendor equipment) - equipment that contains components manufactured by various suppliers.

Direction or group of channels (lines) (direction) - a group of channels or lines directly connecting neighboring stations.

Synchronization (synchronism) - a procedure that allows you to establish an exact match in time between the moments of transmission and reception of information.

The request-response transfer method (request-respond) is an asynchronous transfer method in which, if a single impulse needs to be sent, the system sends a high level signal (leading edge) to the line. After reception, the neighboring station responds with a confirmation, which causes the termination of the signal sending in the forward direction.

The module of the decentralized electronic station is a unified part of the station. Each of the modules has a limited capacity and performs certain functions. This allows you to have a system that adapts flexibly in both capacity and function.

Multiplexing (multiplexing) —Transmit two or more signals through one physical path using frequency, time, or time or waveforms.

Unavailability link - construction of the switching field, at which the input can be connected only to a part of the outputs.

An unshared network (meshed network) is a fully accessible network, where each pair of nodes is interconnected according to the principle “each with each”.

The common architecture with the transfer of requests to the object through the intermediary (CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture) is an industrial standard object-oriented interface for application interaction.

Common Signaling Channel (CCSS - Common Channel Signaling System) is a signaling method in which a signal channel is allocated to a group of channels. Information relating to the connection on any of the channels of the group passes through a common channel and is accompanied by the source address.

Object (object) - a module in object-oriented programming, which is a device or information about it to be processed by the program.

An objective-oriented programming language (object-oriented language) is a high-level programming language where all concepts, including procedures, files, and output, are interpreted as one of two concepts: object or message.

The end station (end office) is a station on a rural telephone network, usually of a small capacity (50-100 numbers), designed to include subscribers.

Open Numbering Plane - numbering of subscribers, which is characterized by the fact that the number of characters depends on the connection route. When the numbering plan is open, the local telephone connection is established by dialing the local telephone number, and the intrazonal and long-distance telephone connections - by dialing the national (significant) number with the prefix “Mon”.

Queue (queue) - a sequential list of elements organized to perform a specific algorithm for their processing.

Position number - the number of the place of inclusion of this set in the switching field.

Availability link - construction of a switching field, at which all exits are available to each input.

Port (Port) - the interface (hardware-software) through which two devices can communicate with each other.

Sequence number of the set (Sequence number) - type of the set and number in the type.

Lost by call (lost call) - the ratio of the number of calls lost per busy hour (CNN) to the total number of incoming calls.

Forced synchronization (Master Slave Synchronization) is a hierarchical synchronization system (preferably coinciding with the hierarchy of the switching network), where the “upper level nodes” transmit the reference frequency to the “lower level nodes”.

Agent program - a program that directly controls the relevant objects and operates under the control of network servers.

A program manager (manager) is a program that manages the process of executing other programs.

Slip (slip) - a type of distortion that occurs during the transmission of a synchronous flow due to a mismatch of the speeds of the information read and written to the buffer.

A simple scan is a process of periodically polling signal sensors in order to detect changes that have occurred since the previous survey.

Spatial switching (Space Switching) - switching, which consists in the fact that information is transferred from one temporary path to another without changing the temporary position.

Psophometric power (psophometric power) is a power supply that provides signal levels based on the sensitivity of the human ear.

Radial network (radial network) - a network with the division of supply lines into groups of consumers.

Recursive function (recursive function) - a function, each subsequent value of which is determined by the previous value and the number of the recursion step.

Free search - selection of intermediate lines to any free and accessible output (for example, to any dialing receiver).

A server is a processor or program through which customer service is provided.

Network element (network element) - hardware unit of network equipment, managed in TMN. It can be both simple and very complex, "intellectually advanced" network elements.

Signaling (signaling) - the procedure for notification and exchange of service signals between interconnected network elements in the process of establishing a connection, disconnection and during the connection.

In-band signaling (baseband signaling) is a method of transmitting signal information directly over an information (telephone or data transmission) channel, for example, direct current, tonal frequency currents.

Non-associated signaling is a method of transmitting signaling information, in which the transmission of service information is carried out using a special facility for each information channel, for example, the 16th time channel or the channel outside the conversational spectrum.

Signaling through a common channel signaling system (Common Channel Signaling) is a signaling method in which a group channel is allocated to transfer control information to a group of channels. Information channel signals are distinguished by address (see also “Common Signaling Channel”).

Operational Support System (OSS) - procedures (not only automated, but also, possibly, performed manually), which are aimed at maintaining the functioning of the network.

Slot (Slot) - time interval (position).

On-demand scanning is the process of polling signal sensors to determine the current state of sensors or information.

Scanning with protection is the process of periodically polling signal sensors in order to identify stable (non-random) changes that have occurred since the previous survey.

Scan by checkbox is the process of periodically polling signal sensors in order to determine when information is ready for processing.

Connection — a connection between two or more devices, processes, or networks.

A trunk is a physical line, channel, or group of channels organized between two stations or network nodes.

Message (method) - requests for the operation of the object. They consist of two parts: the description (signature) and the implementation (implementation). The description consists of the name of the method, the names and types of the parameters (including the return value) and exceptions.

Maintenance of software (software maintenance) - tracking the correct functioning of the software and making the necessary changes in the event of its modernization.

List (list) - a list or set of ordered objects, the number of which is usually limited.

List number - the number recorded in the directory directory and arriving at the PBX when dialing the number of the subscriber.

Stabilizer (stabilizer) - a device that automatically maintains its output electrical parameters (voltage, current or power) within the specified limits when the voltage of the power supply network changes.

Stations of a coordinate system (Crossbar Station) are stations of an electromechanical system with indirect control and coordinate switches.

Start-stop transmission is a method of asynchronous transmission in which the continuous data stream is divided into groups, start bits are added to the beginning of each group, and stop bits are added to the end.

Stage of selection (Stage of selection) - a set of switching devices that perform the same function in the process of establishing, connection at the station. Depending on the type of search, the steps are called "preliminary search", "group search", "linear search", "register search". The search levels contain both one and several switching links and, depending on this, are called "single-link" or "two-link".

Clock generator (clock) - a device that generates pulses that are used to synchronize the elements of the system.

Telephone Network (Telephone Network) - a set of end devices (terminals) telephone exchanges, lines and channels of the telephone network, transit switching nodes.

Maintenance (Maintenance) - the work associated with tracking the timely detection of faults or deviations of parameters and established standards.

Testing (testing) - conducting tests to identify malfunctioning or confirm the normal functioning of hardware or software.

Telecommunication management network (TMN - Telecommunication Management Network) is a technology of multi-level hierarchical management of systems of any type and purpose.

Typical Substitution Element - TEC (field replaced unit) is a module that can be replaced by service personnel without further diagnostics.

Point of Presence (POP) is a point where a local or local network is connected to the backbone (long-distance) communication line.

Traffic (traffic) - the flow of information transmitted over a network, line or channel.

A telephone network node (node) is a station that performs the functions of transit load and, as a rule, does not have a subscriber capacity.

The Automatic Switching Node 1 (Regional Center) is a long-distance network node intended for switching the regional load, sometimes called a territorial VAR.

Automatic Switching Unit 2 (Sectional Center) - a long-distance switching unit of interregional load.

A universal program is a program that, in a sense, implements all programs. It should be able to encode and decode the numbers of all programs that can be written and valid in a given programming language.

Fixed routing method - a method in which routes are developed and laid in advance in the work program of all stations (for example, when developing a network master plan).

Format is a standard characteristic that uniquely defines the structure of digital data.

Elastic memory (elastic memory) - 1) memory, the size of which can be adjusted; 2) the buffer memory for the digital signal, in which the recording is made with the frequency of the line, and the reading - with the frequency of the local generator.

The central station (Central Office) is a rural telephone network station that is installed in the district center, concentrates the load from the terminal stations and serves the subscribers of this center. Usually has a subscriber capacity of up to 1000-2000 numbers and serves almost as many connecting lines.

The operational service is a service that is responsible for maintaining the system in working condition, periodically carrying out preventive measures and repairs, as well as for resolving other issues arising during the maintenance process.

The reference point is the interface point of the network elements, in which the logical and physical interfaces are defined.

created: 2016-04-02
updated: 2022-01-24

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Telecommunication Services and Devices

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