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List of English Abbreviations

ACM Address complete Address complete
ANM Answer Caller answer
ANSI American National Standards Institute American National Standards Institute
Bin Back Indicator Reverse indication bit
BLO Blocking Lock
BLA Blocking Acknowledgment Lock acknowledgment
BML Business Management Layer Level of business management
BSN Back Sequence Number Reverse sequence number
CCL Calling party clear signal Partial release CRG Charge Payment message
Iam Initial Address Massage Initial message
ILEC Incumbent Exchange Carrier Official local network operator
CIC Circuit Identification em Channel ID code
CLEC Competitive Exchange Carrier Rival local network operator
CMIP Common Information Management Protocol General Control Information Protocol
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture The general architecture with the transfer of requests to the object through an intermediary
CPC Calling Party's Category Categories of participants in the connection
CPN Called Party Number Indicator Called Caller Number Indicator
DPC Destination Point em Destination Code
DCLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
EDP Event detection point Event Detection Points
Eml Element Management Layer Element Management Level
ETSI European Telecommunication Standards Institute European Telecommunications Standards Institute
FCI Forward Call Indicator Direct call indicator
Fib Forward Indicator Bit Direct bit indication
FISU Fill in sign unit Filling unit
FCS Frame check sequence Sequential test bits
FSN Forward sequence number Direct sequence number
Ftap File Transfer, Access and Management File Transfer Protocol and Access Management
Ims IP Multimedia Subsystem IP Multimedia Subsystems
INAP Intelligent Network Application Part Intelligent Network Protocol Subsystem
INR Information request Subscriber number request
INF Information Information
IP Internet protocol Internet Protocol
IPr Intelligent peripheral Intellectual periphery
ISDN Integrated services digital network Digital network with integrated service
ISO International Standards Organization International Standards Organization
ISP International Signalization Point International Alarm Point
ISUP ISDN Services User Part User Subsystem
ITU International Telecommunications Union - Telecommunication Standardization Telecommunication Standardization Sector of the International Telecommunication Union
LATA Local Access and Transport Area Local access and transmission area
LI Length Indicator Length ID
LLA Logical Layered Architecture Logical layered architecture
Lssu Link Status Signal Unit Link Status Signal Unit
MAP Mobile Access Protocol Mobile Subsystem
MFP Mandatory Fixed Part Fixed part
MIB Management Information Base Management Information Base
MML Man machine language Man-Machine Language
MO Management object Managed Objects
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching Multiprotocol Label Switching
MVP Mandatory Variable Part Mandatory variable part
MSU Message Signal Unit Significant signal unit
MTP Message Transfer Part Messaging protocols
NAT Network Address Translation Network Address Translation
NCI Nature of Connection Indicator Media Indicator
NE Network element Network element
Nef Network Element Function Network Element Functions
NEL Network Element Layer Network element level
NGN Next Generation Network Next generation network
NML Network Management Layer Network management level
NSP National signalization point National Alarm Point
OMAP Operation, Maintenance Application Part Application subsystem of operation and maintenance
OPC Originating point em Departure point code
OP Optional part Optional part
ORB Object Request Broker Request Object Broker
OSF Operations System Function System support functions
Oss Operations Support Systems Operation support system
Pic Point in call Call Status Points
Pop Point presence Point of presence
QoS Quality of Service Quality of service
REL Release Release
RNG Ringing Start making a call
RLC Release complete Disconnection
Res Resume Resume Connection
SAM Subsequent address Serial Address Transfer
SCEP Service Creation Environment Point Service Creation Environment
Scp Service Control Point Service management node
Sif Signaling Information Field Signal information field
Sio Services Information Octet service byte
Sip Session initiation protocol Session Initiation Protocol
SLS Signaling Link Selection field (Field) select signaling link
SML Service Management Layer Service Management Level
SMP Service management Operational management system
SP Signaling point Signal point
Ssp Service Switching Point Service Switching Node
STP Signaling Transfer Point Alarm transit point
Sus Suspend Pause connection
OSI Open system interconnection Reference Model of Open Systems Interconnection
PMP Pointer to Mandatory variable Part Pointer to the beginning of the mandatory variable part
Pop Pointer to Optional Part Index of the beginning of the optional part
SDL Specification and Description Language Specification and Description Language
Sccp Signaling Connection Control Part Signal Connection Control Subsystem
TCAP Transaction Capabilities Application Part Transaction Application Subsystem
Tdp Trigger detection points Call detection points for IN services
TMN Telecommunication Management Network Telecommunications management network
TRM Transmission Medium Requirement Required transmission medium
VPN Virtual Private Network Virtual private network
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply Uninterrupted power supply
WSF Work Station Function Workstation Functions

List of Russian abbreviations

Amts Automatic Long-Distance Telephone Station
AK Subscriber Kit
PBX Automatic Telephone Station
ATSK-U ATS Coordinate Advanced
BALL Block Subscriber Line
BSL Connecting Line Unit
ZSL Custom-Connecting Lines
Memory Master Generator
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
ISHK Outgoing Corded Kit
LSD Local Access and Transmit Zone
CCITT International Advisory Committee on Telephony and Telegraphy
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union
MCPP Multi Frequency Receiver Transmitter
JIU Station-wide Pulse Generator
ACS Common Signaling Channel
OS Terminal station
PU Trimming Device
SLM Intercity Interconnecting Lines
TSCH Clock Frequency Selector
SU Comparing Device
TPR Point of Presence
TEC Sample Replacement Element
VAR Automatic Switching Nodes
CSS Junction
USP Country-Commuter Knot
OSS Help Site
CA Central Station
CHNN Hour Most Load
created: 2016-04-02
updated: 2021-03-13

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