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3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices


Annotation: General information on microprogram management, concepts of microcommands, microoperations, microprograms are given. Methods for presenting microprograms in the form of graph-schemes of algorithms, transition formulas, matrix and logic schemes of algorithms are given.
Keywords: register, adder, descrambler, operations, sets, space, operational machine, process control, control, machine, microcommand, microprogram automat, control device, control signal, potential, microoperation, control process, microprogram, determination, processing processes, ON, turn, addition, GSA, transition function, logical variable, completeness, graph, transition formulas, ISA, logic circuit, LSA, operators, logical function, matrix, MCA, function, value, record, place, unconditional Passing analysis

3.1 General information about the control machine

The digital system can be represented as a device for processing information, consisting of two parts: the operating room and the manager (Fig. 3.1).

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices

Fig. 3.1.

The operating part in this case is a set of functional units such as a counter, register, adder, decoder, etc., with appropriate links. On the basis of these functional units, all elementary operations are performed from the set determined by the type of dependence   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices (pic.3.1)

In most cases, these are operations of transfer, shift, memorization of numbers, analysis of signs accompanying the indicated operations. In practice, the set of operations varies depending on the specific technical requirements (the time to solve the problem, the type of system of elements), but in all cases it should be sufficient to solve the problem.

The solution process consists in the orderly (software) execution of the above elementary operations and for its technical implementation requires the use of a special sensor software distributed in time and space of a sequence of pulses. These pulses, acting on the corresponding nodes of the operating part, will provide an ordered sequence of elementary operations (Fig. 3.2). The operating part can be called an operation machine (OA).

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices

Fig. 3.2.

Thus, the previously selected control part of the information conversion device can be considered as a unit that provides programmatic control of the information conversion process, that is, as a control machine (UA). The very principle of program management is reduced to an orderly (software) generation of signal-commands, the implementation of which leads to the achievement of a given goal.

The main element of the program control at the considered level is the microinstruction.

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices - many microinstructions   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices firmware automata as part of control devices.

In the following, we will call the control signal (potential, impulse) a microcommand that performs one elementary step in the process of solving a problem (Fig.3.3).

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices

Fig. 3.3.

Micro-operation - the name of a micro-command.

The micro-command presented in Fig. 3.3 corresponds to the micro-operation: “Transfer the number from Pr I to Prg2”.

In each management process, you can select a number of different micro-operations, which is called a set of micro-operations.

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices -mikroomando consisting of micro-operations (MO)

The firmware is an ordered sequence of micro-operations of a given set. This definition is private, because covers only those cases of control when the sequence of control signals does not change depending on some signs accompanying the information processing. In the general case, the sequence of micro-operations may vary depending on the signs accompanying the information processing. Therefore, in addition to micro-operations, microprograms also introduce conditions, depending on the execution or non-fulfillment of which the sequence of micro-operations changes. On the basis of the absence or presence of conditions, depending on which the sequence of micro-operations changes, all the microprograms are divided into two groups: non-forked and forked. The branching firmware is divided, in turn, into two groups: microprograms without cycles and microprograms with cycles. In general, microprograms can contain as their parts all three types: non-branching, branching and cyclic.

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices

Fig. 3.4.

For example, in Fig.3.4) the MP operation of addition is shown. If we introduce a formal re-designation of micro-commands (   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices or   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices ), then for MP in Fig.3.4, b we get the GSA GSA MP shown in Fig.3.5.

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices

Fig. 3.5.

The sequence of the MC is determined by the transition functions

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices from a set of logical variables   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices . The transition functions have two properties: completeness and orthogonality.

  1. - orthogonality   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices


  2. - completeness   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices

      3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices

The orthogonality property says about the uniqueness of the transition, and the completeness property that this transition necessarily exists.

Methods of formal record of MP, satisfying the above properties, it is:

  • graph-schemes of algorithms (GSA);
  • transition formulas;
  • matrix schemes of algorithms (ISA);
  • logical schemes of algorithms (LSA).

3.2 Graph-schemes of algorithms

GSA are widely used in the practice of designing devices for digital computers and, in particular, firmware automata due to their good visibility, the simplicity of the language design and the possibility of transformations and the formal transition to automatic display.

The main characters used to write graph-scheme algorithms (GSA), we assume:

  • operators,
  • logical conditions
  • arrows (Fig.3.6).
  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices

Fig. 3.6.

Of the entire set of operators stand out:

  • initial operator   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices ,
  • end operator   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices ,
  • arbitrary operator   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices .

The initial operator in the future (if this is not specifically mentioned) will be considered as an operator, symbolizing the beginning of the algorithm.

Operator Record Feature   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices in the GSA is that this operator does not include a single arrow.

The final operator will be considered as an operator, symbolizing the end of the algorithm.

Feature recording operator and   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices in GSA is that not a single arrow comes out of this operator.

Arbitrary operators will be considered as symbols denoting certain actions, acts associated with the implementation of the algorithm.

Feature recording operators   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices consists in the fact that several arrows can be included in these operators, but only one arrow always comes out.

Under the logical condition we will understand the logical function of the form   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices where   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices elementary logical conditions. The peculiarity of recording logical conditions is that they can have several incoming arrows and only two outgoing ones marked with the symbols “O” and “I” in accordance with the value of the logical condition. In the future, we will also allow GSA to replace the left side of the expression   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices its right side.

The arrows ensure the ordering of the sequence of statement execution and verification of logical conditions, as well as their interrelationships.

Algorithm execution always starts with an operator.   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices and ends with an operator   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices .

3.3 Conversion Formulas

In general, for each operator vertex, the transition formula is written as:

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices

and the properties of orthogonality and completeness are also respected. In addition, it is considered that the values ​​of the sets of logical conditions do not change during the execution of statements.

For MP, presented in Figure 3.7, the transition formulas will be written as:

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices ;

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices ;

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices ;

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices ;

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices

Fig. 3.7.

3.4. Matrix algorithms

They say that the matrix scheme of the algorithm (ISA) is specified, if a matrix of the form

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices

Where   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices operators,

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices - initial and final operators,

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices - logical conditions that have the same meaning as in GSA.

Table 3.1.
A1 A2 A3 Ak
A0 one
A1 p1 p1
A2 one
A3 p2 p2

In MCA   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices it is accepted to consider as such a logical function that if an operator was executed   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices and on the resulting set   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices values ​​of elementary logical conditions function   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices received a value equal to one, immediately after the operator   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices the statement must be executed   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices .

In Figure 3.1, a is given the ISA MP, shown in Figure 3.7.

3.5 Logic Algorithms

The main advantage of the logic schemes of algorithms (LSA) considered below is that, being essentially a type of the language of operator schemes, they allow the algorithm to be written to a line, which is often convenient because it is possible to exclude the process of drawing, drawing, as is the case in GSA. The presence of a developed system of LSA transformations and the possibility of a formal transition to an automaton mapping are also important.

The main elements of LSA are, as in GSA, operators and logical conditions.

The main differences from GSA are that the upper and lower arrows are used to indicate the relationships between operators and logical conditions.

The logical scheme of the algorithm is a string composed of operator characters.   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices , or   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices and logical conditions   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices , as well as upper and lower arrows. Sometimes the upper and lower arrows replace the right and left half-boxes.

So, LSA is a line made up of operator characters.   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices logical conditions   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices and upper   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices and lower   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices shooter, and:

  • Strong operator top   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices and one final   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices ;
  • Line starts with   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices and ends   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices ;
  • There should not be two lower arrows   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices with the same numbers;
  • For each bottom arrow   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices must have at least one top;

Transition by logical condition   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices standing in LSA

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices

done like this:

  • If a   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices then after   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices will be fulfilled   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices ,
  • If a   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices then after   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices will be fulfilled   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices .

Unconditional transition for clarity may be indicated by an additional symbol, for example   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices .

LSA for MP presented in fig. 3.7 looks like this:

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices

The rule of reading LSA is as follows.

First, the element LSA is analyzed, immediately following the operator   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices . If the considered element is an operator, then it is marked (written out) and in the next step, the right element (operator or logical condition) is analyzed.

If the element in question is a logical condition   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices this condition is checked;

Analysis of the LSA with the observance of the formulated rules leads after a certain number of steps to obtain a line of operators, called the LSA value for a given sequence of sets of logical conditions.

Let the LSA be given.

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices

Construct the corresponding GAW. For the initial operator   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices operator follows   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices further logical condition   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices . If the logical condition is satisfied, that is   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices , then the next statement is executed   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices . If the logical condition is not met, that is   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices , the next statement is executed   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices , that is, the operator behind the bottom arrow with the number 1.

Next in LSA for the operator   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices operator costs   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices and   3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices . In such a sequence and depict them on the GSA. Next, we build in the same way.

One important feature of LSA is the possibility of ambiguous recording of the same algorithm.

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices

Fig. 3.8.

Thus, the GSA in Figure 3.8 can be described with several more variants of the LSA:

  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices
  3: Ways to describe the operation of discrete devices


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