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1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata


Annotation: Provides initial information about abstract machines Mile and Moore. Possible ways of representing automata are given: set-theoretic, graph, table and matrix.
Keywords: informatics, compiler, verification, optimization, software, arc, computational science, system programs, set element, overflow, automaton, graph, software implementation, high level language, flowchart, topology, block diagram, control unit, mathematical model, abstract automaton, transition function, set mapping, interval, discretization, Mile automaton, Moore automaton, Mile automaton, alphabet, input alphabet, intersection, graph vertices, graph arc, matrix form, matrix, dimension


"Automata Theory" is one of the important components of the federal state standard in the field of "Computer science and computing".

The theory of automata has wide application possibilities:

  • Design of logical control systems;
  • Text processing and compiler building;
  • Specification and verification of systems of interacting processes;
  • Document Description and Object Oriented Languages;
  • Optimization of logic programs, etc.

This can be judged by the speeches at the seminar "Software 2000 ..." scientists and specialists.

Doug Ross: "... 80 or even 90% of computer science (Computer Science) will in the future be based on the theory of finite automata ..."

Herver Gallaire: "I know people from Boeing who deal with aircraft stabilization systems using pure machine theory. It's hard to even imagine what they did with this theory."

Brian Randell: “Most of the theory of automata has been successfully used in system programs and text filters on UNIX. This allows many people to work at a high level and develop very effective programs.”

1.1. Basic concepts and definitions.

The simplest information transformer (Fig.1.1, a) maps a certain set of information elements X, which is input, to a certain set at output Y. If the sets X and Y are finite and discrete, that is, the conversion is carried out at discrete points in time, then such converters information are called finite transducers. The elements of the sets X and Y in this case are precoded with binary codes and construct the transformation of one set into another.

Conversion result 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata often depends not only on what information has appeared at the moment at the entrance, but also on what happened before, that is, on the background of the transformation. For example, one and the same entrance - a neighbor's apology after he stepped on his foot in a crowded bus - will cause you one reaction for the first time and a completely different one - for the fifth time.

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata

Fig. 1.1.

Thus, there are more complex information converters (PI), the reaction of which depends not only on the input signals at the moment, but also on what was before, on the input history. Such PIs are called automata (memory circuits). In this case, they say about the automatic transformation of information (Fig. 1.1, b). It automatically reacts to the same input signal differently, depending on the state it was in. The machine changes its state with each input signal.

Consider a few examples.

Example 1 1 . An automaton describing the behavior of an intelligent father.

We describe the behavior of the father, whose son is in school and brings twos and fives. The father does not want to grab the belt every time the son gets a deuce, and chooses a more subtle upbringing tactic. Let us set such an automaton by a graph in which the vertices correspond to the states, and the arc from state s to state q, labeled x / y, is performed when the automaton from state s under the influence of the input signal x changes to state q with output reaction y. The graph of the automaton simulating the intelligent behavior of the parent is presented in Figure 1.2. This automaton has four states. 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata , two input signals - ratings 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata and output signals 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata which will be interpreted as the actions of the parent as follows:

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - take a belt;

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - scold your son;

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - to calm the son;

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - hope;

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - rejoice;

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - exult.

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata

Fig. 1.2.

A son who has received the same grade, a two, is awaited at home by a completely different reaction of the father depending on the background of his studies. For example, after the third deuce in history 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata son will meet with a belt, but in history 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata will soothe, etc.

The state machine can be implemented both in software and hardware. Software implementation can be performed on any high-level language in various ways. Fig. 1.3 shows the block diagram of the program that implements the behavior of the autosample 1. It is easy to see that the topology of the program block diagram repeats the topology of the automaton transition graph. Each state is associated with the NEXT operation, which performs the function of waiting for the next event of the arrival of a new input signal and reading it into some standard buffer x, as well as subsequent analysis of what signal it is. Depending on which signal came to the input, one or another function is performed. 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata and there is a transition to a new state.

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata

Fig. 1.3.

We consider the hardware implementation of the automaton in the second part of this section.

Example 2. "Student"

The automaton, the model of which is presented in Figure 1.4, describes the behavior of the student and teachers.

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata

Fig. 1.4.

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - state;

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - input signals: "n", "2" and "5".

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - output reactions:

  • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - mark "n";
  • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - soothe;
  • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - we praise the student;
  • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - we encourage;
  • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - we hope;
  • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - we warn;
  • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - deduct;

Example 3 1 . Electronic clock (Fig. 1.5).

Electronic watches of various functionalities are one of the most widely used electronic devices in everyday life, the control of which is based on a finite-automatic model. They usually show: time, date; they have functions such as “set time and date”, “Stopwatch”, “Alarm”, etc. A simplified block diagram of the electronic clock is shown in Figure 1.5.

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata

Fig. 1.5.

Registers display either time, or date, or a stopwatch depending on the "Office". The control device is based on a state machine model. The state machine responds to pressing the "a" button on the case by switching to the "Set minutes" state, in which the event of pressing the "b" button will cause an increase in the number. The control device is built on the basis of a state machine model whose graph is shown in Figure 1.6.

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata

Fig. 1.6.

So. On the one hand, AUTOMATIC is a device that performs some actions without human intervention. On the other hand, AUTOMATIC is a mathematical model that describes the behavior of a technical device. In this case, the real device, system, etc. considered as some "BLACK BOX" (Fig. 1.7).

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata

Fig. 1.7.

An abstract automaton is a mathematical model that describes a technical device with a set of input, output signals and states, in addition:

  • has many internal states 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata called machine states;
  • the input of the machine receives a finite set of input signals 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata there is a finite set of output signals 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata ;
  • transition function set 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata ;
  • set the function of forming the outputs of the machine 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata ;
  • the initial state of the automaton is determined 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata .

That is, to describe the machine you need to use the six of the form 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata where

  • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata
  • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata
  • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata
  • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata
  • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata
  • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata .

The automaton implements a mapping of the set of words of the input alphabet Z into the set of words of the output alphabet W.

An automaton is called finite if the set of its internal states and the set of values ​​of the input signals are finite sets.

An automaton is called synchronous if the time-sampling interval is constant, otherwise it is an asynchronous automaton.

An automaton is called deterministic if the behavior of the automaton at each time instant is uniquely determined ( 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata ,)

Depending on the method of determining the output signal in synchronous automata there are distinguished:

  1. Machine gun of the first kind (Machine Miles)
    • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata
    • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata ;
  2. Automaton of the second kind (Moore’s Automaton)
    • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata ,
    • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata
    • 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata

1.2. Automata Job Methods

To define a finite automaton S, it is required to describe all elements of the set

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata

The most commonly used form for describing the elements of the set S is tabular, graphical, matrix methods.

The set-theoretic representation of automata.

To set the state machine 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata all elements of the set must be specified explicitly. So for the auto Miles:

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - the alphabet of states;

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - output alphabet;

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - input alphabet;

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata
1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata - The initial state of the machine.

For example, Miles 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata presented in Table 1.3 are explicitly described as:

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata

Moore's gun 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata presented in Table 1.8 are explicitly described as:

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata

Tabular form.

The tabular form for the Miles automaton is illustrated in Table 1.1.1 (transitions) and Table 1.2.2 (exits).

Table 1.1.
z f \ a m a 1 ... a M
z 1 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata
... ... ... ...
z F 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata
Table 1.2.
z f \ a m a 1 ... a M
z 1 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata
... ... ... ...
z F 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata

The rows of these tables correspond to the input signals, and the columns correspond to the states, with the leftmost column indicated by the initial state 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata . At the intersection of the column 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata and strings 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata ... in the transition table put the transition function 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata , that is, the state in which the automaton passes from the state 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata under the action of the input signal 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata and in the output table - the output function 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata i.e. output corresponding to this transition 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata .

An example of the table method for setting the Mile machine is shown in Table. 1.3 (transitions) and table. 1.4 (outputs).

Table 1.3.
z f \ a m a 1 a 2 a 3
z 1 a 2 a 1 a 3
z 2 a 3 a 3 a 2
Table 1.4.
z f \ a m a 1 a 2 a 3
z 1 w 1 w 2 w 1
z 2 w 2 w 2 w 2

An automaton is called partially specified if it is not defined for all pairs of transitions ( 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata ). For a partially specified automat in the place of the missing transition, a dash is placed in both the transition table and the output table.

An example of a tabular method for setting a partial automaton is shown in Table 1.5 (transitions) and Table 1.6 (outputs).

Table 1.5.
z f \ a m a 1 a 2 a 3 a 4
z 1 a 2 a 1 a 3 -
z 2 a 3 a 3 a - a 1
z 3 - a 4 a 2 a 4
Table 1.6.
z f \ a m a 1 a 2 a 3 a 4
z 1 w 1 w 2 w 1 -
z 2 w 2 w 1 - w 2
z 3 - w 1 w 2 w 1

The tabular form of the assignment of Moore’s automaton is a combined Table 1.7, in which the output signal corresponding to 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata Moore’s automaton is placed in the top line above the corresponding states, and the rest of the information is similar to the representation of the Mili automaton.

An example of the representation of Moore’s automaton is given in Table 1.8.

Table 1.7.
\ w G w 1 w G
z f \ a m a 1 ... a m
z 1 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata
... ... ... ...
z F 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata
Table 1.8.
\ w G w 1 w 3 w 2 w 1 w 3
z f \ a m a 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 a 5
z 1 a 2 a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1
z 2 a 3 a 5 a 2 a 5 a 3
z 3 a 4 a 3 a 5 a 2 a 4

Abstract automata graph form

In this case, the machine 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata is represented by a graph in which:

  1. lots of 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata depicted by the vertices of the graph;
  2. function 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata given by arcs of the graph, with two vertices of the graph 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata and 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata are connected by an arc if there is a transition from 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata at 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata ;
  3. lots of 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata shown with arc marks: 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata put on an arc from the top 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata to the top 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata if there is a transition from the machine 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata at 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata under the action of the input signal 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata ;
  4. function 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata specified by labels of arcs or vertices: for the Mile machine, an arc from a vertex 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata to the top 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata flagged output 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata if there is a transition from the machine 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata at 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata and this produces an output signal 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata ;and for Moore’s automaton, the output 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automatais marked with a vertex that defines1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata .

Figure 1.8 shows examples of the description of the Mile automaton and the Moore automaton:

1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata

Fig. 1.8.

Matrix form

For the Miles automaton, the matrix form consists of a matrix of 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automatadimension 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata, where each element of the matrix 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automatalocated at the intersection of the 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automataith row and the 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automataith column corresponds to an input signal 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automatathat causes a transition from state 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automatato state 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automatawith generation of the output signal1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata . An example of the matrix description of the Mile automat is shown below.

  1. 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata
  2. 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata
  3. 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata

Для автомата Мура матричная форма состоит из матрицы 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata размерностью 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata , где каждый элементматрицы 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata , стоящий на пересечении 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata -ой строки и 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata -го столбца, соответствует входному сигналу 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata , вызывающему переход из состояния 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata в состояние 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata Так как выходной сигнал 1: Basic concepts of the theory of abstract automata . в автомате Мура зависит только от состояния, следовательно, выходные сигналы могут быть представлены матрицей-столбцом. Пример матричного описания автомата Мура показан на формуле, приведенной выше.

See also

created: 2015-05-17
updated: 2024-11-14

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Theory of Automata

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