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7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers


Abstract: Examples of the synthesis of a structural automaton are considered. As memory elements are used RS-triggers, T-triggers, D - triggers.
Keywords: synthesis, automaton, abstract automaton, basis, Moore automaton, D-flip-flop, output function, function value, term, logic circuit, coding, Mile automaton, RS

7.1 Synthesis of Moore's Structural Automaton on D Triggers

We briefly note the main stages of the synthesis of the automaton:

  1. Find the number of memory elements   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers (M is the number of states of the abstract automaton) and we encode the states of the abstract automaton.
  2. Encode input and output signals.
  3. The structural automaton is represented by a generalized scheme.
  4. We compile a coded output table of the automaton and write the output equations using it.
  5. We compile a coded automaton transition table and write equations for the excitation functions using it.
  6. The equations of the excitation functions and outputs are minimized (using Carnot maps, for example) and a circuit is constructed from them in a given functional-logical basis of the basis ({AND, OR, NOT}, {AND-NO}, {OR-NOT}).

Let us consider the synthesis of the structural automaton Moore given by Table 7.1.1 on D-triggers in the elemental basis {AND, OR, NOT}.

Table 7.1.
u u1 u2 u3 u1
z \ a a1 a2 a3 a4
z1 a1 a3 a1 -
z2 - a1 a4 a2
z3 a4 a2 a3 a3
  1. Find the number of memory elements   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers and encode the state of the abstract automaton, for example, as shown in Table 7.2.
    Table 7.2.
      7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers
    a 1 0 0
    a 2 0 one
    a 3 one 0
    a 4 one one
  2. We encode the input and output signals of an abstract automaton, for example, as shown in Table 7.3 and Table 7.4
  3. The structural automaton is represented by a generalized scheme (Fig. 7.1).
      7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers

    Fig. 7.1.
    Table 7.3.
    X 1 X 2
    z 1 0 one
    z 2 one 0
    z 3 one one
    Table 7.4.
    r 1 r 2
    u 1 0 0
    u 2 0 one
    u 3 one 0
  4. Table 7.1.1 is represented using state codes, input and output signals (Table 7.5), and using it we write the equations of the outputs.
    Table 7.5.
    r 1 r 2 00 01 ten 00
    x 1 x 2 \   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers 00 01 ten eleven
    01 00 ten 00 -
    ten - 00 eleven 01
    eleven eleven 01 ten ten

    The output function r 1 , which depends on Moore’s automaton only on the state, takes a single value on a single set of 10, i.e.   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers . The output function r 2 takes a single value also on a single set of 01, i.e.   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers .

    Thus, the equations of outputs:

      7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers ,

      7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers .

  5. Write the equations for the excitation functions. Since the excitation function in the D-trigger coincides with the transition state, the excitation function can be written from Table 7.5. We find single states of the first trigger. There are only five of them, see table 7.5. The excitation function depends on the input signals and the state of the machine from which this trigger was switched:   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers .

    The first unit value of the excitation function takes upon transition from the state a 0 , encoded as 00, i.e.   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers , at receipt of single input signals   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers . Similarly, we find the remaining terms and write the excitation function of the first trigger:

      7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers

    For the second trigger of transition states in which it takes single values, four. They are highlighted in dark red. According to them recorded the excitation function of the second trigger:

      7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers
  6. Equations of excitation functions and outputs are minimized by Carnot maps (Fig.7.2).
  7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers

Fig. 7.2.
  7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers

Using the obtained equations for the excitation functions and outputs, we construct a functional-logic circuit (Fig. 7.3).

  7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers

Fig. 7.3.

7.2 Synthesis of Moore's structural automaton on T-triggers

The stages of coding, the construction of a generalized scheme, the construction of equations of outputs coincide with the stages of synthesis on D-triggers. Consider the construction of the equations of excitation functions, that is, starting from the fifth stage.

Table 7.6.
  7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers
0 0 0
0 one one
one one 0
one 0 one
Table 7.7.
r 1 r 2 00 01 ten 00
  7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers 00 01 ten eleven
01 00 ten 00 -
ten - 00 eleven 01
eleven eleven 01 ten ten
Table 7.8.
  7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers 00 01 ten eleven
01 00 eleven ten -
ten - 01 01 ten
eleven eleven 00 00 01

Since the excitation function of the T-trigger (Table 7.6)   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers , only when the state of the automaton goes from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0, then using the encoded Fig.7.7 transitions of the original Moore's automaton, we find such trigger switches for which they change their states. We compile a table of excitation functions, which has state codes as column headings, and rows are labeled with input signal codes (Table 7.8). In each cell of the table recorded excitation function   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers We make the equations for them:

  7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers

Further, the equations are minimized and a scheme is constructed using them in a given basis.

7.3 Synthesis of the structural machine Miles on RS-triggers

Consider the synthesis of the structural Mile automaton given by Table 7.9 and Table 7.10 on RS triggers in the elemental basis {AND, OR, NOT}.

Table 7.9.
z \ a a1 a2 a3 a4
z1 a1 a3 a1 -
z2 - a1 a4 a2
z3 a4 a2 a3 a3
Table 7.10.
z \ a a1 a2 a3 a4
z1 w1 w3 w1 -
z2 - w1 w2 w2
z3 w2 w2 w3 w3
  1. We find the number of memory elements R = 2 and encode the states of the abstract automaton, for example, as shown in Table 7.11.
    Table 7.11.
    t 1 t 2
    a 1 0 0
    a 2 0 one
    a 3 one 0
    a 4 one one
  2. We encode the input and output signals of an abstract automaton, for example, as shown in Table 7.12 and Table 7.13.
    Table 7.12.
    x 1 x 2
    z 1 0 one
    z 2 one 0
    z 3 one one
    Table 7.13.
    y 1 y 2
    w 1 0 0
    w 2 0 one
    w 3 one 0
  3. The structural automaton is represented by a generalized scheme (Fig. 7.4).
      7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers

    Fig. 7.4.
  4. Table 7.10 is represented using state codes, input and output signals (Table 7.14), and using it we write the equations of the outputs.   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers
    Table 7.14.
    x 1 x 2 \ t 1 t 2 00 01 ten eleven
    01 00 ten 00 -
    ten - 00 01 01
    eleven 01 01 ten ten
  5. We compile a coded automaton transition table (Table 7.15) and write equations for the excitation functions on it.
    Table 7.15.
    r 1 r 2 00 01 ten 00
    x 1 x 2 \ t 1 t 2 00 01 ten eleven
    01 00 ten 00 -
    ten - 00 eleven 01
    eleven eleven 01 ten ten

The excitation function of the RS-trigger is presented in table 7.16. Looking through each transition of triggers on the transition table of the machine (Table 7.15), we compose a table of excitation functions (Table 7.17), which has state codes as column headings, and rows are labeled with input signal codes. In each cell of the table, the excitation functions are written for the first trigger   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers and for the second trigger   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers . We make the equations for them:

Table 7.16.
  7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers   7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers
0 0 - 0
0 ten one
one 0 1 0
one - 0 one
Table 7.17.
  7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers 0 0 0 1 ten eleven
01 0- 0- 10 01 01 0- -
ten - 0- 01 -0 10 01 -0
eleven 10 10 0- -0 -0 0- -0 01
  7: An example of the synthesis of a structural automaton on triggers

Further, the equations are minimized and a scheme is constructed using them in a given basis.

Similarly, the synthesis is carried out on JK triggers.


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Theory of Automata

Terms: Theory of Automata