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Это окончание невероятной информации про личность в организации.


vacancy candidates submit to the personnel department of the enterprise their applications and summaries, which can be made up in any form or form.

3. Consideration of applications and summaries. At this stage, applicants who are clearly not relevant to the vacant post are eliminated.

4. First meeting with candidates. It is carried out in the form of an interview (diagnostic interview), which is conducted by the manager himself or his authorized representative.

The following types of interviews can be used in personnel management: structured (according to a pre-established scheme), poorly formalized (only basic, basic questions remain) and unstructured (free-form interviews). Sometimes a panel (two or more interviewers interview one respondent) and a group interview (several potential applicants participate in a group interview).

After the diagnostic interview, the candidate’s recommendations are checked, psychological testing and medical examinations are carried out (if necessary). Based on the analysis of all available data, the final decision on employment is made. At this stage, the selection phase of candidates is considered complete.

Professional adaptation. Getting started in an organization or moving an employee to a new position for him is practically a difficult period for almost any person. A person starting to learn a new activity for himself gets used to the peculiarities of work in a particular organization, its adaptation to its goals and values ​​always passes. Depending on how successfully he succeeds in overcoming this period, depends on the effectiveness of his work and the stability of the situation in the enterprise.

Traditionally, professional (mastering the content of the work) and socio-psychological (joining the team, in the system of relations in the organization as a whole and in a particular subdivision) types of adaptations are distinguished. Some authors also point out the specific features of a primary adaptation that arises in a person just starting his career, and a secondary one, which occurs when changing jobs.

As a rule, the professional level of a newcomer of an enterprise, even with a high educational level and professional experience, does not fully comply with the requirements of the organization. Any professional education is quite general in nature and it is necessary to "grind" the existing knowledge and skills to the requirements and peculiarities of the work of a particular organization. Against this background, a beginner may experience a sense of his own incompetence and incompetence in specific areas of his work. This feeling can lead to the development of the so-called "adaptation shock", the symptoms of which are associated with the loss of work motivation and, in general, the desire to be within the framework of this organization.

As a rule, in the framework of professional adaptation, newcomers need “professional development”, which can take place in the form of adaptation internship (sparing mode of operation, attaching curators to the newcomer, gradual increase in the complexity of tasks performed, etc.). In order to successfully socialize a new employee, from the very beginning of his work in an organization, it is necessary to acquaint with its philosophy and strategy, traditions and standards of behavior, official and unofficial rules and regulations. Socio-psychological adaptation may include the use of psychological methods of adaptation to the new social microenvironment, its laws, norms and values.

In some organizations, it is practiced adaptation training with newly hired staff. During this training, neuropsychic stress relief, various relaxation and meditative techniques, and psycho-gymnastic exercises can be used.

During the entire period of adaptation, the personnel service of the organization should exercise constant control over the process of the entry of a new employee into the work of the organization. The adaptation process can end with a certification interview and formally coincide with the end of the probationary period of employees. However, the time of adaptation for different people can vary considerably, and as a result, when controlling the adaptation process, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each employee.

Motivating and motivating employees. Motivation and incentives for employees are focused on the development of professional motivation and, ultimately, ensuring a high level of labor efficiency. The incentive system in an organization involves the use of external rewards that an employee receives for his work. Motivation is aimed at the development of internal motives of the employee, increasing interest in work. It is deep and focused on the development of the system of internal motivation of the person. Taken together, the incentive and motivation methods used in the organization constitute the motivational environment of the organization.

The traditional incentive system for employees in an organization includes tangible and intangible types of remuneration (promotion, creation of opportunities for further training, praise, demonstrating the strength of an employee’s position in the organization, providing more complex and responsible tasks, etc.) • Remuneration This is what the employer can give or do for the subordinate for the work done. The system of material incentives in the organization is a kind of "compensation package." Documented, it is a series of provisions on remuneration and material bonuses to employees, as well as a list of benefits for employees of the organization, which is based on the socio-economic status of the enterprise and can be modified. In drawing up the compensation package, the interests of the employee and the employer are taken into account, which, ideally, should be balanced. The distortion in one direction or another reduces the effectiveness of the organization.

As a rule, the material remuneration of an employee consists of two parts: the main (salary or salary) and additional (bonus or benefits). Benefits include all additional payments, as well as services provided by the organization that have a cash equivalent for the organization (medical insurance, vacation or medical vouchers, additional leave, travel documents, etc.). In developing the system of benefits provided by the organization, national and local legislation, the specifics of the labor market, the tax regime, as well as cultural traditions and peculiarities are taken into account. Recently, the system of benefits, traditional for our state, has been modified, new forms of providing benefits to employees are being developed. One of such forms is remuneration on the principle of self-service (the "cafeteria principle"), when the employee himself, within established limits, chooses a system of benefits that suits him most. In this case, the motivating role is played not only by the reward itself, but also by the feeling of “freedom of choice”.

Formation of the motivational environment of the organization includes a series of sequential steps.

1. Determination of the most adequate to each type of remuneration activity (size, type, validity, growth prospects).

2. Formation of the system of benefits as additional motivators of activity.

3. Improving the content of labor to give it the function of a motivator.

4. Involvement of employees in setting goals and making organizational decisions in order to increase their interest in work.

Summarizing the above, I would like to note that the system of motivation and stimulation of labor activity should be based on the philosophy and development strategy of the organization. That it will ensure their successful implementation.

Certification and evaluation of staff. An important function of the manager in ensuring an effective personnel policy is the assessment of the employee’s work in the light of the conformity of the quality of his work and the peculiarities of his behavior with the standards and expectations of the organization. Traditionally, such an assessment is carried out in the process of certification of the employee. Certification is an assessment of the effectiveness of an employee’s performance of an activity or an assessment of the individual characteristics of an employee’s activity in order to accumulate information necessary for making management decisions as part of a personnel strategy.

Evaluation of personnel in the structures of small business bears a number of functions.

1. Administrative. On the basis of the results of the assessment, issues related to the increase and decrease in the service, renewal of the contract, etc. are solved.

2. Informational. The assessment provides guidance to the organization with feedback from its staff and vice versa. Through certification, employees can learn what is expected of them; get feedback about your work; get information about what needs to be improved in work. The manager with the help of certification gets the opportunity to know his subordinate better, she helps to understand who is worthy of encouragement and helps to identify specific abilities.

3. Motivational. Assessment - an important motivating tool that stimulates the labor activity of employees of the company.

In a strategic plan, staff assessment is focused on the following tasks.

1. Improving the efficiency of the organization by optimizing the use of human resources.

2. Выявление сотрудников, способных выполнять более ответственную работу.

3. Помощь самосовершенствованию сотрудников на основе внимания к их потребностям, побудительным мотивам и дарованиям.

4. Определение оснований для повышения заработной платы и приведение ее в соответствие с профессиональным уровнем конкретного работника.

В тактическом плане оценка персонала позволяет следующее.

1. Повысить заинтересованность работника в результатах своего труда и мотивировать на дальнейшую деятельность.

2. Добиваться взаимопонимания между администрацией и подчиненными.

3. Повысить уровень удовлетворенности работой.

4. Довести до подчиненных оценку их деятельности.

5. Поставить реальные цели и задачи на будущее.

6. Получить дополнительные основания для поиска возможных кадровых резервов внутри организации.

Указанные тактические и стратегические задачи, на решение которых направлена аттестационная процедура, будут достижимы при соблюдении определенных условий. Во-первых, система оценки должна быть максимально объективной, критерии оценки должны быть открыты и понятны аттестуемым сотрудникам. Во-вторых, при объявлении результатов оценки необходимо соблюдать требование конфиденциальности. Они могут быть известны только самому сотруднику, его непосредственному руководителю и работникам службы персонала организации. Помимо этого, сотрудники должны принимать установленную в организации систему оценки деятельности и активно участвовать в процессе аттестации, что, во многом, определяет успешность ее проведения.

Аттестацию новых сотрудников и людей, переведенных на новые должности, рекомендуется проводить через три, шесть и 12 месяцев. Для других сотрудников проводится промежуточная аттестация в середине года и итоговая в конце. Результаты головой аттестации могут дать основание для повышения заработной платы сотруднику на следующий год.

Традиционными методами проведения аттестации являются: наблюдение за поведением сотрудника, экспертные оценки, анализ результатов деятельности, профессиональное и психологическое тестирование. Обычно при проведении аттестации используется не один, а целый комплекс методов, дополняющих и дублирующих друг друга. Методы проведения аттестации выбираются с учетом специфики деятельности организации и целей ее проведения.

Управление карьерой сотрудников. Слово "карьера" означает успешное продвижение в области общественной служебной, научной и прочей деятельности. Психологи рассматривают карьеру, как продукт субъективного осознания человеком перспектив своего профессионального совершенствования. В нем содержатся внутренние установки и поведение, их изменение, а также постоянное совершенствование навыков, способностей и профессиональных возможностей, связанных с конкретной деятельностью.

Управление карьерой – это специально организованная деятельность организации и ее штатных сотрудников в плане проведения специалиста по заранее спланированной карьерной траектории. Планирование и управление карьерой сотрудника организации предполагает определение средств достижения желаемых результатов, включая формирование "образцов карьеры". Планирование может быть рассмотрено как способ предотвращения проблем начала и середины карьеры. Для целенаправленного планирования карьеры необходимо совмещение личных потребностей и потребностей организации, в которой работает профессионал. Планирование карьеры может осуществляться самим работником (осознанно и неосознанно) или идти со стороны руководства и кадровой службы организации, в которой он работает. В последнем случае оно может осуществляться формальными и неформальными способами. Формальный способ планирования карьеры основан на реализации обязанностей штатных сотрудников организации, работающих в службе управления персоналом. Они оценивают личные и профессиональные возможности сотрудников и определяют перспективы их карьерного продвижения. Неформальный способ обеспечивается непосредственным руководителем и является частью процесса оценки деятельности работника. Оценка деятельности дает возможность работнику понять, насколько хорошо и качественно он работает, чего может добиться, побуждая его самого к планированию продвижения.

Неотъемлемой частью системы управления карьерой в организации является работа с кадровым резервом. Кадровый резерв – это группа сотрудников организации, которые, в силу своих личностных и профессиональных способностей и возможностей, могут выполнять более сложные и ответственные виды работ. Для сотрудников, включенных в кадровый резерв, проводится специально организованное обучение, а также осуществляются целенаправленные, формально организованные действия по планированию и управлению их карьерным продвижением.

  • [1] При описании требования к сотруднику указываются только те характеристики из данного перечня, которые актуальны для описываемой должности.


Часть 2 Adaptation of employees in organizations - 5. PERSONALITY IN THE
Часть 3 Employee organizational behavior patterns - 5. PERSONALITY IN THE ORGANIZATION


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