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Adaptation of employees in organizations - 5. PERSONALITY IN THE


Это продолжение увлекательной статьи про личность в организации.


in a higher order system — in the metasystem of activity; they are new entities of a higher level than just knowledge, qualifications, experience, abilities, etc. Unfortunately, scientists still have not come to an unequivocal understanding of the term competence and often replace them with behavioral characteristics, abilities, etc. The development of the problem of competencies should be carried out from system positions.

A number of researchers are trying to identify competencies that are common to all professionals. So, Dulevich singled out four super-competences of the staff, to which he refers:

- intellectual;

- interpersonal;

- employee adaptability;

- focus on the result.

These competencies relate primarily to the personality of the manager, the question of the possibility of distinguishing general professional competencies remains open.

The decision of the question "what to evaluate?" or the substantive aspect of the problem of evaluation does not exhaust the range of problems of personnel evaluation. Equally important is the question "how and with the help of what methods to evaluate the employee?" or the methodical aspect of staff evaluation.

Many methods from the arsenal of psychological science can be used to evaluate personnel. Sometimes it is understood that the more methods are used, the more complete and reliable information about the evaluated can be obtained. At the same time, in psychology there is evidence that with an increase in the number of parameters evaluated, the assessment becomes less accurate. The use of a large number of methods in the assessment is undesirable because of time constraints, the fatigability of the estimated, significant material costs, etc. In any case, first of all, you should adhere to the principles of reliability and practicality.

The main factor determining the choice of methods should be the purpose of the assessment. Thus, in the selection of personnel, it is advisable to use prognostic methods that determine the professional and personal suitability of a potential employee to perform work. At certification, attention should be paid to methods stating the achievements and shortcomings of the currently being certified.

To ensure the effectiveness of the employee’s work and the optimal performance of his duties, it is necessary that this employee not only possesses the knowledge, skills, skills and competencies necessary to carry out the activity, but also corresponds in his personal, characterological, motivational and other features to that organizational environment, culture which developed at this enterprise. In this regard, at the personnel selection and employee assessment stage, the organization presents them with some specific requirements ensuring such compliance.

In order for an employee to work successfully in an organization, at the selection stage, it is necessary to take into account not only his professional qualities, but also a number of psychological characteristics necessary to perform the work. In the process of hiring a personnel manager and the head of the organization decide on the psychological compatibility of the candidate in relation to the position for which he aspires, as well as the culture of the organization. As noted above, the selection process of candidates is divided into professional, involving the assessment of the applicant's professional competence, and psychological, during which the personal, communicative, motivational and other characteristics of a potential employee are evaluated.

However, before proceeding with the process of psychological selection, it is necessary to clearly understand what kind of psychological characteristics an employee working in a particular position should possess. This issue should be resolved in the organization long before the start of employment, in the process of developing professional qualification requirements for personnel. Based on the analysis of the content of the activity, a professionally qualified position card is compiled, which includes a professiogram, in which the qualities and characteristics necessary for the performance of the work are noted. For example, the necessary qualities for an organizational psychologist are:

- well-developed communication skills;

- tact;

- sense of responsibility;

- the ability to empathize;

- observation;

- analytical mind;

- emotional stability;

- developed verbal-logical and figurative memory;

- attentiveness.

Among these qualities in the professiogram can also be highlighted essential, desirable and contraindicated characteristics. The list of these qualities is determined by expert evaluation, as well as through the construction of the “ideal” model of the worker described above.

One of the modern methods of psychological assessment of an employee at the stage of selection is a metaprogram interview. A metaprogram is a specific way of assessing and processing incoming information by the mind and subconscious of people, forcing them to pay attention to certain features of phenomena, things, situations, to perform certain actions. These are stereotypes, patterns of mental activity, directly related to behavioral stereotypes. Analyzing the applicant's meta-programs, the personnel manager can with a rather high degree of probability suggest how well he will cope with his psychological characteristics or not cope with the work he claims to, to what extent he will work with the management of the organization, how successfully he will join the organizational environment. A significant advantage of the method of analyzing metaprograms in the candidate's speech is that it is almost impossible to calculate a socially desirable answer, therefore, it is possible to obtain highly reliable answers that give an idea of ​​the individual personality characteristics of a person.

Investigations of metaprograms originate in the works of L. Cameron-Bendler. Initially, she used the categories of metaprograms in the context of psychotherapy, and then R. Bailey and R. Stewart transferred them to the business. R. Bailey (well-known business consultant and specialist in neuro-linguistic programming) adapted metaprograms as a profile characteristic of the “personality” and based on them developed a language-behavioral profile ( LAB), used for analyzing motivation and testing in business. The following are the most commonly used metaprogramme personnel managers:

- type of reference;

- desire - avoidance;

- process - result;

- procedures - opportunities;

- similarities - differences;

- loner - manager - team player;

- environment - content;

- activity - reflexivity.

Meta-program "Type of reference" shows how your own and others' opinions correlate when making decisions and forming a person's self-esteem. Internal reference primarily means orientation of one's own opinion, vision and position. External - on the opinion of others, objective results, accepted norms, public opinion. For example, a person who has an external reference, when assessing the success of his activities or the correctness of decisions made, will often be guided by some objectively fixed indicators (sales, number of contacts, evaluations of managers and supervisors), while ignoring their own opinion, your inner voice. A person with an internal type of reference focuses primarily on himself and his own assessment of what is happening. To diagnose the type of reference, the following questions are used.

1. How do you determine your success?

2. How do you decide which work option to choose?

3. How do you determine whether you are able to negotiate with the person?

These and similar questions are aimed at determining the leading orientation of a person: self or others. Depending on the content of the work, this or that position may require from the employee a certain type of reference.

Metaprogram "Aspiration - Avoidance" characterizes a person as striving forward, risking, tending to achieve more or, on the contrary, trying to avoid mistakes, cautious, pedantic. It manifests itself in speech through the frequent use of negative particles (for example, non-conflict), as well as the words "normal", "acceptable", indicating avoidance, or positive wording indicating aspiration. People whose avoidance prevails, as a rule, are focused on finding errors, tend to recheck their work many times and avoid risks. Often these people experience significant difficulties in communication. A person focused on aspiration is successful in creative types of work, non-routine activities. The avoidance orientation is unacceptable for people working in a constantly changing environment. A person with a pronounced "avoidance" meta-program is focused on finding errors or negatives, is prone to criticism, and has pronounced analytical skills. Such people are successful in controlling types of work.

Metaprogram "Process - result" determines the ratio of preferences and inclinations of the individual in relation to the process or result in any kind of activity. Result-oriented people are good at goal-oriented work, but do not quite clearly observe technology (process). A person with a process orientation manifests himself well in work, where there is no measurable result and compliance with procedures, technologies, regulations, regulations is of great importance.

The “Procedures - Opportunities” metaprogram determines which way a person goes in work or solving his personal tasks. People of opportunities are aimed at finding new solutions, at non-recurring actions, or at the possibility of using new approaches in solving typical problems. Procedure people prefer to use a typical path or course of action. Not only is the ability and propensity for certain activities, but also a certain social behavior, determined by procedures or opportunities. So, people of opportunities in general are more mobile, they adapt more easily in a new team, they are enthusiastic about introducing innovations. People procedures are prone to repeatability from day to day, they are more conservative in clothes, it is more difficult to converge with new people and more difficult to get used to changes. They have a high focus on stability.

Metaprogram "Similarities - Differences" indicates whether a person is oriented in life and work - to highlight the common or different. Similarity suggests that a person will seek compromise in conflict situations, identifying common interests with others. People who make a difference prefer to pay attention to differences, it can be difficult for them to successfully resolve conflicts. In general, it should be noted that with serious changes in the life of a person to find differences increases. For example, it was found that at the time of looking for work, a person is always a little more aware of differences than during a normal course of life. This point should be considered when selecting employees. Even if the content of the work requires a person to pay more attention to the similarity, a suitable candidate may show a slightly greater tendency towards differences.

Meta-program "Single - manager - team player" defines the subject's self-positioning relative to group work.

Alone in all places an emphasis on personal merit and achievement, prefers personal encouragement to command. Such a person is not inclined to shift responsibility to others, focused on individual results.

The manager positions himself as a leader on whom the success of the entire team depends. In addition to his achievements, he is interested in the success of his team. This person perceives the success of the team, which he led as his own. Ready to take responsibility for the actions of the team as a whole.

All the main actions and decisions of the team player are perceived by him as the result of team actions. Such an employee is motivated by teamwork, constant interaction with the team, it is difficult for him to work alone.

The “Environment - Content” metaprogram reflects the extent to which an environment (team, customers, friends, students) or work content (responsibility, feedback, nature of work) is important for a person.

The metaprogram "Activity - reflexivity" determines the propensity of a person to either active and sufficiently autonomous actions, readiness to make decisions and take on certain obligations (activity). With high reflexivity, a person, on the contrary, is more inclined to analyze, performing types of activity, which allow them to take off a large share of responsibility, to avoid activity and autonomy.

Accounting for organizational requirements at the personnel selection stage allows you to select an employee who can perform work efficiently and effectively not only on the basis of their professional knowledge, skills and competencies, but also can successfully join the team, adapt to the culture of the organization, find their place in системе межличностных отношений, сложившихся на предприятии. Это будет являться залогом успешного построения системы управления персоналом данной организации.

Помимо отбора, оценка сотрудника и качества его работы проводится также в процессе аттестации. Аттестация – комплексная систематическая процедура оценки сотрудников организации с целью определения степени соответствия их характеристик требованиям должности за определенный период времени.

Выделяют итоговую, промежуточную и специальную аттестацию (по особым обстоятельствам). Итоговая аттестация проводится раз в три – пять лет. Промежуточная аттестация проводится через сравнительно короткие периоды – от шести месяцев до двух лет.

Правовым основанием для проведения аттестации в организациях служит Постановление Минтруда РФ № 27 и Минюста РФ 8/186 от 23 октября 1992 г. "Основные положения о порядке проведения аттестации служащих учреждений, организаций и предприятий, находящихся на бюджетном финансировании". В нем, в частности, говорится, что подготовка к проведению аттестации организуется администрацией учреждения, организации, предприятия при участии профсоюзных организаций. Она включает следующие мероприятия:

– подготовку необходимых документов на аттестуемых;

– выработку графиков проведения аттестации;

– определение состава аттестационных комиссий;

– организацию разъяснительной работы о целях и порядке проведения аттестации.

Конкретные сроки, а также график проведения аттестации, состав аттестационных комиссий утверждаются руководителем учреждения, организации, предприятия и доводятся до сведения аттестуемых работников не позднее, чем за две недели до начала аттестации. Как правило, в первую очередь аттестуются руководители подразделений учреждения, организации, предприятия, а затем подчиненные им работники. Обычно в очередную аттестацию не включаются лица, проработавшие менее трех лет после окончания учебного заведения; беременные женщины и женщины, имеющие детей в возрасте до трех лет.

В состав аттестационной комиссии включаются председатель (как правило, заместитель руководителя учреждения, организации, предприятия), секретарь и члены комиссии, руководители подразделений, высококвалифицированные специалисты, представители профсоюзных организаций.

For each employee who is subject to certification, no later than two weeks before the start of its conduct, his immediate supervisor prepares a presentation containing a comprehensive assessment of: compliance of the employee’s professional training with the qualification requirements for the position and amount of his remuneration; professional competence; relationship to work; performance of official duties; performance indicators for the past period. The certified employee must be in advance, no later than two weeks before the certification, familiar with the submitted materials.

Certification involves a lot of preparatory work. Human resources specialists, including psychologists, are collecting materials about those being certified. This is, first of all, a review (characteristic) of the employee to be certified, drawn up and signed by his immediate supervisor. Feedback is issued, as a rule, according to a specific sample. In addition, the attestation commission provides the results of the employee's assessment, carried out using a combination of psychological methods that allow identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the employee. In the conclusion, compiled according to the assessment, the degree of compliance of the characteristics of a particular employee with the characteristics of the “ideal model” and the requirements of the position is established.

At the disposal of modern psychology, there are enough methods to obtain the necessary information about the professional. There are three main groups of methods: qualitative, quantitative and combined. We give examples of the techniques of each group.

The qualitative methods used in personnel evaluation include:

- biographical and anamnestic methods;

- arbitrary (written or oral) description of the work being evaluated (in the foreign version - "essay-assessment");

- generalization of independent characteristics, expert opinions;

- systematic observation;

- setting activity goals and the subsequent evaluation of their implementation (“management through goals”);

- free discussion of the group of experts with the estimated but the topic of their activities;

- "critical incident technique";

- the method of a given group of workers;

- forced choice method;

- evaluation interview of a special expert with the person being assessed, etc.

Quantitative personnel assessment methods include:

- given and free assessment of the employee by experts;

- graphical representation of the employee's personal profile;

- quantitative self-assessment of the activities and personality of the employee;

- assessment of personality traits using questionnaires;

- test method, etc.

Combined methods involve the use of both qualitative characteristics and quantitative indicators. These include:

- comparison method (rank and pair);

- a given group of workers for various factors;

- score during business games;

- method "scale behavioral expectations";

- instrumental methods;

- projective methods for assessing personality traits, etc.

As can be seen from the above list of methods, one of the most common ways of obtaining information, and often the only possible one, is the method of expert assessments. Often this method is used as the main, leading in solving many personnel problems in the organization. In the practice of working with staff, expert assessments play a special role. The method can be applied as an independent one; it also underlies many other methods. With it, it is possible to obtain a comprehensive and completely objective characteristics of the employee. At the same time, in modern science and practice, expert procedures remain outside the field of attention of scientists, which leads to serious violations in the process and results of personnel evaluation.

Assessment center. One of the most popular and effective foreign personnel assessment methods is the integrated assessment center "assessment centers", the name of which was used in domestic practice without translation as an assessment center, which causes some confusion in understanding its meaning. The assessment center is a specific evaluation template, a set of personnel assessment methods. It is precisely due to the diversity of methods and their complementarity that it is possible to obtain accurate and reliable information about the subject under test. The method is widely used in companies General Electric Co ; AT & T; IBM; Ford Motor Co .; Volkswagen AG, Bayer AG , etc. The evaluation involves managers at various levels, psychologists, personnel managers. During a certain period (from two to seven days), the group being evaluated is tested according to 15–25 parameters that determine the effectiveness of their activities. One of the most important characteristics of the methods used for the assessment is their proximity to reality: practical situations are modeled from the activities of those being certified. Specifically, these may be business and role-playing games, discussions, group analysis of situations, tests for performing sample work, assessment interviews or interviews, individual testing of abilities, skills and personal qualities. The best is the use of seven different evaluation procedures. According to the results of the assessment center, a conclusion is made about the abilities, qualifications and personal qualities of the person being certified and the possibilities of their development. The results of the evaluation must be reported to the employee.

Using the full package of methods of an assis-centration center in an organization is a rather expensive procedure, therefore, often some methods are shortened, simplified, or completely removed. At the same time, despite the cost, it is generally recognized that the integrated systematic organization of the assessment center is the most effective personnel assessment tool.

The attestation commission considers the submission, hears the attestation and the head of the department in which he works. Discussion of the work of the attested should take place in an environment of exactingness, objectivity and goodwill, precluding the manifestation of subjectivism.

Evaluation of the employee’s activities and recommendations of the commission are accepted by open voting in the absence of the attested person. Voting results are determined by a majority vote. Attestation results are communicated to the employee immediately after the vote. The results of certification (assessment and recommendations) are recorded in the certification sheet, which is stored in his personal file.

According to the results of the attestation, the commission makes recommendations on the employee’s compliance with a particular position and on the assignment to this or that category of wages. No less important result of certification is the development of programs for working with staff (working with the reserve, job movements, retraining and advanced training, etc.).

At the end of the certification reports are written, which summarizes and approves its results. The appendix may include employee performance ratings, lists of the most and least successful employees, and professional growth forecasts. According to the results of certification, it is necessary to conduct interviews with employees, during which the decisions of the commission are explained, recommendations are given for improving professional efficiency.

Adaptation of employees in organizations

Adaptation of employees in the organization is one of the important areas of work of the psychologist. This process applies to new employees (primary adaptation) and not only (secondary adaptation when changing positions). Successful management of adaptation provides organizations with the optimization of personnel costs and is due to the peculiarities of the organization’s activities and its social environment.

Adaptation of an employee is a factor in increasing the efficiency of his professional activity.

Management of adaptation is increasingly attracting the attention of the management of organizations and is becoming one of the key tasks, which occupies a large place in the management of the organization. So, in many organizations, there were posts of managers for the adaptation of personnel.

Concept of adaptation

The theory of psychological adaptation develops in line with various psychological approaches and trends. Adaptation research has a long history and originates from the natural sciences: biology, physiology, medicine. Much later, the concept of adaptation was transferred to sociology and psychology.

G. Sel'ely, P. K. Anokhina, R. M. Baevsky, F. Z. Meerson, V. P. Kaznacheyeva, S. V. Kaznacheyeva, V. I. Medvedeva, A. A. Reana, A.Zh. Yurevits, M.S. Yanitsky and other scientists.

The term "adaptation" has a long-standing origin and refers to general scientific interdisciplinary concepts. It comes from the late-Latin " adaptatio " (adaptation) and, in a broad sense, is understood as the adaptation of the organism to changing environmental conditions. Thus, the mutual relationship between the development of the individual (the organism) and the environmental conditions is laid down initially in the term itself.

The philosophical interpretation of adaptation is presented as a description of the general principles of the dialectical unity of the organism (the individual, their aggregates) and environmental conditions: change and immutability, dynamics and stability, passivity and activity, openness and closeness.

Directly scientific study of adaptation, its description originated in the natural sciences. Initially, the term "adaptation" was widely used in the biological sciences to describe the phenomenon and mechanisms of the adaptive behavior of individuals in the animal and plant world, the evolution of various forms of life; as a characteristic of the processes of interaction of the organism and the environment. At the same time, adaptation was considered from the standpoint of homeostasis, stressful situations, like maintaining balance between the environment and the organism. It is important that from the very beginning adaptation was considered in two aspects: effective and procedural.

In addition, another division was introduced that is effectively used in the concepts of psychological adaptation: it has become regarded as a genotypic and phenotypic (ontological) process. Medicine and psychophysiology have brought to the fore the consideration of the phenomenon of adaptation at the individual level, taking into account the social conditions of the environment. They opened the way to the description of adaptation as a rhythmic process, having such characteristics as dynamics, change, waviness, reactivity, phasing, intensity.

As noted above, the theory of adaptation has evolved from the natural sciences. At the same time, biological science had the greatest impact on it. One of the main contributions of biology to the theory of adaptation was to consider it in terms of maintaining homeostasis as its main task. The concept of homeostasis was first put forward in 1848 in physiology by K. Bernard and later developed in the works of A. D. Slonim and W. Kennon, who introduced the term "homeostasis" in 1932. They described homeostasis as a constancy of a number of indicators of the internal environment organism, which is a prerequisite for the life of any biological system. This idea of ​​the need to preserve the stability of a person with the environment was transferred to the psychology of J. Piaget and K. Levin. In 1936 another concept emerged from this concept, which became a classic in the description of adaptation processes and later became widely used in psychological research - the concept of general adaptation syndrome G. Selye.

The concept of homeostasis as the constancy of the internal environment of the body, which is a necessary condition for life, was successfully transferred to psychology. J. Piaget described two main adaptation mechanisms that promote human adaptation to environmental conditions: assimilation and accommodation. Under assimilation, the author has identified a set of individual actions aimed at the inclusion of environmental factors in his already established cognitive structures. Accommodation is the opposite process of exposure of the environment to the subject, when he directs his own activity to change the already formed cognitive structures. Proceeding from this, J. Piaget defines adaptation as an equal ratio of these two vectors of an individual's intellectual activity.

From the concept of homeostatic balancing in 1936, another classic concept emerged - the concept of general adaptation syndrome G. Selye. In accordance with it, under the influence of certain stressors in the whole organism, so-called adaptation reactions take place, which add up to an adaptation syndrome that has a stadial character.

G. Selye identified three stages of stress.

1. Stage anxiety (mobilization of protective forces).

2. Stage of resistance (stabilization - increasing the body's resistance to the effects of adverse effects).

3. Stage of exhaustion.

At the same time, the author emphasizes constancy, continuity of the syndrome, the presence of the mandatory minimum necessary tension during the entire life activity. It should be noted that already here the author points to the stereotyped response of the organism.

In the future, the problem of stress actively developed in line with the understanding of adaptation as a process of forming cognitive strategies by the subject to overcome a stressful situation. This made it possible to single out a continuum of adaptation strategies between successful adaptation and disadaptation (F. E. Vasilyuk, V. A. Ganzen, L. G. Dikaya, T. V. Kryukova, and others). Another approach to adaptation is developed by E. S. Bauer: he views it in the context of maintaining an optimal level of equilibrium in changing environmental conditions.

In physiology and medicine, the understanding of adaptation is considered similar to the biological interpretation - as a set of physiological reactions that underlie adaptation to changing environmental conditions and aimed at maintaining the constancy of the internal environment. Adaptation ensures the implementation of reactions aimed at an adequate response.

Analyzing and summarizing the concepts of adaptation offered by different sciences, it can be judged that it is considered as a phenomenon, state, process, property, result, and dynamic education.

Adaptation as a physiological phenomenon is a process of adaptation to environmental conditions, during which the ability to survive of individuals and their groups is improved.

Adaptation as a state represents the degree of satisfaction of an individual’s needs with environmental conditions.

Adaptation as a process (adaptation) is a form of changing the environment and the organism by applying actions that are appropriate for the situation to achieve simultaneous equilibrium between the environment and the organism. As the process of adaptation is deployed in time: it begins with fixing the difference between the cash and the necessary level of adaptation in these conditions, and then a set of processes is developed leading to the achievement of a new - necessary - level of adaptation.

Adaptation as a property is a characteristic of a self-regulating system that ensures its resistance to environmental conditions, which implies the development of certain adaptive abilities.

Adaptation as a dynamic education is also a process of adaptation to environmental conditions, but active, directed by the emotional sphere. Adaptation as a result of adaptation is the presence of adaptability to a certain environmental factor.

The definitions of adaptation are combined into three main groups (according to A. B. Georgievsky).

1. Definitions in which the concept of adaptation is interpreted as adaptation to the environment, i.e. adaptation is the process and result of the adaptation of the structure and functions of the organism (individuals, populations, species, individuals) to environmental conditions.

2. Definitions in which adaptation is understood through the severity of the key aspect of the structural and functional organization of the individual. These key aspects stand out at the following levels:

- biochemical;

- morphological;

- physiological;

- behavioral.

3. Polysemantic definitions that emphasize the multi-valued, multidimensional nature of the phenomenon of adaptation itself and, above all, the emphasis on adaptation as a process and adaptation as a result.

Selecting these groups and generalizing definitions A. B. Georgievsky defines adaptation as a special form of reflection of the influence of the external and internal environment, which is the tendency to establish dynamic equilibrium with them.

Over time, the concept of adaptation shifted to the mainstream of psychological science, where it developed under the influence of behaviorism, non-behaviorism, psychoanalysis, humanistic, cognitive psychology, and labor psychology. At the same time, interpretations of adaptation in the foreign and national traditions began to diverge.

So, J. Piaget, considering the adaptation from the point of view of the relationship between the individual and his environment, described the adaptation, defining it as a process of homeostatic balancing. At the same time, according to the concept of Piaget, psychic assimilation is the inclusion of objects in behavioral patterns, which themselves are nothing more than a canvas of actions that have the ability to actively reproduce. Accommodation is the opposite process of exposure of the environment to the subject, when he directs his own activity to change the already formed cognitive structures. Proceeding from this, J. Piaget defines adaptation as an equal ratio of these two vectors of an individual's intellectual activity: "Adaptation can be defined as an equilibrium between assimilation and accommodation, or essentially the same thing as equilibrium in interactions between subject and objects."

The second approach is based on the interpretation of adaptation as a process of forming a subject of cognitive strategies for overcoming a stressful situation (S. A. Shapkin, L. G. Dikaya), which made it possible to identify a continuum of adaptation strategies between successful adaptation and disadaptation. On the one hand, this makes it possible to adequately describe the process of the formation of a psychological system of adaptation, and on the other hand, to clearly demonstrate the complexity of the interaction of the various regulatory subsystems involved in this process.

The most important direction of the study of adaptation is associated with the consideration of social adaptation - the process and the result of the active adaptation of the individual to the conditions of the new social environment. Social adaptation is considered not only as an adaptation, but also as a constant process of integration of the individual into society, the process of its active adaptation in the social environment. The basis of the interaction between the subject and the social object in which (to which) the adjustment goes is the assimilation of elements of culture (including corporate), social norms and values, on the basis of which socially important qualities of the personality are formed.

Thus, the concept of social adaptation comes closer to another concept - “socialization”, the process of assimilation by an individual of social experience, a certain system of knowledge, norms, values, allowing him to function as a full member of society (according to I.S. Konu). The question of their relationship is ambiguous and finally not defined in modern literature.

Some scientists are of the opinion that adaptation is a stage in the socialization of the individual, i.e. the entry of the individual into the social environment. Others see adaptation and socialization as a single process of interaction between the individual and society. At the same time, adaptation is considered as an adaptation to a new objective activity, which determines socialization - the process of the formation of a personality.

Socialization is a prerequisite for the adaptation of the individual: the adaptation process is the first phase of the socialization of the individual; the second phase - interiorization - the process of incorporating social norms and conditions into the inner world of a person.

Social adaptation is one of the mechanisms of socialization, which allows an individual to be actively involved in the social environment by standardizing repetitive situations, which allows the individual to function in conditions of the dynamics of the social environment.

The process of adaptation is associated not only with the surrounding social conditions, but also with the conditions of a particular activity. That is, there is a differentiation of the concept of the environment according to the criterion of the type of activity and their change in human ontogenesis. These prerequisites made it possible to develop concepts that use the concepts of "industrial" and "educational" adaptation, which reflect precisely the type of activity carried out by the subject.

Production adaptation is considered as the process of inclusion of an individual in a new production environment for him, living in it, learning the professional role, production norms, social relations.

Further development of this direction in line with organizational psychology and management theory led domestic authors to develop the concept of professional adaptation (A. V. Karpov, V. Ya. Ternopol, Yu. P. Povarenkov). The structure and dynamics of adaptation are studied as a process of balancing in an open system, during which new systemic qualities are acquired. The productivity of this approach lies in the wide coverage of the indicators under consideration and their systematic interpretation, which makes it possible to operate with larger theoretical constructs. In accordance with this approach, the adaptation process is continuous: the role of individual components is changing. Within the framework of the direction of studies of professional adaptation, another approach is developed - the consideration of periods of crises through which a person passes.

The modern stage of development of the psychology of adaptation is characterized by great ambiguity and inconsistency. This is due both to the large number of approaches and to the objective complexity of the phenomenon of adaptation itself. In addition, filling in the understanding of adaptation depends on the development of society: new factors appear that affect the success of the process, requirements to the required level change, new areas of introduction of concepts of the psychology of adaptation appear. Also, the modern stage of development of the psychology of adaptation is characterized by the interpenetration of foreign and domestic approaches in this direction:

- separation of the concepts of adaptation ( adjustment ) and adaptation itself ( adaptation );

- movement from passive adaptation to building a system of productive interaction between the individual and environmental conditions, from the ultimate goal of balance, the absence of conflicts to the self-realization of the individual in the real social environment.

Such a transformation of the essence of the concept is connected with the shift of interest from the sphere of deviations (stress, imbalance) to the consideration of a healthy personality. That is, there is a gradual formation of the acmeological paradigm of adaptation (A. A. Bodalev, A. A. Derkach). Also, the general emphasis of adaptation consideration is shifted to individual ways, styles and adaptation strategies that a person uses not only in difficult life situations, but also in everyday, typical conditions. (L.I. Antsyferova, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, A.A. Kronik). The popularity of considering the transformative role of the individual in the process of adaptation is also increasing.

The definitions of psychological adaptation, as well as the concepts from which they follow, are quite diverse and contradictory. Different definitions have an emphasis on different aspects of the phenomenon under study: differences in the description of characteristics, the nature of the relationship between the individual and the environment, the content and procedural characteristics of adaptation, its main goal and result.

In general, any structural or behavioral change that is vital can be regarded as an adaptation. B. D. Prigin defines it as the restructuring of the entire system of individual behavior under the influence of the requirements imposed on it by environmental conditions.

A. A. Rean approaches the definition of adaptation from other positions, focusing not on behavior change, but on the procedural aspect: adaptation is the process and result of internal changes, external active adaptation and self-changing of an individual to new conditions of existence. However, he identifies two patterns. First, adaptation is carried out to the changed conditions (changes in the structure of social values, organizational changes, improvements and innovations in technology, etc.). Secondly, it occurs when entering a new activity.

Specifying this definition, it is possible to designate the adaptation process by the term adaptation, its result is adaptability, and the differences in the state before and after adaptation - the adaptive effect. In our opinion, such clarification introduces a greater order in understanding the essence of the phenomenon.

In the psychological dictionary, adaptation is defined as the adaptation of a person as a person to existence in society in accordance with the requirements of this society and with its own needs, motives and interests. That is, there is a convergence of the concept of adaptation and socialization.

The difference in psychological definitions of adaptation is in the emphasis on the activity of the process. We are talking about the active adaptation of the personality, self-change, self-correction in accordance with the requirements of the environment. A. A. Rean writes that there simply cannot be a passive acceptance of the value orientations of the environment without active self-modification if it is really a matter of the adaptation process. Adaptation and transformation of a person are interdependent. Adaptation is subject not only to the law of preservation of balance, but also to the laws of development, economy of forces. The goal of adaptation is to achieve the optimum performance, ensure the development of the organism, the human being and, at a minimum, preserve their viability and function in their integrity. Any adaptation is temporary, has limits: and if the biological limits of an organism's adaptation are enclosed in genes, psychophysiological adaptation to the environment is determined by the capabilities of temperament, then psychological adaptation is carried out within the framework of objectively evolving norms, values, attitudes, goals and beliefs.

So what is psychological adaptation? There are a number of positions that are accepted by most modern scholars and practitioners.

1. The adaptation process always involves the interaction of two objects.

2. This interaction takes place in special conditions - conditions of imbalance, inconsistency between systems.

3. The main purpose of this interaction is some coordination between systems, the degree and nature of which can vary within fairly wide limits.

4. Achieving the goal involves certain changes in the interacting systems.

5. Adaptation occurs when the change in the environment and (or) the activities of the individual.

6. Adaptation is accompanied by transformations in the social environment of the individual.

7. The leading role in the effectiveness of adaptation processes is played by the personality structures as a reflection of the emerging relationships and relationships with the essential characteristics of human existence.

Under the adaptation of employees in the organization refers to the development of an optimal mode of purposeful functioning of the personality of employees. Adaptation of employees is the process of entering a person into a set of roles and forms of activity in an organization, the process of an individual’s meaningful and creative adaptation to the peculiarities of his chosen profession and position.

In this case, it is not only about the adaptation of employees to the conditions of the organization as a temporary specific environment, to new methods of interaction between people and the norms of the organization’s collective, but also to master the norms and functions within the position held.

Функция адаптации состоит в повышении уровня профессиональной и социальной активности сотрудника и включение его в деятельность, а также в следующем.

1. В уменьшении стартовых издержек организации за счет уменьшения ошибок и скорейшего выхода сотрудника на нормальный режим работы.

2. В сокращении текучести кадров, в частности, за счет не прошедших испытательный срок и уволившихся в первые 6–12 месяцев.

3. В экономии времени руководителей и коллег, а также ресурсов организации, затрачиваемых на адаптацию новичка.

4. В экономии средств на поиск и обучение новых сотрудников взамен неадаптировавшихся и покинувших организацию.

5. В формировании лояльности новичка к организации, проявляющееся в принятии ее норм и ценностей, видении своих перспектив в сотрудничестве с ней, удовлетворенности работой и взаимоотношениями с сотрудниками.

6. В снижении уровня и сокращения длительности адаптационного стресса, позволяющего повысить удовлетворенность работой и организацией, а также общий уровень здоровья.

Адаптация сотрудников рассматривается как непрерывный процесс и результат приспособления индивида к меняющимся условиям. При этом адаптация не сводится к приспособлению к новым условиям в организации.

В литературе принято выделять следующие основные вида адаптации.

1. По отношениям субъект-объект:

– активная (субъект стремится изменить среду, преследуя свои цели);

– пассивная (субъект стремится не к изменению, а к усвоению требований среды).

2. По воздействию на сотрудника:

– прогрессивная (вызывающая позитивные изменения в мотивации, установках, профессиональных и социальных компетенциях);

– регрессивная (вызывающая формирование нежелательных для организации изменений (нарушения трудовой дисциплины, включение в группу маргинализированных сотрудников)).

3. По уровню:

– первичная (субъект – новый сотрудник, впервые трудоустроившийся в организацию);

– вторичная (субъект – сотрудник организации, переведенный в другое подразделение, получивший повышение или понижение в должности).

4. По направлениям:

– производственная;

– непроизводственная.

В структуре адаптации сотрудников выделяется ряд основных составляющих: социально-психологическая, психологическая и деятельностная. Социально-психологическая адаптация отражает изменение социальной роли сотрудника, усвоение норм и традиций, сложившихся в организации. Психологическая – перестройку мышления, речи, внимания, памяти, зрительного восприятия, воли, способностей. Деятельностная составляющая отражает приспособление к ритму, методам и формам работы, приобщение к труду на должности.

В структуре адаптации сотрудников выделяют другие компоненты: психофизиологическая адаптация – ломка прежнего динамического стереотипа, формирование новых установок, навыков и привычек; профессиональная адаптация – вхождение в профессиональную среду, усвоение норм и ценностей. Указанные компоненты, конечно, не являются обособленными образованиями, они выделяются в достаточной мере условно и представляют единый психологический конструкт.

Психология также учитывает процессуальный и результативный аспект адаптации. Процессуальный аспект адаптации основывается на выделении ее временных характеристик – протяженности и стадий самой адаптации (этапов, периодов), представляющей собой ряд элементов, связанных в единую логическую и временную последовательность. При этом в различных отраслях психологической теории и практики исследованы различные стороны процесса адаптации (от стадий социальной адаптации до психо- и физиологических механизмов адаптации). Результативный аспект адаптации традиционно используется как ключевой элемент при оценке успешности адаптивных процессов в целом. Именно поэтому результативный критерий положен в основу большинства современных классификаций феномена адаптации, от простейшей дихотомии (адаптация – дезадаптация) до дробных и многомерных теоретических построений.

В адаптации сотрудников можно выделить следующие этапы.

1. Упреждающий этап – предполагает доведение до сведения лица, планирующего работать в организации, информации об организации, характере выполняемой работы. Важно, чтобы будущий сотрудник получил адекватную позитивную информацию о будущем месте и характере предстоящей работы.

2. Оценка уровня подготовленности сотрудника – позволяет определить возможные проблемы индивида и выстроить систему мер, способствующих сократить сроки адаптации.

3. Практическое знакомство сотрудника с рабочим местом, коллективом, служебными обязанностями и организационной культурой.

4. Active adaptation (the adaptation stage) contains the interaction of the socio-production environment and the subject, tensions in work and relationships, the search and accumulation of the most constructive ways to overcome problems.

5. The final stage, during which the individual completes the development of production and social functions in the organization and begins to work in the standard mode of a full-time employee.

V. D. Shadrikov introduced a provision on the uneven and heterochronic character of the formation of subsystems of professional activity. Heterochronism is understood as the multi-temporal formation of the main components of the system during system genesis. Irregularity implies different speeds of mastering the components of activity in different subjects. Specific empirical studies have confirmed these provisions, demonstrating their universal nature, typical of the whole process of the formation of the psychological system of activity.

At the initial period of adaptation of employees in connection with their mastering of new information (about environmental conditions, activities), their perceptions of the upcoming activities and peculiarities of the new social environment undergo changes. Then the self-esteem and level of the individual’s aspirations changes. Further, on the basis of new ideas about activities and the environment, the structure of experience is restructured or adjusted. Corrects the orientation of the individual to himself, to his activities and his social environment.

The classic separation of the stages of adaptation is the consideration of primary and secondary adaptation. Primary adaptation covers the period of initial inclusion of the employee in the work process, in the organization's environment and in the team; secondary - the subsequent period of professional development (including when changing positions).

Describing the patterns of the phenomenon of socio-psychological adaptation, we can distinguish five stages of adaptation.

1. The preparatory stage of adaptation, consisting mainly in the accumulation of relevant information about the subject and social conditions of the upcoming activities. Depending on the individual psychological properties and the motivational sphere of the personality, this stage can proceed either in an actively-targeted or in a passive form.

2. The stage of starting mental stress is associated with the state of neuropsychic experience of preparatory actions (events) and initial entry into new conditions of professional activity. At this time there is an internal mobilization of mental and psycho-physiological human resources, providing the necessary prerequisites for functioning in new conditions.

3. The stage of acute mental reactions of the entrance, at which the adaptant begins to feel the impact of changing factors of the objective and social environment (for example, when confronted for the first time with the need to make a decision in new conditions). Characteristic of this stage of the adaptation process is experiencing a state of frustration, causing constructive (for example, adequate replacement of the way of meeting a need, reassessing the situation) or destructive reactions (aggressiveness or flight from the situation).

4. The stage of the final mental stress, characterized by a kind of preparation of the human psyche to the actualization of the previous modes of functioning, the usual ways of behavior in connection with the upcoming return to

продолжение следует...


Часть 2 Adaptation of employees in organizations - 5. PERSONALITY IN THE
Часть 3 Employee organizational behavior patterns - 5. PERSONALITY IN THE ORGANIZATION


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