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operations with integers in the contact plan


Addition of integers

The state of signal 1 at the enable input (EN) activates the addition of integers command. This command adds inputs IN1 and IN2. The result can be queried at the OUT output. If the result is outside the acceptable range for integers, then the OV and OS bits of the status word are 1, and ENO is 0.

LAD block Options Data type Memory area Description
  operations with integers in the contact plan En Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive entry
ENO Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive exit
IN1 Int I, Q, M, D, L First term
IN2 Int I, Q, M, D, L Second term
Out Int I, Q, M, D, L Amount

Example and bits of the word of the addition state of integers

  operations with integers in the contact plan The state of signal 1 at input I 0.0 activates the ADD_I block. The result of the addition of MW0 + MW2 is placed in the memory word MW10. If the result is outside the acceptable range for integers or the state of the signal at input I 0.0 is 0, then the output Q 4.0 is set.
Status word bits
BR CC 1 CC 0 Ov OS OR Sta Rlo FC
Record x x x x x x one x x
Example and bits of the word of the addition state of integers

Addition of double integers

This function acts just like the previous one, the only difference is that it adds double integers.

LAD block Options Data type Memory area Description
  operations with integers in the contact plan En Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive entry
ENO Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive exit
IN1 Dint I, Q, M, D, L First term
IN2 Dint I, Q, M, D, L Second term
Out Dint I, Q, M, D, L Amount

Example and bits of the word of the addition state of double integers

  operations with integers in the contact plan The state of signal 1 at input I 0.0 activates the ADD_DI block. The result of the addition of MD0 + MD4 is placed in the double word of memory MD10. If the result falls outside the acceptable range for double integers or the state of the signal at input I 0.0 is 0, then the output Q 4.0 is set.
Status word bits
BR CC 1 CC 0 Ov OS OR Sta Rlo FC
Record x x x x x x one x x
Example and bits of the word of the addition state of double integers

Subtract integers

The state of signal 1 at the enable input (EN) activates the command Subtract integers. This command subtracts input IN2 from IN1. The result can be queried at the OUT output. If the result is outside the allowable range for integers, then the OV and OS bits are 1, and ENO is 0.

LAD block Options Data type Memory area Description
  operations with integers in the contact plan En Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive entry
ENO Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive exit
IN1 Int I, Q, M, D, L Minuend
IN2 Int I, Q, M, D, L Subtrahend
Out Int I, Q, M, D, L Difference

Example and bits of the word of the subtraction state of integers

  operations with integers in the contact plan The state of signal 1 at input I 0.0 activates the SUB_I block. The result of the subtraction MW0 - MW2 is placed in the memory word MW10. If the result is outside the acceptable range for integers or the state of the signal at input I 0.0 is 0, then the output Q 4.0 is set.
Status word bits
BR CC 1 CC 0 Ov OS OR Sta Rlo FC
Record x x x x x x one x x
Example and bits of the word of the subtraction state of integers

Subtract double integers

This function acts just like the previous one, the only difference is that it subtracts double integers.

LAD block Options Data type Memory area Description
  operations with integers in the contact plan En Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive entry
ENO Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive exit
IN1 Dint I, Q, M, D, L Minuend
IN2 Dint I, Q, M, D, L Subtrahend
Out Dint I, Q, M, D, L Difference

Example and bits of the state word of the subtraction of double integers

  operations with integers in the contact plan The state of signal 1 at input I 0.0 activates the SUB_DI block. The result of the subtraction MD0 - MD4 is placed in the memory double word MD10. If the result falls outside the acceptable range for double integers or the state of the signal at input I 0.0 is 0, then the output Q 4.0 is set.
Status word bits
BR CC 1 CC 0 Ov OS OR Sta Rlo FC
Record x x x x x x one x x
Example and bits of the state word of the subtraction of double integers

Multiplication of integers

The state of signal 1 at the enable input (EN) activates the Multiply integers command. This command multiplies IN1 input by IN2. The result can be queried at the output OUT. If the result is outside the allowable range for integers, then the OV and OS bits are 1, and ENO is 0.

LAD block Options Data type Memory area Description
  operations with integers in the contact plan En Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive entry
ENO Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive exit
IN1 Int I, Q, M, D, L First factor
IN2 Int I, Q, M, D, L Second factor
Out Dint I, Q, M, D, L Composition

Example and bits of the word of the multiplication state of integers

  operations with integers in the contact plan The state of signal 1 at input I 0.0 activates the MUL_I block. The result of the multiplication MW0 x MW2 is placed in the memory double word MD10. If the result falls outside the acceptable range for double integers or the state of the signal at input I 0.0 is 0, then the output Q 4.0 is set.
Status word bits
BR CC 1 CC 0 Ov OS OR Sta Rlo FC
Record x x x x x x one x x
Example and bits of the word of the multiplication state of integers

Multiplication of double integers

This function acts just like the previous one, the only difference is that it multiplies double integers.

LAD block Options Data type Memory area Description
  operations with integers in the contact plan En Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive entry
ENO Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive exit
IN1 Dint I, Q, M, D, L First factor
IN2 Dint I, Q, M, D, L Second factor
Out Dint I, Q, M, D, L Composition

Example and bits of the word of the multiplication state of double integers

  operations with integers in the contact plan The state of signal 1 at input I 0.0 activates the MUL_DI block. The result of the multiplication MD0 x MD4 is placed in the memory double word MD10. If the result falls outside the acceptable range for double integers or the state of the signal at input I 0.0 is 0, then the output Q 4.0 is set.
Status word bits
BR CC 1 CC 0 Ov OS OR Sta Rlo FC
Record x x x x x x one x x
Example and bits of the word of the multiplication state of double integers

Division of integers

The state of signal 1 at the enable input (EN) activates the command Integer division . This command divides IN1 input to IN2. The quotient from this division (rounded to integer result) can be interrogated at the output OUT. The remainder of the division can not be polled. If the quotient is outside the allowable range for integers, then the OV and OS bits are 1, and ENO is 0.

LAD block Options Data type Memory area Description
  operations with integers in the contact plan En Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive entry
ENO Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive exit
IN1 Int I, Q, M, D, L Dividend
IN2 Int I, Q, M, D, L Divider
Out Int I, Q, M, D, L Private

Example and bits of integer division state word

  operations with integers in the contact plan The state of signal 1 at input I 0.0 activates DIV_I. The quotient from the division of MW0 into MW2 is placed in the memory word MW10. If the quotient is outside the acceptable range for integers or the state of the signal at input I 0.0 is 0, then the output Q 4.0 is set.
Status word bits
BR CC 1 CC 0 Ov OS OR Sta Rlo FC
Record x x x x x x one x x
Example and bits of integer division state word

Division of double integers

This function acts exactly the same as the previous one, the only difference is that it divides double integers. The command Divide double integers saves the quotient as one 32-bit value in DINT format and does not form the remainder of the division.

LAD block Options Data type Memory area Description
  operations with integers in the contact plan En Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive entry
ENO Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive exit
IN1 Dint I, Q, M, D, L Dividend
IN2 Dint I, Q, M, D, L Divider
Out Dint I, Q, M, D, L Private

Example and bits of the state word of division of double integers

  operations with integers in the contact plan The state of signal 1 at input I 0.0 activates the DIV_DI block. The partial result of dividing MD0 by MD4 is placed in memory double word MD10. If the quotient is outside the allowable range for double integers or the state of the signal at input I 0.0 is 0, then the output Q 4.0 is set.
Status word bits
BR CC 1 CC 0 Ov OS OR Sta Rlo FC
Record x x x x x x one x x
Example and bits of the state word of division of double integers

Getting the remainder of dividing a double integer

The state of the signal “1” on the enable input (EN) activates the command Obtaining the remainder of dividing a double integer. This operation divides the input IN1 to IN2. The remainder of the division can be queried at the output OUT. If the result is outside the allowable range for double integers, then the OV and OS bits are 1, and ENO is 0.

LAD block Options Data type Memory area Description
  operations with integers in the contact plan En Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive entry
ENO Bool I, Q, M, D, L Permissive exit
IN1 Dint I, Q, M, D, L Dividend
IN2 Dint I, Q, M, D, L Divider
Out Dint I, Q, M, D, L Remainder

Example and bits of the state word of getting the remainder of dividing a double number

  operations with integers in the contact plan The state of signal 1 at input I 0.0 activates the MOD block. The remainder of dividing MD0 by MD4 is stored in the memory double word MD10. If the result falls outside the allowable range for double integers or the state of the signal at input I 0.0 is 0, the output Q 4.0 is set.
Status word bits
BR CC 1 CC 0 Ov OS OR Sta Rlo FC
Record x x x x x x one x x
Example and bits of the state word of getting the remainder of dividing a double number

Estimation of the bits of the status word after integer operations

The basic math commands affect the following bits of the status word:

  • CC 1 and CC 0
  • Ov
  • OS

A dash (-) in the table indicates that the result of the operation has no effect.
on this bit.

Signal state of the status word bits

Valid range for the result of an operation with integers (16 and 32 bits) Status word bits
0 (zero) 0 0 0 -
16 bits: –32 768. result <0 (negative number)
32 bits: –2 147 483 648. result <0 (negative number)
0 one 0 -
16 bits: 32,767. result> 0 (positive number)
32 bits: 2,147,483,647. result> 0 (positive number)
one 0 0 -

The state of the signal bits of the state word: the result is outside the permissible range

Invalid range for operation result with integers (16 and 32 bits) Status word bits
16 bits: result> 32,767 (positive number)
32 bits: result> 2,147,483,647 (positive number)
one 0 one one
16 bits: result <–32 768 (negative number)
32 bits: result <–2 147 483 648 (negative number)
0 one one one

The state signal bits of the status word: operations with integers
(32 bits) + D, / D and MOD

Team Status word bits
+ D: result = –4 294 967 296 0 0 one one
/ D or MOD: divide by 0 one one one one


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Contact Programming / LAD

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