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Это окончание невероятной информации про управление организацией.


neuropsychologist for each specific case and the workload of a particular manager. The choice of a supporting type of sports should be based on a preliminary compilation of the neuro-sychological status of the manager and the mapping of the type of load he is experiencing, comparing the first and the second, choosing a strategy for replenishing the resource. At the same time, it is always necessary to start sporting activities after the restoration of the subcortical systems in a quiet rest against the background of a reasonably organized, adequate nutrition, oriented again to the restoration of the brain resource.

The second necessary side of recovery in the process of rest is the increase and restoration of the information brain resource. This is possible when switching the brain control locus from the left-wing structures to the right-to-center structures, which is achieved by changing the type of activity from analytic-programming to the holistic-shaped one. Resource-saving prerequisite for the leader is the introduction to the practice of relaxing listening to lyrical calm, without excessive drama and pronounced climaxes, music; visiting concerts of classical vocal or jazz music, art exhibitions; self-drawing or other forms of artistic practice in calm conditions.

Depending on the characteristics of a particular load, you can choose an individual type of switching, combining the following dichotomies: verbal - figurative, temporary - spatial, consistent - holistic, engineering-civilizational - artistic and natural, contact with man - contact with nature and animals, manifested in structure with on the one hand, the type of workload of the manager, and on the other, in the type of compensating and supporting activities.

In general, it can be said that ensuring effective work of a manager requires considerable control over the organization of his activities and the use of special, optimizing work schedules.

Executive Training

For the successful management of one or another team, the leader, first of all, needs professional training, including the development of professional qualities for performing managerial activities. These are qualities that are universal in terms of providing management activities from the lowest level of management to the highest. However, this requires a special training system, which is also traditionally defined as vocational training. Management training:

1) a set of professionally important qualities necessary for the implementation of management functions;

2) a specially organized system of training managers with the necessary range of knowledge to ensure the successful implementation of his professional activity.

The second point in the training of managers is related to the development of the system of knowledge and skills that ensure managerial activity. The manager must have special knowledge related to the specificity of this particular team and general knowledge, including knowledge of the theory and organization of management (management systems, structure and organization of labor, modeling, management forecasting, etc.); economic knowledge (general economic laws, the economy of the industry and enterprises, economic mechanisms, etc.); knowledge of human sciences (psychology, pedagogy, mental hygiene); general culture, physical training. Training should also take into account practical experience. The personal experience of a manager as a performer, a manager of a lower level is an extremely important condition for his successful work. However, even the highest quality knowledge will not provide effective management in modern conditions, if there is no appropriate psychological structure of abilities and properties that underlie the implementation of management activities. Organization of training should be based on the principle of consistency. The knowledge and skills acquired by the student constitute his individual experience and are translated into the psychological system of activity. Therefore, it is especially important that the elements of individual experience do not contradict each other.

Historically, in the field of management training, two main approaches have emerged. The first - the earlier - is the natural preparation of managers directly in the management process. At the present level, this form has been transformed into specific in-house types of management training. As the requirements for the quantity and quality of managers increased, and the status of the profession acquired by this activity, a second approach emerged - a classic form of managerial training in special educational institutions. Training programs, methodologies, and textbooks are being developed for the training of managers. The form of classes is traditional: lectures, seminars, practical classes. There are many training programs for additional training of managers. Classical education relies primarily on theoretical training. However, “The ability to control can only be acquired by managing” writes the well-known American theorist and management practitioner G. Kunz. Therefore, it is necessary to gain management experience in real activity. For this purpose, internal training methods have been developed.

The educational process in the framework of the in-house study system is significantly different from the training in professional educational institutions. These differences include:

- short-term training;

- short duration of training sessions;

- different level of preparedness of students in the same group;

- Attraction to teaching professionals who do not know the basics of pedagogy.

One of the main provisions of modern management is that the manager should be given the opportunity to learn how to manage. For this, firms have developed specific forms of training.

1. Planned promotion.

The way forward for the manager, who is in any post, is being worked out in advance.

2. The alternation of types of work.

The essence of this form is to move the student to different employment positions (mostly horizontally), where he performs the relevant functions for a short period (from two weeks to two months). The main goal of this method is to increase the amount of knowledge of potential and existing managers about the functions of the enterprise and management issues arising in various situations in the organization.

3. Creation of assistant manager posts.

An assistant post, often used as a means of vocational training, allows trainees to broaden their horizons, revealing to them many areas of management activity. Such posts can be specially created, and then abolished after they completed their function.

4. Temporary promotion.

Candidates for the post can be appointed acting managers (when they are on vacation, on a business trip, sick). Such an appointment provides good opportunities for professional growth. Any management training has the most important goal - to increase the professional level of management experience. In fact, this is reflected in the professional growth of managers. Managerial professional growth is the progress made by managers as they learn to manage.

The knowledge gained in special training becomes obsolete on average after five years and a tendency is expressed in reducing this period as society develops. In modern management practice, the concept of continuing education has been adopted. In business circles, it is generally recognized that the training of each employee must be carried out continuously throughout the entire professional activity. The breadth of the tasks facing the head and the increased dynamism of the activity requires the manager to continuously receive new knowledge from various areas. And this should be reflected in the program of continuous learning.

The training of managers has its specific features, which fundamentally determine its organization, forms, and curricula.

The first feature is the need to saturate the training with a practical component, since managerial experience is acquired in specific activities.

The second feature is the personification of the profession. The activity of the head is realized only at the personal level. The leader can not be a "master of his craft." He can only be a professional person.

In the course of professional training, a candidate for a managerial post should form a business behavior of an individual, which includes all the characteristics of managerial activity and a professional manager. Business behavior is the product of a unified system of professional activity and professional communication in the system of managerial interaction: vertically, diagonally and horizontally.

Consider the general features of programs at each level.

Training of lower managers. This level is held by candidates for lower positions and managers themselves at a given management level. Both should be given the same learning opportunities.

Learning objectives: to gain knowledge about the content of management and what is its main role; development of basic behavioral models of leadership subordinates; basics of planning, budget; the formation of short-term action programs; skills of working with staff and employees; the ability to fulfill the requirements of the higher management.

The training of lower-level managers is based on primary theoretical training, and then business models of behavior are worked out in the process of real work under the guidance of higher-level managers who can demonstrate something and critically evaluate activities. The student should be familiar with all the activities and functions of their future work.

The method of implementing the program includes specific forms of in-house training. They can be quite diverse. The best way is individual training in the process of work under the guidance of an experienced and skillful manager, for example, appointment of an assistant manager to the post. Organizationally, the way to learn is to create posts specifically designed for learning. In this post, the number of tasks is limited and specified; all attention is paid to studies. The ways of teaching here are explanation, demonstration, practice and critical analysis. This method of training is effective for the development of formal administrative functions (policy making, establishing the relationship between departments, budgeting, control). It is ineffective in the field of interpersonal relations (communication, instruction, motivation, cooperation, etc.). In these areas, instructor leaders can only explain the most acceptable methods, but cannot demand their exact implementation. These are purely individual techniques designed for the characteristics of character and personality. You can recommend a special course of study in this area. However, here the practice plays a primary role.

The specificity of this level of training managers is the difficulty of selection. It is difficult to find good production training instructors (a good manager is not always a good teacher and vice versa). The second difficulty in the selection of students. Some candidates may not complete the course. In this case, they should return to their old positions. Tc, who passed the course, claim to the appropriate place of work, if at the moment there is no such possibility, then the trained candidates can leave the company. As a result, managers seek to limit the number of trainees to a minimum so as not to get into the situation of "overproduction of candidates." However, the refusal to train capable subordinates is unjustified. The personnel management potential of a firm is the determining condition for its success. The manager bears moral responsibility for learning or providing opportunities to learn to every qualified subordinate, regardless of their number.

Management training for middle managers. People who are trained to exercise leadership at the middle level of management are usually lower-level managers who have proven themselves well in the process of work. They already know the management work in the main units: production itself, cost control, budget execution, staff recruitment, training of subordinates, coordination of their actions with colleagues and superiors. Therefore, for them changing curricula.

The purpose of training at this stage includes the deepening of knowledge of lower-level managers in the theory and practice of management. The specifics of the work are changing: now they are to lead managers, not ordinary executors. Managing managers requires a deeper understanding of the functions of managers.

The way to implement the program. For learning theory and practice of management, it is best to use an additional university system (lectures, seminars, discussion of specific situations). You can choose from day courses lasting from one week to three months (there are also evening courses under the order of the company itself). This period, candidates usually fully devote to training. The study group can include from 10 to 40 people. The amount of time spent on training is determined by the volume of the program, the preparedness of the instructors, the abilities of the students. The result of teaching depends on the effectiveness of the system of interaction "leader - instructor - leader - student." An experienced manager with teaching skills demonstrates managerial knowledge confidently, skillfully, with a deep understanding of the subject and thereby attracts the attention of listeners, shaping their motivation to master management knowledge.

Top management training. This level includes managers of enterprises, large firms, holdings, etc., who are candidates for the main managerial positions (director, general manager, vice president, president, etc.). They, as a rule, have a wide experience of practical managerial work and special education.

The purpose of training in obtaining special knowledge in specific areas of the organization and management. All potential managers for higher positions need, in one way or another, training in the field of the psychology of labor relations, establishing relations with state institutions, obtaining additional knowledge in the field of international relations, psychology, organizational culture, etc. The fundamentals and methods of management are subject to rapid changes. One of the goals of management training at the highest level should be to update knowledge in the field of theory, principles and practice of management in accordance with the requirements of the time.

The way to implement the program. Основным рекомендуемым методом является обучение в процессе работы, посещение специальных семинаров, направленное чтение. Проведение 1–2-недельного семинара но теории и прогрессивным методам управления специально для руководителей высшего звена очень полезно для кандидатов на соответствующие посты. В этом случае управляющие должны быть освобождены от работы и полностью сосредоточены на учебе. Для подготовки "эксклюзивных" управляющих хорошо зарекомендовали себя посты помощников при главных управляющих организации. Можно использовать форму стажировки (примерно в течение года) как руководителя одного из подразделений или филиалов организации. Наиболее эффективным обучение может стать, если кандидатам для самостоятельного выполнения даются специальные задания. Обучаемые могут участвовать в переговорах по заключению контрактов и их пересмотру, заседаниях высших управленческих ассоциаций, могут быть посланы за границу для наблюдения за рынком или организации филиала.

Прохождение соответствующей программы не сопровождается окончанием обучения. Дальнейшая работа управляющего проходит в режиме консультирования с коллегами и вышестоящими руководителями. В целом это продолжительный процесс, в ходе которого деятельность начинающего руководителя постоянно корректируется вышестоящим начальством. Этот способ подготовки одинаково важен для всех работников. Он заключается в получении индивидуальных советов, консультаций. Насколько они будут успешны, зависит от правильного сочетания личных качеств подчиненного и управляющего, а также от окружающей обстановки. Для успешной реализации данной формы необходимо чтобы подчиненный всегда имел доступ к своему руководителю. Консультирование выступает способом ориентации в работе, помогает понять связи между отделами и отношения между людьми.

Все выше названные формы, виды, программы обучения реализуются определенными средствами, включающими наряду с традиционными дидактическими методами и нетрадиционные, так называемые активные методы обучения. Активные методы, базирующиеся на принципе самообучения слушателей, являются наиболее эффективными как при подготовке будущих управляющих, так и при повышении квалификации опытных руководителей. Наибольшее значение методы активного обучения имеют при овладении практикой организационной деятельностью, когда проявляется и развивается способность руководителя уметь в нужный момент использовать все свои умения и знания.

Среди активных методов обучения все большее развитие и широкое применение получают деловые игры, конкретные ситуации (кейсы), тренинги, инновационные семинары. Эти методы основываются на принципе высокой активизации слушателей и наглядности обучения. В ряде систем повышения квалификации удельный вес активных методов обучения в общей структуре учебных занятий доведен до 70%. Для реализации этих методов требуется совершенно новый подход к организации обучения руководителей, нужна другая система взаимодействия между преподавателем и слушателями. Профессиональное обучение управляющих принципиально меняет роль преподавателя. Преподаватель должен выйти за пределы рамок учителя и стать квалифицированным консультантом, владеющим современными методами консультирования но разрешению различных проблем.

Изменяется и роль слушателей. Они должны являться активными участниками учебного процесса. Слушатели сами формулируют цель, выявляют проблемы, анализируют информацию, вырабатывают критерии и возможные пути решения проблем. Роль преподавателя заключается в направлении процесса обучения на разрешение практических проблем, приближение к реальным условиям. Процесс обучения становится составной частью совершенствования управления.

Примерами наиболее популярных методов в подготовке руководителей являются следующие.

1. Кейс-метод.

2. Метод управленческих деловых игр.

3. Тренинг.

4. Инновационные игры и семинары.

5. Методы развития организаций и формирования управленческих способностей.

The general approach within the framework of the theory of systems and management allowed even for such a little formalized activity as professional management to offer technologies of programmed learning. These technologies are especially effective for self-study and advanced training with minimal time costs. The activities of managers include regular business contacts with strangers. Therefore, one of the goals of psychological training of managers is to acquaint students with the basics of communication technology, methods of establishing contacts, conduct self-diagnostics and master the elements of reflection in a communication situation. Thus, the basic function of the proposed training system is to form a model of professional communication. Achievement of this goal is ensured by special training, called supervision. Remote online learning is most appropriate for this goal. The preparation of this technology requires psychologists.

Management training involves any assessment and is closely related to certification. In order to make yourself a complete, objective picture of the "success", "efficiency", "fitness" of the head, you need to evaluate it by several parameters:

- by the results of labor;

- by the level of professional qualification;

- for personal qualities.

The modern stage of development of society, the penetration of management in all spheres of life, information oversaturation and constant structural and systemic changes in the social sphere significantly increase the importance of managerial training. Special training is becoming a prerequisite for ensuring the functioning of the organization and society, carrying out reforms and innovative changes that are in demand in the practice of life. A modern professional manager must be professionally competent and absolutely conscious of his work as a profession. The formation of a coherent system of training is the creation of the managerial profession of the “full cycle” - the system of professional training for managers.


Часть 2 Psychic regulation of management - 4. MANAGEMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION
Часть 3 High variety and quality of heterogeneity of long-term memory material
Часть 4 Psychophysiological aspects in the activities of the head - 4.
Часть 5 Executive Training - 4. MANAGEMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION

See also


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Organizational psychology

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