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Judicial computer technical expertise


What happened in the 90s. last century, the technical revolution that made information technology a consumer product brought with it the problem of regulating the legal relations associated with them. The surge of arbitration and civil cases related to property and non-property relations, the subject of which are computer tools, made one of the important tasks to be solved within the framework of this problem, the task of researching information and computer tools as physical evidence.

In 1996, Professor E.R. Rossiyskaya was asked to name the expertise in the field of computer technology forensic computer-technical expertise. At the same time there was its selection in the new role. expertise related to the class of judicial engineering and technical. The subject of a new kind was defined as facts and circumstances established on the basis of a study of the laws governing the development and operation of computer tools that ensure the implementation of information processes that are recorded in the materials of the criminal case.

In 2000, E.R. Rossiyskaya and A.I. Usov in their work “Classification of Computer-Technical Expertise and Its Tasks” introduced a classification of computer-technical expertise based on the supporting components of a computer tool. In accordance with this, the following types of forensic examinations were singled out: hardware-computer, software-computer, and information-computer expertise. Another type of expertise was also identified - computer-networked. The appearance of this type was based on the allocation of a separate branch of knowledge and the rapid development of network technologies. This kind of classification, it seems to us, fully took into account and takes into account differences in the special knowledge necessary for the study of objects related to various types of forensic computer-technical expertise. However, it should be noted that, as recent studies show, the current state of information technology requires the introduction of a judicial class in a separate class.

Let us consider in detail each of the types of computer-technical expertise.

See also

created: 2016-01-17
updated: 2021-11-28

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