Это окончание невероятной информации про имитация психологической интуиции с помощью искусственных нейронных сетей.
councils was not conducted.
The result of the rolling control is as follows: the average relative error in predicting pair relationships in the group was 33.1%.
Then the average distance was calculated
between random estimates
calculated as in p.3.4, according to the formula

where N is the number of examples of the training sample.
This value was 6.612 (or, relative to the scale of measurement of the trait, 66.12%), that is, the difference between the network prediction and the random one is almost twofold.
Thus, we can say that neural networks can predict not only the average status of a group member, but also the relationship between two arbitrarily taken personalities.
Conclusions of chapter 3
1. The neural network is capable, based only on the psychological properties of the studied, without invoking the facts of the social history of the investigated individuals, to intuitively generate a forecast of the results of a sociometric experiment based on, with an average error of 23-30%.
2. This prediction is of general significance for all those studied with equal social status and is stable relative to the composition of the group.
3. The neural network apparatus allows optimizing psychodiagnostic test methods in terms of volume more precisely than is available even to an experienced psychologist.
The work was carried out in 1994-1997 under the leadership of A.N. Gorban. The main publications of the author on the topic of work
- Dorrer MG Neural networks at the 3 rd International conference “Mathematics, computer, education”. Dubna, 1996.
- Dorrer MG, Gorban AN, Kopytov AG. New Concepts to Uncover Higher Brain Functions. The 5 th Tohwa university International Symposium. Fukuoka, Japan: Tohwa University , 1995. - p. 153.
- Dorrer MG, Gorban AN, Kopytov AG Zenkin VI Psychological intuition of neural networks // Proceedings of the WCNN'95 (World Congress on Neural Networks'95, Washington DC, Juli 1995) - pp. 193-196
- Dorrer MG, Gorban AN, Zenkin VI Neural networks in psychology: classical explicit diagnoses // Neuroinformatics and neurocomputers, Proceedings of the 2nd RNNS-IEEE Symposium, Rostov-on-Don, September 1995 - pp 281-284
- Gorban AN, Rossiev DA, Butakova EV, Gilev SE, Golovenkin SE, Dogadin SA, Dorrer MG, Kochenov DA, Kopytov AG, Maslennikova EV, Matyushin GV, Mirkes Ye.M., Nazarov BV, Nozdrachev KG, Savchenko AA, Smirnova SV , Shulman, VA, Zenkin VI Medical Neuroinformatics and Neurocomputers, Proceedings of the 2nd RNNS-IEEE Symposium, Rostov-on-Don, September 1995 - pp 7-14
- Gorban AN, Rossiev DA, Gilev SE, Dorrer MG, Kochenov DA, Mirkes Ye.M., Golovenkin SE, Dogadin SA, Nozdrachev KG, Matyushin GV, Shulman VA, Savchenko AA Medical Propellant neural simulator // Proceedings of the WCNN'95 (World Congress on Neural Networks'95, Washington DC, Juli 1995) - paper number 050
- Gorban AN, Rossiev DA, Gilev SE, Dorrer MG, Kochenov DA, Mirkes Ye.M., Golovenkin SE, Dogadin SA, Nozdrachev KG, Matyushin GV, Shulman VA, Savchenko AA “NeuroComp” group: neural network software and its application / / Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk Computing Center, Preprint №8. - Krasnoyarsk, 1995 - 38p.
- Dorrer M.G. Processing of psychological information using neural networks. // Problems of informatization of the region: Proceedings of the second inter-regional conference. Krasnoyarsk: KSTU, 1997. - pp. 33-43.
- Dorrer M.G. One-and-a-half predictor with arbitrary converters. // Problems of region informatization: Proceedings of the Third All-Russian Conference (Krasnoyarsk, November 25-27, 1997). - Krasnoyarsk: Dialog-Siberia JSC, 1997. - p.143.
- Dorrer M.G. An attempt to use neural networks to predict psychological compatibility in a group. // Neuroinformatics and its applications: Program and theses of reports of the II All-Russian Workshop. - Krasnoyarsk: KGTU, 1994. - p.13.
- Dorrer M.G., Gorban A.N., Kopytov A.G., Zenkin V.I. Psychological intuition of neural networks // Neuroinformatics and its applications: Proceedings of the III All-Russian Workshop. - Krasnoyarsk: KSTU, 1995. - p.114-127.
- Amari S. - I. The Brain and Computer // Proceedings of 1993 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Nagoya, Japan, October 25-29, 1993. - Nagoya, 1993. - v.1. - p.7-8.
- Asary KV, Eswaran CA Self-organizing Multidisciplary Mapping and Classification of Multiple Valued Data // Proceedings of 1993, Nagoya, Japan, October 25-29, 1993. - Nagoya, 1993. - v. 2 - p.2488-2491.
- Atamanchuk ZM, Petrov AA While creating expert expert systems diagnoses // The RNNS-IEEE Symposium on Neuroinformatics and Neurocomputers, Rostov-on-Don, September 1992 - v.2. - pp 1133-1135.
- Baxt WG Complexity, chaos and human physiology: the justification for non-linear neural computational analysis // Cancer Lett. - 1994. - v.77, №2-3. - p.85-93.
- Becraft WR Diagnostic Applications for International Neural Networks // Proceedings of 1993, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Nagoya, Japan, October 25-29, 1993. - Nagoya, 1993. - v.2. - p.2807-2810.
- Bedenbaugh P., Gerstein GL Rectification of correlation by a sigmoid non-linearity // Biol. Cybern. - 1994. - v.70, №3. - p.219-225.
- Berrios GE, Chen EY Recognizing psychiatric symptoms. Relevance to the diagnostic process // Br. J. Psychiatry. - 1993. V.163. - p.308-314.
- Cohen IL, Sudhalter V., Landon-Jimenez D. et al. A neural network approach to the classification of autism // J. Autism Dev. Disord. - 1993. - v.23, №3. - p.443-466.
- Forrest DV, Flory MJ, Anderson S. Neural network programming // NYState J. Med. - 1991. - v.91, №12. - p.553.
- Fu HC, Shann JJ A fuzzy neural network for knowledge learning // Int. J. Neural Syst. - 1994. - v.5, №1. - p.13-22.
- Galushkin AI, Savushkin SA Neural Network expert system // The RNNS-IEEE Symposium on Neuroinformatics and Neurocomputers, Rostov-on-Don, September 1992 - v.2. - pp 1116-1123.
- Galushkin AI, Sudarikov VA, Shabanov EV Neuromathematic: The RNNS-IEEE Symposium on Neuroinformatics and Neurocomputers, Rostov-on-Don, September 1992 - v.2. - pp 1179-1188.
- Modai I., Stoler M., Inbar-Saban N. et al. Clinical decisions for psychiatric neural networks // Methods Inf. Med. - 1993 - v.32, №5. - p.396-399.
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- Gorban A.N., Mirkes Ye.M. Components of neural programs. // Abstracts of the reports of the 3rd All-Russian seminar “Neuroinformatics and its applications”. - Krasnoyarsk: ed. KSTU, 1995 - p.17.
- Gorban A.N., Mirkes Ye.M. Contrasting neural networks. // Abstracts of the reports of the 3rd All-Russian seminar “Neuroinformatics and its applications”. - Krasnoyarsk: ed. KSTU, 1995 - pp.78-79.
- Gorban A.N., Mirkes Ye.M. Functional components of the neurocomputer. // Abstracts of the reports of the 3rd All-Russian seminar “Neuroinformatics and its applications”. - Krasnoyarsk: ed. KSTU, 1995 - pp.79-90.
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Application. Psychological questionnaire A.G. Kopytov
Subtest 1
The questionnaire contains statements or questions regarding your nature. You can agree or disagree with each of them. Give answers ("yes" or "no"), depending on whether it suits you.
1. Do you easily generate work-related ideas?
2. Is it easy for you to do work that requires long attention and great concentration?
3. Do you feel anxious about being misunderstood in conversation?
4. Do you like fast-paced games?
5. Do you have fast arm movements?
6. Do you usually speak without hesitation?
7. Can you easily find other solutions to a known problem?
8. Are you ever late for a date or work?
9. Do you often sleep because of arguing with friends?
10. Do you like to run fast?
11. Do you have a constant thirst for activity?
12. Do you read aloud quickly?
13. If you promised to do something, do you always keep your promise whether it is convenient for you or not?
14. Are all your habits good and desirable?
15. Would you always pay for transporting baggage if you were not afraid of checking?
16. Is it usually difficult for you to switch attention from one case to another?
17. Is it difficult for you to speak very quickly?
18. Do you sometimes shake hands during an argument?
19. Do you usually prefer light work?
20. Are your movements slow when you are making something?
21. Do you usually prefer to perform only one operation?
22. Does it ever happen that you talk about things you don’t understand?
23. Do you usually prefer to do simple things that do not require much energy from you?
24. Do you suck under the spoon before a responsible conversation?
25. Do you consider your movements slow and unhurried?
26. Is your speech usually slow and unhurried?
27. Do you sometimes tend to exaggerate in your mind the negative attitude of people close to you?
28. Do you have a craving for intense responsible activities?
29. Do you like to talk fast?
Subtest 2
The questionnaire contains statements or questions regarding your nature. With each of them you can agree or disagree - depending on whether it suits you. Choose the most typical for you and specify the appropriate letter. Variants of answers - “A”, “B”, “C”.
1. Do I prefer uncomplicated classical music to contemporary popular melodies?
a) right
b) not sure
c) wrong
2. I have such exciting dreams that I wake up
a) often
b) occasionally
c) almost never
3. Others know that I have many different ideas, and I can almost always offer some kind of solution to the problem.
a) yes
b) something in between
c) no
4. If I had made a useful invention, I would have preferred:
a) work with him in the laboratory and beyond
b) hard to choose
c) take care of its practical use
5. To the birthday, to the holidays
a) I like to give presents
b) difficult to answer
c) I think that buying gifts is a somewhat unpleasant duty.
6. Sometimes I have been saddened by the fact that people spoke ill of me about my eyes without any reason
a) often
b) difficult to answer
c) no
7. I like a variety of work associated with frequent changes and travel, even if it is a bit dangerous
a) yes
b) true middle ground
c) no
8. I would prefer to have a cottage
a) in a lively holiday village
b) would prefer something in between
c) secluded in the forest
9. I spend a lot of free time, talking with friends about those previous events that we experienced together once
a) yes
b) true middle ground
c) no
10. I think it is more correct to say about me that I
a) polite and calm
b) true middle ground
c) energetic and energetic
11. Legacy law must be changed.
a) only after thorough discussion
b) true middle ground
c) immediately
12. If someone got mad at me
a) I would try to calm him down
b) I do not know what I would undertake
c) it would annoy me
13. Sometimes an obsessive thought keeps me awake
a) yes that's right
b) not sure
c) no, this is not true
14. It gives me pleasure to do risky things just for fun.
a) yes
b) true middle ground
c) no
15. I make sharp criticisms to people if it seems to me that they deserve
a) usually
b) sometimes
c) never do
16. If I worked in the economic sphere, I would be more interesting
a) talk with customers, clients
b) choose something in between
c) keep accounts and other documentation
17. An evening spent at my hobby attracts me more than a lively party.
a) agree
b) not sure
c) disagree
18. Usually I can work intently, not paying attention to the fact that people around me are very noisy
a) yes
b) true middle ground
c) no
19. If bosses or family members reproach me for something, then, as a rule, only for the cause
a) yes
b) true middle ground
c) no
20. It happens that I tell strangers about things that seem important to me, regardless of whether they ask me or not.
a) yes
b) true middle ground
c) no
21. With equal length of the day, it would be more interesting for me to work:
a) carpenter or cook
b) I do not know what to choose
c) a waiter in a good restaurant
22. When I try to command me, I purposely do the opposite.
a) yes
b) true middle ground
c) no
23. People treat me less favorably than I deserve by my kind attitude towards them.
a) very often
b) sometimes
c) never
24. I usually calmly endure complacent people, even when they brag or otherwise show that they have a high opinion of themselves.
a) yes
b) true middle ground
c) no
25. Seeing wild animals makes me somewhat uncomfortable, even if they are securely locked in cages.
a) yes
b) not sure
c) no
Subtest 3
The questionnaire contains statements or questions regarding your nature. You can agree or disagree with each of them. Give answers ("yes" or "no"), depending on whether it suits you.
1. Do you often cross to the other side of the street in order not to meet with someone you know?
2. Sometimes you really wanted to leave home forever.
3. Forebodings always make excuses.
4. You are very often unaware of the affairs and interests of the people who surround you.
5. Sometimes you so insist on something that people begin to lose patience.
6. Sometimes it comes to mind that it is better not to tell anyone about them.
7. Do you like April Fool's jokes?
8. Sometimes your voice disappears or changes, even if you do not have a cold.
9. It is embarrassing for you to enter the room where people have already gathered and are talking.
10. You have repeatedly noticed that strangers look at you critically.
11. You know who is to blame for the majority of your troubles.
12. Do you usually stay “in the shadows” at parties or in companies?
13. Sometimes you are not inferior to people, not because the matter is really important, but simply out of principle.
14. Not all of your friends you like.
15. Do you prefer to have fewer buddies, but especially close to you?
16. Sometimes for several days you can not get rid of any trifling thoughts.
17. You often worry about something.
18. You do a lot of things that you regret later (more and more often than others)
19. At a party you hold your desk better than at home.
20. Some like to command so much that you want to do everything in defiance, although you know that they are right.
21. You prefer not to talk to people until they themselves turn to you.
22. You can easily bring the animation to a rather boring company.
23. When you learn about the successes of a close friend, you have a feeling that you are a loser.
24. The hardest thing for you is to deal with yourself.
25. At times, you like so much the dexterity of a criminal that you hope that he will not be caught.
26. If you are not threatened with a fine, then you cross the street where you are comfortable, and not where it should be.
27. Вы часто испытываете тягу к новым впечатлениям, к тому, чтобы встряхнуться, испытать возбуждение.
28. Вы склонны принимать все слишком близко к сердцу.
29. Вы любите готовить (пищу)
30. Вы не осуждаете того, кто стремится взять от жизни все, что может.
31. You try to avoid conflicts and difficulties.
32. Do you deal with the case better, thinking it over yourself, rather than discussing it with others.
33. Your parents and other family members often find fault with you.
34. At times when you feel bad, you are irritable.
35. You kept a diary.
36. You are easily embarrassed.
Часть 1 Imitation of psychological intuition using artificial neural networks
Часть 2 1.7 Neural networks - Imitation of psychological intuition using artificial
Часть 3 Chapter 3. Intuitive Neural Network Prediction of Relationships - Imitation
Часть 4 LITERATURE - Imitation of psychological intuition using artificial neural networks
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