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Modeling human behavior with the help of new technology of artificial intelligence - MELOS



The task of modeling human behavior , in its current view, reflects the main problem points that have developed in philosophy , psychology , sociology , cybernetics, and other sciences. It is obvious that the questions raised in it are of fundamental importance both for the knowledge of the world around and on oneself. There is also no doubt that the answers to these questions can be found at the intersection of various scientific disciplines - by combining methods and principles that initially belong to different areas of formalized knowledge.


The previous century was marked by the first attempts to define Artificial Intelligence , to build a paradigm for its implementation, and even to anticipate the consequences that might result from it. However, when it came to verification by the practice of various theoretical constructions, the process was stumped, which was due to two reasons:

a) insufficient level of development of technical means for modeling human behavior;
b) the lack of clear formal definitions of signs of rationality and / or humanity of behavior.

At the same time, if the first reason is gradually fading away in our day, then the second continues to be an obstacle to the construction of adequate models of human behavior.

Two approaches to solving

The emerging crisis led to a bifurcation of the problem for the following two:

; First : the modeling of rationality , as the embodiment of the functions of perception and cognition (the realization of rationality ).
; The second : modeling intentionality , as the creation of the mechanism of individuality and the attainment of personality behavior (realization of mentality ).

Without a doubt, building a full-fledged artificial person is impossible without the implementation of both tasks. However, each of them has its own meaning and is largely capable of being resolved independently of the other. Most of the currently available developments are focused on the first task (well-known neural networks used in artificial intelligence systems). Unfortunately, their results were not satisfactory, nor did they correspond to both the classic GOFAI formulation ( Good Old-Fashioned Artificial Intelligence ) and NFAI.


The analysis of failures and the development of ideas about intellectuality in behavior led to a departure from symbolism and the emergence of the modern definition of Artificial Intelligence - NFAI ( New-Fangled AI ), made from the point of connectionism. This focused on the next component of human behavior (as well as the behavior of any rational being) - on its intentionality .

According to the works of F. Brentano (1874/1973), intentionality is the hallmark of mentality. A more substantive formulation of the provisions of Brentano was given by D. Dennett, who identified the following features as signs of intellectuality in the behavior of any system:

a) the possibility of interpreting behavior in the context of the situation in which it takes place;
b) the integrity of all elements of behavioral reactions and their integration into a general system subordinate to one or another goal (the criterion of holisticity);
c) the consistency of the sequence of all the behavioral patterns of the system with the general task of the most optimal adaptation.

(Abstracts A. Turing, F. Brentano, D. Dennett are cited in the book "Mind Design II" (Philosophy Psychology Artificial Intelligence (revised and enlarged edition)) © 1997 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Task definition

The requirements formulated by Brentano and Dennett formed the conceptual foundation of the model being developed. To build the mechanisms of motivation (controlling the model's behavioral apparatus), the works of a number of psychologists and sociologists were used.

The aim of our work was to create a self-governing system, not only capable of reacting to extraneous stimuli like a living being, but also adapting the complex of its needs and goals to its own capabilities and environmental conditions. To accomplish this task, we needed to develop a qualitatively new element in the field of Artificial Intelligence - the apparatus of the Ego-concept .

The main functional core in the modeling system is a unique technology of self-regulation of motivational knots, realizing the mechanism of achieving optimal pleasure and avoiding frustration. The activity of this mechanism is governed by the Ego-concept apparatus, which independently develops the hierarchical structure of an individual's needs in accordance with his abilities, capabilities, and conditions available for the activities of this individual environment (set of contexts).

Theoretical basis

The theoretical basis for building a Melos modeling system was formalized ideas about the motivational structure, as a hierarchical organization of elements, each of which is responsible for processing incentives of one kind or another. According to the works of A. Maslow, G. Murray, R. Cattel, R. Burns, C. Rogers, D. Uznadze , etc., mechanisms have been developed by which the hierarchy of motivational attitudes emerges, changes and develops. In accordance with the theories of the aforementioned authors, the main role in determining the motivational portrait of an individual should be played not so much by the elements themselves, as by the structural links between them ( channels of stimulus distribution ).

The main emphasis was placed on the control of the formation of the Ego-concept of personality, since it determines the plane of self-realization of the individual and its objective objectification. The very formation of the Ego-concept takes place on the basis of the satisfied needs of phylogenetic origin, forming the Homeostasis group.

Sample Motivational Hierarchy

Homeostasis group (phylogenetically inherited)

Modeling human behavior with the help of new technology of artificial intelligence - MELOS

group of Ego-concepts (ontogenetically formed)

Behavior as a function of intentionality

During the implementation of their own needs, each subject develops a unique motivational portrait. Its formation is influenced both by the subject's own individual psycho-physiological characteristics and by the environmental conditions in which they meet their needs. It is the motivational portrait that determines the intentionality of the behavior of a living being (or its model). The main formation of this motivational portrait occurs at an early age, although the evolution of its nodes and the restructuring of the ties between them do not stop until the death of the subject. The influence of this complex on behavior begins from the very first days of the subject’s life. Everything that further defines the subject's behavioral patterns is governed by his unique Ego-concept, formed on the basis of his individual experience.

The role of the Ego-concept in determining the intellectual behavior

The hierarchy of motivational attitudes of any living being is based on the system of maintaining one’s life and continuing one’s own kind. The installations that formed this complex (we called it Homeostasis ) naturally took the leading role in determining the activity of any living organism. However, only rational creatures in addition to this complex have another formation that has arisen on its material. And - as the founders of humanitarian psychology rightly believe - it is the level of development of this education (called the Ego-concept ) that determines the degree of rationality, the intelligence of this being. Please note that this is an intentional aspect of the simulation of artificial intelligence and human behavior.

Ego concept function

Any creature with a relatively developed nervous system, gets pleasure from the realization of their needs. However, only a rational creature is able to stimulate existing needs and / or create new ones in order to enhance satisfaction and enrich the possible spectrum of its implementation. This is the function and content of the Ego-concept from the perspective of the intentional approach: an independent search for new motivational nodes that can bring pleasure to the subject as a result of their satisfaction (taking into account the surrounding conditions), as well as additional stimulation of the existing ones (taking into account their capabilities) .

Formation of the Ego-concept and its influence on behavior

Ego-concept is in constant direct and inverse connection with the innate (inherited) needs of the subject and with the current conditions for their satisfaction. Hence, the process of adaptive activity of the subject, on the one hand, takes place under the control of his motivational portrait (at birth presented exclusively by the Homeostasis group), on the other hand, controls the evolution of the Ego concept, involving new “useful” attitudes and excluding “harmful” ones in this complex. Such a balancing between tasks: “seeking the greatest satisfaction” and “avoiding frustrations” - expresses the individuality and subjectivity of the motivation of any rational being.

Modeling a person’s behavior based on his motivational portrait

Having implemented the algorithms for the formation and functioning of the leading motive-forming apparatus of the human psyche, we got into our hands a tool that allows us to model the behavior of a wide variety of personalities represented in any social conditions . A distinctive feature of our models from others trying to repeat the behavior of a real subject or create an Artificial Intelligence with intentionality is the following: the “subject” modeled in our system forms its own goals for its activity, having therefore unique, unique to it - subjective - attitude to the means . At the same time, the subject's targeting mechanisms are influenced both by his individual abilities and personal experience, and the surrounding conditions (for example, the social context).


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