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Hypercomplex numbers. Quaternions


Hypercomplex numbers are finite-dimensional algebras over the field of real numbers (that is, numbers over which there are a couple of operations [of the type of addition and multiplication], also also “multiplication by a real number”).


  • In addition to complex numbers, none of these extensions form fields.
  • By the Frobenius theorem, the only hypercomplex numbers for which division can be introduced, without zero divisors, are complex numbers, quaternions and Cayley numbers (octaves).
  • The Clifford algebra family defines multidimensional spaces with “multiplication” defined by quadratic pseudometrics.


  • Complex numbers, Paracomplex (= Double numbers), Dual numbers
  • Bicomplex numbers
  • Quaternions, Biquaternions, Paraquaternions, Dual Quaternions
  • Cayley's algebra (= octonions)
  • Sedenion
  • Polichisla

see also

  • The Cayley-Dixon procedure allows you to consistently introduce new imaginary units.


Quaternions (from Lat. Quaterni , four each ) - a system of hypercomplex numbers that forms a vector space of four dimensions over the field of real numbers. Usually denoted by Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions . Offered by William Hamilton in 1843.

Quaternions are convenient for describing isometries of three- and four-dimensional Euclidean spaces, and therefore they are widely used in mechanics. They are also used in computational mathematics, for example, when creating three-dimensional graphics. [one]

Henri Poincare wrote about quaternions: “Their appearance gave a powerful impetus to the development of algebra; proceeding from them, science has taken the path of generalizing the concept of number, having come to the concepts of a matrix and a linear operator that permeates modern mathematics. It was a revolution in arithmetic, similar to that which Lobachevsky made in geometry ” [2] .


  • 1 Definitions
    • 1.1 Standard
    • 1.2 As a vector and scalar
    • 1.3 Through complex numbers
    • 1.4 Through matrix representations
      • 1.4.1 Real matrices
      • 1.4.2 Complex Matrices
  • 2 Related objects and operations
    • 2.1 Pairing
    • 2.2 Module
    • 2.3 Inversion of multiplication (division)
  • 3 Algebraic properties
  • 4 Quaternions and turns of space
  • 5 "Whole" Quaternions
    • 5.1 Whole unit quaternions
    • 5.2 Decomposition into prime factors
  • 6 Functions of quaternion variable
    • 6.1 Auxiliary functions
    • 6.2 Elementary functions
    • 6.3 Regular functions
    • 6.4 Gato Derivative
  • 7 Types of multiplications
    • 7.1 Grassmann Multiplication
    • 7.2 Euclidean multiplication
    • 7.3 Scalar product
    • 7.4 External work
    • 7.5 Vector product
  • 8 From the story
  • 9 Modern application
  • 10 See also
  • 11 Notes
  • 12 Literature



Quaternions can be defined as a formal sum. Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions Where Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions - real numbers, and Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions - imaginary units with the following property: Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions . Thus, the base quaternion multiplication table is Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions - looks like that:

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

For example, Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions a Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions .

Like vector and scalar

Quaternion is a pair Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions Where Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions - vector of three-dimensional space, and Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions - scalar, that is, a real number.

The addition operations are defined as follows:

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

The product is defined as follows:

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Where Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions denotes the scalar product, and Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions - vector product.

In particular,

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Notice, that:

  • Algebraic operations in quaternions have the property of distributivity;
  • The anticommutativity of a vector product implies the noncommutativity of the product of quaternions.

Through complex numbers

Arbitrary quaternion Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions can be represented as a pair of complex numbers in the form

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

or equivalent

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Where Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions - complex numbers, since Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions performed for both complex numbers and quaternions, and Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions .

Through matrix representations

Real matrices

Quaternions can also be defined as real matrices of the following form with the usual matrix product and sum:

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

With this entry:

  • the transposed matrix corresponds to the conjugate quaternion:

    Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions ;

  • the fourth power of the quaternion modulus is equal to the determinant of the corresponding matrix:

    Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions .

Complex matrices

Alternatively, quaternions can be defined as complex matrices of the following form with the usual matrix product and sum:

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

here Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions and Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions denote complex conjugate numbers to Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions and Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions .

This view has several remarkable properties:

  • a complex number corresponds to a diagonal matrix;
  • the conjugate quaternion corresponds to the conjugate transposed matrix:

    Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions ;

  • the square of the quaternion module is equal to the determinant of the corresponding matrix:

    Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions .

Related objects and operations

For quaternion

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

quaternion Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions called the scalar part Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions and quaternion Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions - vector part . If a Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions then the quaternion is called purely scalar , and if Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions - purely vector .


For quaternion Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions is called conjugate :

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

The conjugate product is the product of the conjugate in the reverse order:

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

For quaternions equality

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions


Just like for complex numbers,

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

called module Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions . If a Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions that Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions called a single quaternion .

As a norm of a quaternion, its module is usually considered: Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions .

Thus, a metric can be introduced on a set of quaternions. Quaternions form a metric space isomorphic Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions with a Euclidean metric.

Quaternions with a module as a norm form a Banach algebra.

The identity of the four squares implies that Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions in other words, quaternions possess a multiplicative norm and form an associative division algebra.

Inversion of multiplication (division)

Quaternion, inverse to multiplication Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions It is calculated as: Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions .

Algebraic properties

Four basic quaternions and four opposite in their sign form, by multiplication, a group of quaternions (about 8). Denoted by:

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions .

Quaternion multitude is an example of a split ring.

The set of quaternions forms a four-dimensional associative division algebra over the field of real (but not complex) numbers. At all Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions , Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions , Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions are the only finite-dimensional associative division algebras over the field of real numbers [3] .

The noncommutativity of multiplication of quaternions leads to unexpected consequences. For example, the number of different roots of a polynomial equation over a set of quaternions may be greater than the degree of the equation. In particular, the equation Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions It has infinitely many solutions - these are all single, purely vector quaternions.

Quaternions and turns of space

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions
The organization of the three degrees of freedom, but the final freedom of the smaller rings depends on the position of the larger rings.

Quaternions considered as algebra over Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions , form a four-dimensional real vector space. Any turn of this space is relatively Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions can be written as Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions where Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions and Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions - a pair of single quaternions, with a pair Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions is determined to within a sign, that is, one turn determines exactly two pairs - Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions and Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions . From this it follows that the Lie group Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions turns Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions there is a factor group Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions where Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions denotes the multiplicative group of unit quaternions.

Pure vector quaternions form a three-dimensional real vector space. Any rotation of the space of purely vector quaternions with respect to Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions can be written as Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions where Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions - some unit quaternion. Respectively, Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions , in particular, Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions diffeomorphic Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions .

"Whole" Quaternions

As the norm of a quaternion, choose the square of its module: Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions .

Whole by Hurwitz (also engl) is called quaternions Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions such that all Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions - integers and the same parity.

A whole quaternion is called

  • even
  • odd
  • simple

if its property has the same property.

A whole quaternion is called primitive if it is not divisible by any positive number except Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions , of course (in other words, Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions ).

Whole unit quaternions

There are 24 whole unit quaternions:

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions , Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions , Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions , Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions ,

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions .

They form a group by multiplication and lie at the vertices of a regular four-dimensional polyhedron - a cuboctahedron (not to be confused with a three-dimensional polytope-cubooctahedron).

Simple factorization

For primitive quaternions, an analogue of the main theorem of arithmetic is true.

Theorem. [4] For any fixed order of factors in the expansion of the quaternion norm Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions into the product of simple positive integers Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions there is a quaternion decomposition Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions into a product of simple quaternions Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions such that Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions . Moreover, this decomposition is only modulo the unit multiplication, which means that any other decomposition will have the form

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions ,

Where Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions , Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions , Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions ... Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions - whole unit quaternions.

For example, primitive quaternion Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions has a rate of 60, so, modulo multiplication by one, it has exactly 12 expansions into the product of simple quaternions, corresponding to 12 expansions of the number 60 in simple products:

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

The total number of expansions of such a quaternion is Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Quaternion variable functions

Secondary functions

The quaternion sign is calculated as follows:

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions .

The quaternion argument is the rotation angle of the four-dimensional vector, which is measured from the real unit:

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions .

Subsequently, the representation of the given quaternion is used. Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions as

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Here Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions - the real part of the quaternion, Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions . Wherein Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions which is why passing through Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions and the real straight plane has the structure of an algebra of complex numbers, which makes it possible to transfer arbitrary analytic functions to the case of quaternions. They satisfy standard relations if all arguments are Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions for a fixed unit vector Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions . If it is necessary to consider quaternions with different directions, the formulas become much more complicated, due to the noncommutativity of the quaternion algebra.

Elementary functions

The standard definition of analytic functions on associative normalized algebra is based on the expansion of these functions into power series. The arguments proving the correctness of the definition of such functions are completely analogous to the complex case and are based on the calculation of the radius of convergence of the corresponding power series. Given the above “complex” representation for a given quaternion, the corresponding series can be reduced to the following compact form. Here are just some of the most commonly used analytic functions, and you can calculate any analytic function in the same way. The general rule is: if Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions for complex numbers then Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions where quaternion Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions considered in the "integrated" view Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions .

Degree and logarithm

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Note that, as usual in complex analysis, the logarithm is determined only up to Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions .

Trigonometric functions

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Regular functions

There are various ways to define regular functions of a quaternion variable. The most obvious one is the consideration of quaternionally differentiable functions, while one can consider right-differentiable and left-differentiable functions that do not coincide due to non-commutativity of multiplication of quaternions. Obviously, their theory is completely similar. Define a quaternion-left-differentiable function Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions as having a limit

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

It turns out that all such functions have in some neighborhood of the point Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions view

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Where Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions - permanent quaternions. Another method is based on the use of operators.

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

and consideration of such quaternion functions Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternionsfor which [5]

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

which is completely analogous to using operators Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions and Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternionsin a complex case. In this case, analogs of the Cauchy integral theorem, the theory of residues, harmonic functions, and Laurent series for quaternion functions are obtained [6] .

Derivative gato

The Gato derivative of the function of the quaternion variable is determined according to the formula

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Gato's derivative is an additive mapping of the increment of the argument and can be represented as [7]

\ partial f (x) (dx) = \ frac {{} _ {(s) 0} \ partial f (x)} {\ partial x} dx \ frac {{} _ {(s) 1} \ partial f (x)} {\ partial x}

Here we assume summation over the index Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions . The number of items depends on the choice of function. Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions . Expressions Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions and Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions are called derivative components.

Types of multiplications

Grassmann multiplication

So differently called the common multiplication of quaternions ( Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions ).

Euclidean multiplication

It differs from the generally accepted fact that instead of the first factor, the conjugate to it is taken: Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions . It is also non-commutative.

Scalar product

Similar to the operation of the same name for vectors:

p \ cdot q = \ frac {\ bar pq + \ bar qp} {2}

This operation can be used to highlight one of the coefficients, for example, 
\ left (a + bi + cj + dk \ right) \ cdot i = b

The definition of a quaternion module can be modified:

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions .

External product

\ operatorname {Outer} \ left (p, q \ right) = \ frac {\ bar pq - \ bar qp} {2}

It is used not very often, however it is considered in addition to the scalar product.

Vector product

Similar to the operation of the same name for vectors. The result is also a vector:

p \ times q = \ frac {pq - qp} {2} .

From the history

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

Memorial plaque on the Broome Bridge in Dublin: “Sir William Rowan Hamilton opened the formula for multiplication of quaternions on a walk on October 16, 1843, in a flash of genius, [8]

Система кватернионов была впервые опубликована Гамильтоном в 1843 году. Историки науки также обнаружили наброски по этой теме в неопубликованных рукописях Гаусса, относящихся к 1819—1820 годам. [9]

Бурное и чрезвычайно плодотворное развитие комплексного анализа в XIX веке стимулировало у математиков интерес к следующей задаче: найти новый вид чисел, аналогичный по свойствам комплексным, но содержащий не одну, а две мнимые единицы. Предполагалось, что такая модель будет полезна при решении пространственных задач математической физики. Однако работа в этом направлении оказалась безуспешной.

A new kind of numbers was discovered by the Irish mathematician William Hamilton in 1843, and it contained not two, as expected, but three imaginary units. Hamilton called these numbers quaternions . Later, Frobenius strictly proved (1877) a theorem, according to which it is impossible to extend a complex field to a field or body with two imaginary units.

Despite the unusual properties of the new numbers (their noncommutativity), this model quickly brought practical benefits. Maxwell used the compact quaternion notation to formulate his own electromagnetic field equations. [10] Later, a three-dimensional vector analysis (Gibbs, Heaviside) was created based on quaternion algebra.

Modern application

In the 20th century, several attempts were made to use quaternion models in quantum mechanics [11] and the theory of relativity [12] . Quaternions have found a real use in modern computer graphics and programming of games [13] , as well as in computational mechanics [14] [15] , in inertial navigation and control theory [16] [17] . Since 2003, the journal “Hypercomplex Numbers in Geometry and Physics” has been published [18] .

In many applications, more general and practical means than quaternions have been found. For example, nowadays matrix calculus is most often used to study movements in space [19] . However, where it is important to specify a three-dimensional rotation using the minimum number of scalar parameters, the use of Rodrig – Hamilton parameters (that is, the four components of the quaternion of rotation) is often preferred: this description never degenerates, and when describing turns with three parameters (for example, Euler angles ) there are always critical values ​​of these parameters when the description degenerates [14] [15] .

Like algebra over Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions , quaternions form real vector space Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions equipped with a third-rank tensor Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions of type (1,2), sometimes called the structure tensor . Like any kind of tensor Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions displays each 1-form Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions on Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions and a couple of vectors Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions of Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions in real number Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions . For any fixed 1-form Hypercomplex numbers.  QuaternionsHypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions turns into a covariant second-rank tensor, which, in the case of its symmetry, becomes a scalar product on Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions . Since each real vector space is also a real linear manifold, such a scalar product generates a tensor field, which, under the condition of its nondegeneracy, becomes the (pseudo- or proper) Euclidean metric on Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions . In the case of quaternions, this scalar product is indefinite, its signature does not depend on the 1-form Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions , and the corresponding pseudo-Euclidean metric is the Minkowski metric [20] . This metric automatically extends to the Lie group of nonzero quaternions along its left-invariant vector fields, forming the so-called closed FLRU (Friedman - Lemetr - Robertson - Walker) metric [21] - an important solution to the Einstein equations. These results clarify some aspects of the compatibility problem of quantum mechanics and the general theory of relativity within the framework of the theory of quantum gravity [22] .

see also

  • Quaternions and space rotation
  • Quaternion analysis
  • Octave
  • Frobenius theorem
  • Articulated wedge

Quaternions in game programming.

There are several ways to represent the rotation of objects. Many programmers use for this matrix rotation or Euler angles. Each of these solutions works fine, as long as you do not try to implement a smooth interpolation between two different positions of the object. For example, imagine an object that simply rotates freely in space. If you store the rotation as a matrix or in the form of Euler angles, then smooth interpolation will be quite expensive in calculations and will not be as smooth as in interpolation by quaternions. Although it is possible to try to place the temporary keys most closely at the stage of creating the animation, however, this entails storing more data for a given rotation and it is not quite trivial to know which step to choose. It is clear that in this case one cannot do without interpolation, one never knows which FPS the player will have.

Many third-person games use quaternions to animate camera motion. All third-person games place the camera at some distance from the character. Since the camera has a different movement, different from the movement of the character, for example, when you rotate the character - the camera moves in an arc, it sometimes happens that this movement does not look natural, irregular. This is one of the problems that can be solved using quaternions. Quaternions are also convenient to use in flight simulators, such as the IL-2 Sturmovik. Instead of manipulating the three corners (roll, pitch, and yaw), representing rotation around the x, y, and z axes, respectively, it is much easier to use one quaternion. And in general, many games and applications of three-dimensional graphics retain the orientation of objects in quaternions. For example, it is easier to add angular velocity to the quaternion than to the matrix.

What it is
Basic operations and properties of quaternions
Rotation around axis
Transformation of spherical coordinates to quaternion
Euler angles
Conversion of the rotation matrix into quaternion
Converting a single quaternion into a rotation matrix
Smooth interpolation
Quaternions in DirectX
Quaternions in the MAX SDK
Related Links

What it is?

Quaternions were introduced by Hamilton in the 18th century. Quaternions are a 4-dimensional extension of the set of complex numbers; in other words, they are hypercomplex numbers. That is, the quaternion q is defined by a foursome of numbers (x, y, z, w):

w + xi + yj + zk
where i 2 = j 2 = k 2 = –1.

It can also be written in the form:

[w, v]
where w is the scalar, and v = (x, y, z) is the vector.

Basic operations and properties of quaternions

Consider two quaternions: q [w, v] and q '[w', v ']. For them, the following is true:

q + q '= [w + w', v + v ']

qq '= [ww' - v · v ', vxv' + wv '+ w'v]
where x is a vector product and · is a scalar.

norm (q) = sqrt (w 2 + x 2 + y 2 + z 2 ) (size)

q * = [w, –v] (conjugation)

Hypercomplex numbers.  Quaternions

norm (q) = 1 => q –1 = q *

Quaternions expand the concept of rotation in three-dimensional space to rotation in four-dimensional. Rotation can be given by a single quaternion (norm (q) = 1). To bring a quaternion to a single form, or in other words to normalize, it is necessary to calculate its size norm (q) and divide all four members of the quaternion by the value of the size obtained.

Quaternion space is a 4-dimensional space. The set of all unit vectors is a 4-dimensional sphere with a radius of 1. Quaternions can be considered as adding an additional angle of rotation to spherical coordinates, (spherical coordinates are longitude, latitude, angle of rotation).

If the rotation is given by some quaternion q, then the vector v after rotation will have the form v ':

V '= q V q –1
where V = [o, v], V '= [0, v']


Rotation around axis

Consider rotation by an angle Q around the axis defined by the guiding vector v. This rotation can be set by quaternion:
q = [cos (Q / 2), sin (Q / 2) v]

If necessary, you need to remember to normalize the resulting quaternion.

Transformation of spherical coordinates into quaternion

  struct Quaternion {
   float x, y, z;  // Vector
   float w;  // Scalar

 // Transformation of spherical coordinates to quaternion
 void SphericalToQuaternion (Quaternion * q, float latitude, float longitude, 
                            float angle)
   float sin_a = sin (angle / 2);
   float cos_a = cos (angle / 2);

   float sin_lat = sin (latitude);
   float cos_lat = cos (latitude);

   float sin_long = sin (longitude);
   float cos_long = cos (longitude);

   q-> x = sin_a * cos_lat * sin_long;
   q-> y = sin_a * sin_lat;
   q-> z = sin_a * sin_lat * cos_long;
   q-> w = cos_a;

Euler angles

Rotation is given by yaw, pitch and roll. Then the quaternion is calculated as follows:

qroll = [cos (y / 2), (sin (y / 2), 0, 0)]
qpitch = [cos (q / 2), (0, sin (q / 2), 0)]
qyaw = [cos (f / 2), (0, 0, sin (f / 2))]
q = qyaw qpitch qroll

Conversion of the rotation matrix into quaternion

To set the rotation, a 3x3 matrix is ​​enough. However, since many 3D APIs are used to transform a 4x4 matrix, we will also consider such a dimension of the matrix. At the same time, in order for the additional data not to affect the meaning of the matrix, the additional row and column are set to zero, with the exception of their intersection, which is set to 1. Below is the conversion code of the rotation matrix into a quaternion. It is clear that this matrix should not carry any other information besides rotation, for example, scaling.

  // Matrix to Quaternion Transformation
 void MatrixToQuaternion (Quaternion * quat, float m [4] [4])
   float tr, s, q [4];
   int i, j, k;

   int nxt [3] = {1, 2, 0};

   tr = m [0] [0] + m [1] [1] + m [2] [2];

   if (tr> 0.0)
     s = sqrt (tr + 1.0);
     quat-> w = s / 2.0;
     s = 0.5 / s;
     quat-> x = (m [1] [2] - m [2] [1]) * s;
     quat-> y = (m [2] [0] - m [0] [2]) * s;
     quat-> z = (m [0] [1] - m [1] [0]) * s;
     i = 0;
     if (m [1] [1]> m [0] [0]) i = 1;
     if (m [2] [2]> m [i] [i]) i = 2;
     j = nxt [i];
     k = nxt [j];

     s = sqrt ((m [i] [i] - (m [j] [j] + m [k] [k])) + 1.0);

     q [i] = s * 0.5;

     if (s! = 0.0) s = 0.5 / s;

     q [3] = (m [j] [k] - m [k] [j]) * s;
     q [j] = (m [i] [j] + m [j] [i]) * s;
     q [k] = (m [i] [k] + m [k] [i]) * s;

     quat-> x = q [0];
     quat-> y = q [1];
     quat-> z = q [2];
     quat-> w = q [3];

Converting a single quaternion into a rotation matrix

The transformation of a single quaternion into a rotation matrix can be written as:

TRot = [1-2y2-2z2 2xy-2wz 2xz + 2wy
2xy + 2wz ​​1-2x2-2z2 2yz-2wx
2xz-2wy 2yz + 2wx 1-2x2-2y2]

  // Convert Quaternion To Matrix
 void QuaternionToMatrix (float m [4] [4], const Quaternion * quat)
   float wx, wy, wz, xx, yy, yz, xy, xz, zz, x2, y2, z2;
   x2 = quat-> x + quat-> x;
   y2 = quat-> y + quat-> y;
   z2 = quat-> z + quat-> z;
   xx = quat-> x * x2;  xy = quat-> x * y2;  xz = quat-> x * z2;
   yy = quat-> y * y2;  yz = quat-> y * z2;  zz = quat-> z * z2;
   wx = quat-> w * x2;  wy = quat-> w * y2;  wz = quat-> w * z2;

   m [0] [0] = 1.0f- (yy + zz);  m [0] [1] = xy-wz;  m [0] [2] = xz + wy;
   m [1] [0] = xy + wz;  m [1] [1] = 1.0f- (xx + zz);  m [1] [2] = yz-wx;
   m [2] [0] = xz-wy;  m [2] [1] = yz + wx;  m [2] [2] = 1.0f- (xx + yy);

   m [0] [3] = m [1] [3] = m [2] [3] = 0;
   m [3] [0] = m [3] [1] = m [3] [2] = 0;
   m [3] [3] = 1;

When working with a hierarchy of objects and inverse kinematics, a composite task of rotation arises. In this case, the use of quaternions is preferable to matrices. That is, if the rotation is given by two matrices R1 and R2, then in order to calculate the rotation matrix, these matrices must be multiplied: R = R1 x R2. Similarly, if the rotation is given by two quaternions q1 and q2, then the resulting rotation quaternion will be q = q1 x q2. It is clear that the calculation of the product of quaternions is faster than matrices. Moreover, the product of quaternions can be optimized:

  void MulQuaternions (Quaternion * res, 
                     const Quaternion * q1, const Quaternion * q2)
   float A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H;

   A = (q1-> w + q1-> x) * (q2-> w + q2-> x);
   B = (q1-> z - q1-> y) * (q2-> y - q2-> z);
   C = (q1-> x - q1-> w) * (q2-> y + q2-> z);
   D = (q1-> y + q1-> z) * (q2-> x - q2-> w);
   E = (q1-> x + q1-> z) * (q2-> x + q2-> y);
   F = (q1-> x - q1-> z) * (q2-> x - q2-> y);
   G = (q1-> w + q1-> y) * (q2-> w - q2-> z);
   H = (q1-> w - q1-> y) * (q2-> w + q2-> z);

   res-> w = B + (-E - F + G + H) * 0.5;
   res-> x = A - (E + F + G + H) * 0.5; 
   res-> y = -C + (E - F + G - H) * 0.5;
   res-> z = -D + (E - F - G + H) * 0.5;

Smooth interpolation

One of the most useful properties of quaternions is to achieve smooth animation during interpolation. Consider the interpolation between two quaternions that specify rotation. In this case, the interpolation occurs along the shortest arc. This can be achieved using spherical linear interpolation (SLERP - Spherical Linear intERPolation):

SLERP (t) = (p sin ((1 – t) a) - q sin (ta)) / sin (a)

where q and p are quaternions.
t - varies from 0 to 1,
a is the angle between q and p, cos (a) = (q, p) / (| q | * | p |) = (q, p).

For very small a, use the usual linear interpolation to avoid division by zero. Implementation:

  void Slerp (Quaternion * res
            Quaternion * q, Quaternion * p, float t)
   float p1 [4];
   double omega, cosom, sinom, scale0, scale1;

   // cosine of an angle
   cosom = q-> x * p-> x + q-> y * p-> y + q-> z * p-> z + q-> w * p-> w;

   if (cosom <0.0)
     cosom = -cosom;
     p1 [0] = - p-> x;  p1 [1] = - p-> y;
     p1 [2] = - p-> z;  p1 [3] = - p-> w;
     p1 [0] = p-> x;  p1 [1] = p-> y;
     p1 [2] = p-> z;  p1 [3] = p-> w;

   if ((1.0 - cosom)> DELTA)
     // standard case (slerp)
     omega = acos (cosom);
     sinom = sin (omega);
     scale0 = sin ((1.0 - t) * omega) / sinom;
     scale1 = sin (t * omega) / sinom;
     // if a small angle - linear interpolation
     scale0 = 1.0 - t;
     scale1 = t;

   res-> x = scale0 * q-> x + scale1 * p1 [0];
   res-> y = scale0 * q-> y + scale1 * p1 [1];
   res-> z = scale0 * q-> z + scale1 * p1 [2];
   res-> w = scale0 * q-> w + scale1 * p1 [3];

Quaternions in DirectX

Along with the DirectX SDK comes the utility library Direct3DX utility library. In it, some space is given to quaternions. A quaternion is defined by the structure:

  typedef struct D3DXQUATERNION {
   FLOAT x, y, z, w;

There is a set of functions for working with standard quaternion capabilities:

The multiplication of two quaternions:
D3DXQuaternionMultiply ()

Get the size:
D3DXQuaternionLength ()

D3DXQuaternionNormalize ()

Convert Euler's catch to quaternion:
D3DXQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll ()

Conversion of rotation matrix into quaternion and back:
D3DXQuaternionRotationMatrix ()
D3DXMatrixRotationQuaternion ()

Spherical linear interpolation:
D3DXQuaternionSlerp ()

Etc. For a full description of all features, see the DirectX SDK.

Quaternions in the MAX SDK

In Max SDK, quaternions are described by the C ++ class:

class Quat {...};

The class is filled with the necessary methods and operators. C ++ constructs allow overloading of operators, for example, for quaternions, you can write the sum in a more readable form:

q = q1 + q2;

In addition to the methods of the Quat class, the class for matrices Matrix3 has a quaternion conversion method:
void SetRotate (const Quat & q);

The quaternion defining the rotation can be obtained for any object of the scene. The transformation is stored in objects of the INode class. First, you need to get the rotation controller from the transformation controller, then use the GetValue () method for this controller:

  void GetQuat (Quat * pQuat, const pNode * pNode)
   Control * pTransf = pNode-> GetTMController ();
   if (pTransf)
     Control * pCtrl = pTransf-> GetRotationController ();
     if (pCtrl)
       pCtrl-> GetValue (0, pQuat, NEVER, CTRL_ABSOLUTE);

When exporting, be careful with the coordinate systems. Your coordinate system may not match the coordinate system selected in 3D Studio MAX. For example, the z axis is pointing up, and many other APIs, including DirectX and OpenGL, point y up. For this reason, in the resulting quaternions, the parameter y may not correspond to your y. For example, when exporting to the DirectX coordinate system, you can use the following transformation, pay attention to the signs and the components y and z:

  dx_quat.x = -max_quat.x;
 dx_quat.y = -max_quat.z;
 dx_quat.z = -max_quat.y;
 dx_quat.w = max_quat.w; 

Related Links

Rotation and quaternions. Collection of recipes.

created: 2014-09-15
updated: 2024-11-11

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