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The term “behavior” in science is associated with activity, the system of actions, which consists in adaptation, in adapting to the existing existing environment, moreover, in animals only to the natural environment, and in humans - to the social one. This adaptation is carried out on the basis of certain biologically or socially defined programs, the original bases of which are not subject to revision or restructuring. A typical example of social behavior is, say, adaptation, adaptation to the surrounding social environment by following the customs, rules and norms adopted in this environment. Adaptive behavior is a “closed” system of attitude to reality, the limits of which are limited by a given social or natural environment and a given set of possible actions in this environment, defined by life stereotypes and programs. The form of attitude towards reality that is characteristic of man only is activity , which, unlike behavior, is not limited to adapting to existing conditions - natural or social, but reorganizes and transforms them. Accordingly, such an activity implies the ability to continuously review and improve the programs on which it is based. At the same time, people act not just as performers of a given program of behavior — even if they are active, finding new original solutions as part of its implementation, but as creators, creators of fundamentally new action programs. In the case of adaptive behavior, with all its possible activity and originality, the goals of the actions are ultimately defined, defined; activity is associated with the search for possible means to achieve these goals. In other words, adaptive behavior is purposeful, appropriate. Freedom means overcoming the pressure of a man’s effort — whether external nature, social norms, people around him or internal limitations — as factors determining his behavior implies the ability to build his own program of actions that would allow him to go beyond the limits of the current situation and expand his attitude to the world, fit into the wider context of being. The interaction of the individual and society from the point of view of social control reveals internal inconsistency. So, on the one hand, a person cannot acquire his individuality, acquire social qualities and properties outside or in addition to society. If an individual cannot be considered a product of a social and sociocultural environment, then he cannot be considered a human either. On the other hand, a person cannot acquire, develop his individuality, if he is blind, automatically adapt to the patterns of culture. If a person is considered to be a simple copy of the sociocultural environment, then he cannot be recognized as a person. Individual and social actions are correlated as controlled and controlling. An act of social (group) action, speaking in the system of social control as a reaction to individual behavior, itself performs the function of a social stimulus (positive or negative), predetermining the nature of subsequent individual acts, whereby these acts are a reaction to social actions. These acts are fixed in the behavior or eliminated from it depending on the reaction of the social environment (group, class, society as a whole). In turn, the response of the social environment to an individual action depends on an objectively existing (in morality, law, ideology, etc.) social scale of assessments derived from the system of values, ideals, life interests and aspirations of the social group, class, society generally.

The positive influence of the group on the formation and development of the personality is as follows.

1. In the group, the individual meets with people who are his main source of spiritual culture.

2. Relations between people, developing in groups, carry positive social norms and value orientations, which are assimilated by the person included in the system of group relations.

3. The group is a place where the individual develops his communication skills.

4. From the participants of the group, the individual receives information that allows him to correctly perceive and evaluate himself, to preserve and strengthen everything positive in his personality, to get rid of the negative and shortcomings.

5. The group supplies the individual with a system of positive emotional reinforcements necessary for his development.

Only the constant communication of the individual with more developed than himself, personalities with valuable knowledge, skills and abilities, provides him the opportunity to initiate to the corresponding spiritual values. Almost every person has something to learn from other people, and in almost every group he meets such people.

If a human child was born and grew up not in society, among other people, but in isolation from them, he would never be psychologically and behaviorally transformed into a person. This is evidenced by many literary facts, when children from infancy lived in animal communities. In almost all of these cases, serious delays have been noted in both the psychological and behavioral development of children. Only through direct communication do people transmit their life experiences. This experience includes skills from basic hygienic skills and use of speech to moral values ​​and abilities for various activities. The more diverse groups that an individual becomes an active participant in the process of his life, the greater are his opportunities for development and the acquisition of diverse human qualities.

created: 2014-09-20
updated: 2021-03-13

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Terms: Sociology