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Write logical expressions


In the record of logical expressions, in addition to arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation, the following operations are used: <(less), <= (less than or equal),> (greater),> = (greater than or equal), = (equal ), <> (not equal), and also logical operations and, or, not.

Examples of writing logical expressions that are true when the specified conditions are met.

Condition Record in school algorithmic language
The fractional part of the real number a is zero int (a) = 0
Integer a is even mod (a, 2) = 0
Integer a is odd mod (a, 2) = 1
Integer k is a multiple of seven mod (a, 7) = 0
Each of the numbers a, b is positive. (a> 0) and (b> 0)
Only one of the numbers a, b is positive. ((a> 0) and (b <= 0)) or
((a <= 0) and (b> 0))
At least one of the numbers a, b, c is negative. (a <0) or (b <0) or (c <0)
The number x satisfies the condition a <x <b (x> a) and (x <b)
The number x has a value in the interval [1, 3] (x> = 1) and (x <= 3)
Integers a and b have the same parity ((mod (a, 2) = 0) and (mod (b, 2) = 0) or ((mod (a, 2) = 1) and (mod (b, 2) = 1)))
The point with coordinates (x, y) lies in a circle of radius r centered at the point (a, b) (xa) ** 2 + (yb) ** 2 <r * r
The equation ax ^ 2 + bx + c = 0 has no real roots. b * b - 4 * a * c <0
Point (x, y) belongs to the first or third quarter ((x> 0) and (y> 0)) or
((x <0) and (y> 0))
The point (x, y) belongs to the exterior of the unit circle centered at the origin or its second quarter (x * x + y * y> 1) or
((x * x + y * y <= 1) and (x <0) and (y> 0))
Integers a and b are mutually opposite a = -b
Integers a and b are reciprocal a * b = 1
The number a is greater than the arithmetic mean of the numbers b, c, d a> (b + c + d) / 3
The number a is not less than the average of the geometric numbers b, c, d a> = (b + c + d) ** (1/3)
At least one of the logical variables F1 and F2 is yes F1 or F2
Both logical variables F1 and F2 are yes. F1 and F2
Both logical variables F1 and F2 are none. not F1 and not F2
The logical variable F1 is set to yes , and the logical variable F2 is set to no F1 and not F2
Only one of the logical variables F1 and F2 matters yes. (F1 and not F2) or (F2 and not F1)


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Programming Languages and Methods / Translation Theory

Terms: Programming Languages and Methods / Translation Theory