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Components of an algorithmic language


Algorithmic language (as well as any other language) form its three components: alphabet, syntax and semantics.

The alphabet is a fixed set of basic symbols for a given language, i.e. "letters of the alphabet", which should consist of any text in this language - no other characters in the text are not allowed.

Syntax is the rules for constructing phrases that allow to determine whether a particular phrase is written correctly or incorrectly. More precisely, the syntax of a language is a set of rules that establish which combinations of characters are meaningful sentences in that language.

Semantics determines the semantic meaning of language sentences. Being a system of rules for interpreting individual language constructs, semantics determines which sequences of actions are described by various phrases of a language and, ultimately, which algorithm is defined by a given text in an algorithmic language.

created: 2014-09-30
updated: 2021-03-13

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Programming Languages and Methods / Translation Theory

Terms: Programming Languages and Methods / Translation Theory