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RAD - fast programming technology


RAD, Rapid Application Development, rapid application development - the concept of creating software development tools that pays special attention to the speed and ease of programming, creating a workflow that allows a programmer to create computer programs as quickly as possible. Since the end of the 20th century, RAD has gained widespread acceptance and approval. The concept of RAD is also often associated with the concept of visual programming - 4GL.

Basic principles of RAD

The toolkit should focus on minimizing development time. Creating a prototype to clarify customer requirements. Cyclical development: each new version of the product is based on the evaluation of the result of the previous version of the customer. Minimizing the development time of the version, due to the transfer of ready-made modules and adding functionality to the new version. The development team must work closely together, each participant must be prepared to perform several responsibilities. Project management should minimize the development cycle.


The concept of RAD was a response to the awkward methods of developing programs of the 1970s and early 1980s, such as the “Waterfall model”. These methods provided for such a slow process of creating a program that often even the requirements for the program had time to change before the end of development. The founder of RAD is IBM employee James Martin, who in the 1980s formulated the basic principles of RAD, based on the ideas of Barry Boim and Scott Schulz. And in 1991, Martin published a famous book, in which he detailed the concept of RAD and the possibilities of its application. Currently, RAD is becoming a common scheme for creating software development tools.

RAD based development environments

Axure RP, C ++ Builder, Clarion, Code :: Blocks, Delphi, DevelStudio, Expression Studio, IBM Lotus Domino Designer, IntelliJ IDEA, IntraWeb, Lazarus, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Authorware, Macromedia Director, Microsoft Visual Studio, MonoDevelop, NetBeans IDE, Omnis Studio, PowerBuilder, QDevelop (in conjunction with Qt-Designer), SharpDevelop, Visual DataFlex, WxDev-C ++, wxFormBuilder


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