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Standard language features


When solving various problems using a computer, it is necessary to calculate the logarithm or modulus of a number, the sine of an angle, etc.

Standard language functions are such frequently used functions that are pre-programmed and built into the language translator.

Table of standard functions of school algorithmic language

Name and mathematical designation of the function
Function pointer
Absolute value (modulus) | x | abs (x)
Square root   Standard language features sqrt (x)
Natural logarithm ln x ln (x)
Decimal logarithm lg x lg (x)
Exponent (degree of number e ~ 2.72) e x exp (x)
The sign of the number x (- 1 if x <0; 0, if x = 0; 1, if x> 0) sign x sign (x)
Integer part of x (i.e. maximum integer not exceeding x) int (x)
Minimum of numbers x and y min (x, y)
Maximum of numbers x and y max (x, y)
The quotient of dividing x by integer y div (x, y)
The remainder of dividing integer x by integer y mod (x, y)
Random number from 0 to x - 1 rnd (x)
Sine (angle in radians) sin x sin (x)
Cosine (angle in radians) cos x cos (x)
Tangent (angle in radians) tg x tg (x)
Cotangent (angle in radians) ctg x ctg (x)
Arcsine (main value in radians) arcsin x arcsin (x)
Arccosine (principal in radians) arccos x arccos (x)
Arctangent (most important in radians) arctg x arctg (x)
Arccoat tangents (most important in radians) arcctg x arcctg (x)

As arguments of functions, you can use constants, variables and expressions. For example:

sin (3.05)
min (a, 5)
sin (x)
min (a, b)
sin (2 * y + t / 2)
min (a + b, a * b)
sin ((exp (x) + 1) ** 2)
min (min (a, b), min (c, d))

Each programming language has its own set of standard functions.


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Programming Languages and Methods / Translation Theory

Terms: Programming Languages and Methods / Translation Theory