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Advantages of algorithmic languages ​​over machine


The main advantages are:

  • the alphabet of an algorithmic language is much wider than the alphabet of a machine language , which significantly improves the visibility of the program text;
  • the set of operations allowed for use does not depend on the set of machine operations , but is chosen for reasons of convenience in formulating algorithms for solving problems of a particular class;
  • the format of sentences is quite flexible and convenient to use, which allows using a single sentence to specify a sufficiently informative stage of data processing;
  • the required operations are specified using the generally accepted mathematical notation ;
  • given in algorithmic languages ​​are assigned individual names chosen by the programmer;
  • A language can have a significantly wider set of data types compared to a set of machine data types.

Thus, algorithmic languages ​​are largely machine-independent . They facilitate the work of the programmer and increase the reliability of the created programs .


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Programming Languages and Methods / Translation Theory

Terms: Programming Languages and Methods / Translation Theory