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Record arithmetic expressions in the program


Arithmetic expressions are written according to the following rules:

  • You can not omit the multiplication sign between the factors and put two signs of operations side by side.
  • The indices of array elements are written in square (school AY, Pascal) or round (Basic) brackets.
  • Variables are used Latin letters.
  • Operations are performed in order of precedence : first, the computation of functions, then the exponentiation, then the multiplication and division, and last of all, addition and subtraction.
  • Operations of one seniority are performed from left to right . However, in school AA there is one exception to this rule: erection operations are performed from right to left. Thus, the expression 2 ** (3 ** 2) in the school AJ is calculated as 2 ** (3 ** 2) = 512. In the QBasic language, the similar expression 2 ^ 3 ^ 2 is calculated as (2 ^ 3) ^ 2 = 64 And in the Pascal language the operation of raising to a power is not provided at all, in Pascal x ^ y is written as exp (y * ln (x)), and x ^ y ^ z as exp (exp (z * ln (y)) * ln (x)).

Examples of writing arithmetic expressions

Math notation Record in school algorithmic language
  Record arithmetic expressions in the program x * y / z
  Record arithmetic expressions in the program x / (y * z) or x / y / z
  Record arithmetic expressions in the program (a ** 3 + b ** 3) / (b * c)
  Record arithmetic expressions in the program (a [i + 1] + b [i-1]) / (2 * x * y)
  Record arithmetic expressions in the program (-b + sqrt (b * b - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a)
  Record arithmetic expressions in the program (x <0) sign (x) * abs (x) ** (1/5)
  Record arithmetic expressions in the program 0.49 * exp (a * a - b * b) + ln (cos (a * a)) ** 3
  Record arithmetic expressions in the program x / (1 + x * x / (3 + (2 * x) ** 3))

Typical errors in writing expressions:

5x + 1
a + sin x
((a + b) / c ** 3
Missed multiplication sign between 5 and x
The x argument of the sin x function is not enclosed in brackets
Not enough closing brackets


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Programming Languages and Methods / Translation Theory

Terms: Programming Languages and Methods / Translation Theory