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Why do people attract social networks


  Why do people attract social networks

1. Procrastination

One of the reasons for finding a person in a social network is procrastination.

Procrastination is the postponement of unpleasant things and thoughts.

2. Procrastination mechanism

A person faces a task, to which efforts must be made, to expend energy, to think or to overcome fear. The brain evades the expenditure of energy and instead of solving the problem it offers a person - go to the Internet, to the social network, there is no need to do anything, just watch and communicate.

If you do not control the process, then the person instead of affairs starts to spend time on the social network.

3. Soul

To understand the next point, imagine that a person has a soul. Is it really or not? This question is already a religious one. For now, for convenience, we will use this metaphor.

4.Investment of the soul

A person lives in the world, distributing to people and phenomena around him particles of his soul. When people meet a nice person, they put a part of their soul into it. Now they are not indifferent to what is happening with their loved one. If he is far away, or it is not known how things are going with him, then anxiety comes, the soul begins to hurt. Example - parents and children, lovers, pets, even a country or famous people, and just objects. The soul can invest in anyone and anything. Contribute soul indifferent people. Investing occurs if a person passes the path of knowledge and understanding. Man invests in others - love, suffering, imagination, observation. People add to the friends of those who are interested in them, or those whom they know personally. Who invested soul in the real world. Now a part of their soul is in another person, and a person cannot simply let go of the other from himself, because he has invested in the communication of time, strength, and frankness.

5. Assemble the soul in one place

Anyone wants to have all his soul. He wants to keep the points of attachment always in front of his gaze. But his soul is scattered throughout the world, in people, in ideas, in objects. Mark Zuckerberg invented a place on the Internet, where each person can collect the soul in one place. Facebook has the ability to hold all your soul in front of your eyes every day, every second. The social network is the place where the soul is squandered around the world. When a person reads the news feed - he holds his soul in front of his eyes.

6.Willing to refresh the page

People removed parts of the soul to the Internet. And now, offline users experience anxiety — they stick needles into the living parts of their souls, but they don’t know about it. The soul requires protection, immediate reactions to stimuli, but when people are offline, they cannot follow the soul that is on the Internet. They have a desire to check their profile on the social network to find out what happened to him during his absence. It's like a girl. When she is not around, I want to know what happens to her every second. The desire to delete a profile may be due to the desire to remove from the soul this state of uncertainty and uncertainty.

Why are more people pulling into a social network

1. Escape from loneliness

Constant communication with friends steals people from themselves. Instead of turning to themselves, diving deep into themselves, users run from this loneliness in superficial communication on a social network.

Bulimia is a painful gluttony, thirst for food, never satisfied. Such a pastime can be called a social bulimia.

2. Jealousy and social networks

People want to know everything about a loved one. About all his affairs, contacts, behavior. And people often go through the pages of the social network to track the behavior of their close people. They want to embrace a person of everything, his whole life.

Those points on which people are scattered on social networks are presented in a structured way - here is a photo, here is a wall, here are other people's messages. Man wants to embrace all this at one moment, but the essence of perception is such that it cannot hold everything in one glance. And it starts running at the points, which gives the illusion of control that we see the whole person.

A person may not like that someone else enters into the act of knowledge with his partner. If someone has laid out a song for the girl on the wall, it means that there are invisible points in which she exists with this person, and they are hidden, or maybe in them she experiences unearthly pleasures or spiritual experiences that she does not experience with her partner. Thoughts about this can be disturbing, this ignorance can be disturbing, this impossibility to embrace the whole person in the act of cognition or the desire for control.

3. Habit to communicate

Soul insertion is a positive development. But people go to social networks because of the habit. If at first people invest in the living destinies of people, then, instead of surprise and investment, they begin to live cool.

First we went to read the tape, because we had invested, and then we went to read, because we were used to
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