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Internet addiction. How does a person differ from a profile?


  Internet addiction.  How does a person differ from a profile?

As an example, take an ordinary person, a resident of Russia, with problems in emotional and personal development - with a lack of attention in the family, in relationships, and the desire to receive attention.

In the family and in the relationship, he cannot receive sufficient attention - they only demand from him that he give something.

All problems of our hero are solvable. But in order to resolve them in the real world, you need to work, you need self-analysis, feedback, overcoming barriers and building relationships, giving up some habits.

And at hand - the Internet. Then our hero projects his life into a social network and there, in the mental world, seeks for himself love and the assertion of his personality - constant confirmation of his existence, receiving social strokes, seeking attention from others.

But since the real passions and desires of a person on the Internet do not develop, but are only replaced and suppressed, then a person’s problems of lack of attention are not resolved. To all this, the delayed development of the personality is also added.

Internet addiction appears. Personality stands and does not develop - the mind develops, mental skills develop, but the development of responsibility, self-understanding and care for others are frozen.

Identification of personality and profile

From this case you can deduce the existence of such a phenomenon, when a person identifies his personality with his profile on a social network, which hampers the development of a person’s personality and can cause Internet addiction.

The reasons:

A person is dissatisfied with his life, his body, his relations with others, and here is near - a virtual world in which there is no body, and you can show your personality only from those parties that are convenient to a person.


The personality of a person is not static. Man is changing. A person is a sum of affairs and thoughts per day.


Static profiles of social networks cheat observers.

The user leaves a message on the wall, but this is not him - he has changed by writing this message. Dead, static structures of personal pages, attracting greedy to the jealousy of users, do not change under the influence of messages.

The person who wrote the message is no longer the person who used to write it. The author of the message is not the immovable subject, but the one who is born by the message itself within it.

The personality is blurred, it is created in the process of sending a message, and it cannot be expressed with a specific picture, as social networks do.

When the author writes a novel, the novel changes the author. Often, only in the process of writing a book does a writer understand what he wants to express with it.

The ideal social network is a network without a profile. The profile in it is the transmitted messages. This can be seen on the example of LiveJournal.

LJ can be compared with a tree trunk - it grows from the roots, the trunk is interesting to explore - you can go from the roots to the top, trace the growth of branches, read the story. LJ opens the life of a person like a book.

Profiles in social networks are more like an instant slice of the trunk - in the section visible are the rings of the present, but the history of their origin is not visible, the development is not visible. LJ is always more interesting and deeper shows the life of a person.

Facebook Timeline

For five years in a row, graphic designer Nicholas Felton puts out beautiful reports on the topic "How Nicholas Felton spent this year." How many songs I listened to and read books, where I went, who I met, and what they ate and drank together. He proposes to buy printed versions of these schemes for 20–60 dollars. When they learned about Felton in the Facebook manual, he was immediately called to work to create a new interface.

Timeline shows - in order to leave a noticeable mark in the virtual space, you need to make real changes in the physical world.

Profile brings real time to the social network. Now the profile has become dynamic - we see changes, and they are associated with real changes taking place with the owner of the profile.

A new profile is a bridge between the real world and the Internet. The user was shown - if you want changes in your profile - change in the real world: move around, take pictures, start and develop relationships.


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