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Mumitrolling is the opposite of normal trolling. In order to participate in the mumitrolling, it is necessary to speak to a person or to write truly pleasant, inspiring things on social media on his wall and try to bring a person to a great mood. Sincerity and warmth of the heart is an important condition for proper mummy rolling.

The first rule of mumitrolling

You can be the subject of mumitroling, and the object - will not work. Those who participate in mumitroling see a living person in each other and care for each other.

The second rule of mumitrolling

You can mumitroll on request, and without demand - very carefully and with readiness to stop at first wish. Compulsive mumitrolling can become a hemulka.

The third rule of mumitrolling

You can break all the other rules, if the heart tells you that now is better. Mumitrolling is from the heart, not from the head.

Some ways to mumitrolling

Method 1. Certainly a good personal experience.

If you feel that mumitrolling is useful to someone, you can politely share your own pleasant event. It is very important that this is a simple, uncomplicated event, such as a cup of evening cocoa. Tell about yourself: how you walked along the snowy night street, and how the signs shone, and how in the store she accidentally jumped into her hands a jar and cocoa. And then at home, before bedtime, you drank a hot drink and were silent. And everything was in this silence: a bedtime story, warm words of love, tenderness, and intimacy.

Tell as if it happened to you for the first time and you are surprised at how comfortable the world is.

Method 2. Attentive sparkles of curiosity

If you want to support another with the help of mumitroling, look at him, or at his photo, or at some thing and wait until some detail, feature does not respond in your soul with warmth. Sometimes it takes time - and you just wait ...

A special look, a cheerful drawing of a shirt, some gesture resembling the same person in childhood ... When you wait, report what happened to you during this little meeting. Unvarnished, sincerely.


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