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Laughter and memes in the social network


  Laughter and memes in the social network

There is no real good and evil on the Internet.

Since the Internet is a mental world without the possibility of realizing passions, the world of Plato's ideas, the world of captured screaming souls, then it is worth noting that there is no real evil in it. Like the real good.

For evil and good need implementation, action, output. Need body, time and space. The only available action on the Internet is observation. And “post it”. Desires in the soul remain unfulfilled.

Mental evil is not evil

In the book about Rabela, Bakhtin writes that laughter is not freedom, but liberation.

Laughter on the Internet is of a different order. A desire may be a desire to free oneself, but laughter on the Internet is not liberating, it does not give freedom, rather, rather the opposite - it enslaves. This is laughter from tiredness, not from the desire for freedom.

Esquire once wrote that surprise is the emotion that people have experienced less and less in connection with the progress and development of the Internet lately. The explanation for this phenomenon comes from the overgrown mentality - people get used to reading, watching, but not participating. And often, to be surprised, you have to do something yourself. This is acutely felt by modern artists, and in the 21st century people are invited to the museum not only to look, as to participate in works.

Bakhtin says that laughter happens two poles:

At one pole - the laughter of a man over himself, the laughter of a hero over a coward in himself, the laughter of a saint over the World, Flesh and Hell, laughter of honor over disgrace and internal composure over chaos; a man’s laughter over ugliness, which he is fully capable of, but which he will not allow himself, but at the same time over pride that inspires him that his beauty would not suffer from ugliness.

On the other - laughter is boorish, in the act of which the laughing one gets off from shame, from pity, from conscience.

And somewhere in the middle between them - Internet LOL - sluggish loose laugh from the fatigue of observation.

Anonymous is trying to be evil. Behind his anger, there is an attempt to simply lay on the material world, perhaps even free himself from it. The Internet is a Platonic world of ideas. And since the Anonymus is deprived of the body, since they are only the brain and the soul, then any meme in which the hypertrophied material predominates will be doomed to success.

It is not by chance that one of the very first Internet memes is a video with a dancing child. More than half of all popular memes have a pronounced flashy material aspect: ridiculous faces, faces, movements, explosions, falls, eccentric cries, dances and grimaces. Well, what could be more material than the seals.

Berdyaev says that creativity transforms the world. Anonymus world does not transform, he does not even ironically above him. He laughs at the objectification of her own methods. It is like putting out a flamethrower fire. Maybe fun, but the result is zero.


The laughter of another order that frees is the laughter of self-irony. Hard, merciless to himself.

Anton Nosik once wrote that the Internet killed the irony. This is true for self-irony. The irony on the Internet is incomprehensible. For her there is no support. Support for self-irony is an act.

A friend complains to me that she is tired of the Internet. She says that she is strained by all the words that she writes and leaves in the comments. My words are not me, she says, “I am actions. Things mean and say more about me. And they are not visible on the Internet.

Self-irony is visible in the scheme

did something stupid - sneered - did it differently

There is an action in the scheme. The scheme without action, with one observation:

I am ironic - I looked, I shared it - I am ironic again

leads to dying self-irony. Loose dead laughter comes to replace it.
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