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Internet properties. Internet as a non-physical world


  Internet properties.  Internet as a non-physical world

There is no body on the internet

The Internet is a nonphysical world, it has no physical sensations. This is the mental world, the world of Platonic ideas.

On the Internet, a person forgets about his body and lives mentally. There were cases when people were draining their bodies because they could not interrupt the online game.

1. Available actions on the Internet

On the Internet, a person can only do two things:

Passive action - observation. The user reads the tape, the pages of friends.

Active action - post. The user writes posts, puts photos, puts "likes".

2. Realization of passions

From the fact that the Internet is a non-physical world, there is one important feature: the human feelings can not be fully realized on the Internet, not only negative but also positive - a manifestation of love, sympathy, and care.

3. Emotions

Emotions on the Internet are not fully expressed. In the real world, the girl screams, on the Internet, she posts a scream. On the Internet, people describe emotions.

People just imagine what they feel. The tops of emotional graphics on the Internet are always cut off. The user does not really scream, but he posts a scream, he wants to laugh, and instead he posts a funny video.

  Internet properties.  Internet as a non-physical world

4. Online update

From this we can draw an important conclusion: the full development and cognition of a person in a social network is impossible. Because you cannot recognize yourself by a mental operation. To be actualized, you need space, time and a physical body. By observation man does not know himself.

How Charles Fourier came up with the Internet

The Internet has been described by the philosopher and mathematician Charles Fourier. He has a book-utopia "New love world." The philosopher asks in her the question - what properties should the world possess, so that in it a person can fully discover, manifest itself. And how should a world be built in which there is no such possibility.

And Fourier says that a world where a person can fully reveal himself should be the world of harmony. And cites the example of Saltychikha - a Russian noblewoman who tormented the serfs.

Fourier says that Madame Saltykova was clearly a hidden or not knowing herself a lesbian. She tormented her girls. If she could know this, that is, if she could switch her lesbianism to herself, then she would be fine, and it would be good for her girls.

The episode with Saltychikha is a good example for understanding that “knowing yourself” is not a mental operation. To do this, there must be a social structure within which an experiment is possible, including the lesbian way of life. Need a moral and social structure.

The Internet clogs unrecognized passion, and passion, being unrecognized, begins to sublimate into different forms.

Online time

1. Time = Information

In philosophy there is a definition that time is a measure of a change in an object. Since people cannot change on the Internet, but can only watch, but people change by actions, then the time on the Internet goes in a peculiar way.

Internet time flows depending on the information available to the person. If there are three messages in the news feed, the person spends 10 minutes reading them. If forty messages, they can be read all night.

There is a simple formula on the Internet:

Time = Information

Mowgli from the internet

What features of character would a person brought up on the Internet have (suppose he has spent 100% of his free time on the Internet since he was five)?

He would be unclear to others to show their feelings. His empathy would be poorly developed. He would very well watch the world. His girlfriend would be difficult with him - she would not see the response of nonverbal reactions in the relationship. And he could not fully disclose his skills and learn his inner world.

He would have a fair amount of infantilism. He would not understand what responsibility, concern and cause-effect relationships are. Sometimes he would make mistakes, because it would seem to him that all actions can be reversed, words can be turned back.

He also would not know what day and night is, and, most likely, he would be bored reading books in which there are more than one hundred pages.

Such people watch the world more than they participate in it. Peculiar social "voyeurism"


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