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1.1. The subject of political science, its functions in modern society


Understanding the essence and specifics of political science is impossible without determining the object and subject of this science.

The object of political science is political reality or the political sphere of society. Politics is one of the most complex fundamental public entities. Although the concept of "politics" has become a habitual and well-established scientific and everyday lexicon, it is not easy to define it, just as it is to isolate political relations from the totality of social relations. There are many interpretations and definitions of politics, which is due to the versatility of the phenomenon itself and, accordingly, the complexity of its knowledge.

Pointing to the sphere of politics as an object of political science, we will try to determine its subject. In scientific literature, the question of the subject of political science is treated far from unequivocally. There are significant differences in the assessment of boundaries, the content of political science, the range of problems covered by it and even the name of this area of ​​knowledge. Along with the concept of "political science" the terms "political science" and "political science" are widely used.

The subject of political science can be defined in a broad and narrow sense of the word. In the broad sense of the word, political science acts as a general, integrative science of politics in all its manifestations, including political sociology, political philosophy, political geography, political psychology and other political disciplines as components. Political science appears here as an interdisciplinary field of humanitarian knowledge with a high degree of complexity and multidimensional structure. She is interested in the whole "world of the political" as a special sphere of people's life, connected with imperious relations, with the state and the state system, institutions, principles, norms, the functioning and operation of which is intended to guarantee the viability of this or that community.

Political science in its understanding explains not only certain aspects of political reality, but in the synthesis - the totality and development of political relations and political practice. Political science as an integrative, complex branch of modern knowledge has as its subject the disclosure of the essence of politics as an integral public education, the identification of its internal and external relations and relations, the definition of the basic laws of political development.

According to another view, political science is only one of the sciences of politics. As a relatively independent field of political research, it does not cover all political issues, but has its own specific subject matter. The subject of political science in the narrow sense of the word are the laws of formation and development of political power, the forms and methods of its functioning in a state-organized society.

The category of power most fully expresses the essence and content of the phenomenon of politics. The peculiarity of political science lies in the fact that it considers all sociopolitical phenomena and processes through the prism of political power. The study of political power involves finding out its object and subjects, the goals of power, which are formulated by political ideology; power functions, i.e. its main tasks, areas of activity; mechanisms, power structures (political systems); methods of its implementation (political regimes), etc.

The main purpose of political science is to make people politically cultural individuals. People should not allow politicians to treat themselves as an obedient mass that can be fooled and used for personal purposes. And for this you need to be sociologically and politically literate, informed in matters of current policy.

Political science helps to better understand the logic of social development; gives knowledge of the foundations of political life, government and international politics. It clarifies the differences in political regimes, parties and leaders; reveals the essence of the rule of law and civil society, which are so necessary for a future strong Russia. Political science teaches the culture of civilized human relationships.

Political knowledge is important both for individuals and for society as a whole. To an individual they are necessary in order not to be in the position of a simple pawn in someone else's political game; to be able to distinguish the politics of idle talk, self-serving and sweet talker from a person of business who sincerely preoccupied with the prosperity of his country; to consciously participate in elections, referendums, in monitoring the activities of the authorities and other democratic procedures; correctly understand their place and role in society, their rights and obligations and be able to protect their personal interests in it; to be able to solve their life problems in civilized cooperation with other people: respecting their interests, making compromises to mitigate inevitable conflicts, avoiding manifestation of egocentrism, intolerance and emotional instability.

A society as a whole, the political literacy of its citizens is needed to be an open, democratic and civilized society of conscious, free and responsible people who will not give power into the hands of selfish and incompetent politicians, will not allow arbitrariness and lawlessness, inhuman and ineffective forms of social life.


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Political science

Terms: Political science