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9.1. Political technology leaders


Political technology is popular throughout the world in the form of political marketing. He appeared in the United States a little more than half a century ago, when D. Eisenhower was the first of the leaders to use the services of an advertising agency to organize an election campaign.

Political marketing is not exactly agitation with its unsystematic, scientifically undeveloped effect of the same means on all social groups. And it’s not an advertisement at all, suggesting embellishing the qualities of applicants, or even endowing them with non-existent virtues.

Political marketing is, first of all, the competent, correct and purposeful identification and presentation to various social and national groups of precisely those real qualities and virtues of the applicant for leadership, to which these groups show particular interest .

Special analysis shows that not only the qualities of a leader, but also the means of agitation for him are different from the people. Students, for example, have a particular interest in leaflets; retirees are impressed by personally addressed appeals from candidates. All without exception affects hypnosis television. Political marketing determines to whom, what and how to speak (of course, within the framework of their beliefs), through what forms to communicate with voters.

In countries with developed democratic traditions, billions of dollars are spent annually on political marketing. It is believed that without marketing any leader is doomed. Political scientist D.I. Vydrin conducted an experiment on political marketing in Moscow. It turned out that marketing activity raises the chances of the applicant by 1.7 times.

Political technology is the sum (system) of consistent, targeted, knowingly effective actions aimed at achieving the necessary political result.

The first kind of political leader’s technology is electoral engineering . This is a professional comparative study of various constituencies and the corresponding maneuvering of the applicant. In foreign political science it is believed that for the correct maneuvering of a candidate for leadership in the constituencies it is necessary to study the following factors:

  1. Socio-economic conditions in the district.
  2. The level of political culture, the nature of the political traditions of various social groups in the district.
  3. Features of the political structure in the region (the number of different parties, clubs, the authority of other applicants).
  4. The activity of socio-political organizations and associations. But these moments are not always necessary to investigate, because stable bonds are repeated. Russia is a special country in general, and opinions here can be absolutely polar at different times.

The second type is the attitude of the leaders towards competitors . Here we must bear in mind that politics is not only relations between classes, social and national groups about power, but also relations about the effective use of all forms and types of power, about the rational management of key social processes. Probably, many problems would not have arisen between leaders of different ranks if both sides did not suspect each other of striving for the usurpation of power. Therefore, here it is necessary to be guided not by the question: “But do you not pretend to power?”, But by the question: “What are your abilities, competence in social and political affairs?”.

As a rule, a leader who uses unlawful methods and means against his competitor loses. J. Bush convincingly speaks about this in his autobiography, highlighting 4 rules of leadership.

  1. No matter how bitter the struggle for any problem, never resort to personal attacks.
  2. Do the homework. You can not lead if you do not know in advance what you are going to talk about.
  3. Use your leadership power to persuade, not to intimidate.
  4. Be attentive to the needs of your colleagues, even if they are at the very bottom of the totem pole.

Leadership and leaders are a delicate and subtle sphere. It is easy to break the measure, even go to extremes - either to overly exaggerate the role of a leader, or to seriously underestimate his capabilities, abilities, not to use them. Much depends on the immediate environment, the "team", the circle of assistants, advisers, experts, consultants, etc. Naturally, everyone must and has the right to play his role and not to succumb to the temptations of politics and power.

The transition to the democratization of political life does not at all insure against the possibility of slipping to the cult of the individual. We know that the Russians have taught the cult of the personality of Stalin much. But it is difficult to say that all conclusions have already been made, all the lessons have been learned.

Leadership problems have become aggravated due to the general politicization of life, the current intensification of political rivalry and political struggle. Unbridled political ambitions, claims, populism can bring significant damage. In our time, the problems of forming a "team" of a leader and involving young leaders in active work are becoming increasingly important.


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Political science

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