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For quite a long time, political scientists were engaged exclusively in the institutions of states, such as constitutions, laws, legislative, executive authorities, administrations, courts, etc. These institutes continue to remain in the center of attention of many scientists. However, from the end of the 19th century, awareness of the importance of studying both other institutions of the political system, especially political parties and pressure groups, and the processes of interaction between them, between institutions and citizens came. In fact, politics is an activity (negotiations, disputes, discussions, the use of force, elections, demonstrations, picketing, etc.), therefore, it cannot but be a process. What is a political process?

In short, it can be said that the political process is the aggregate activity of social communities, public organizations and groups, individuals, pursuing the activities of social actors to implement political decisions.

The political process is unfolding in a given country - within the political system of society, as well as on a regional and global scale. In society, it is carried out at the state level, in administrative and territorial districts, in town and country; within various nations, classes, socio-demographic groups, labor collectives; in certain political parties and social movements.

The main stages of the political process express the dynamics of the development of a political system, beginning with its constitution and subsequent reform. Its main content is connected with the preparation, adoption and execution at the appropriate level, the execution of political and managerial decisions, the necessary correction, social and other control during practical implementation.

The political process has an intrinsic interweaving and interconnection between the revolutionary and reform principles, conscious, orderly and spontaneous, spontaneous actions of the masses; ascending and descending development trends. Compared to the past, nowadays, representative social strata and movements are more actively involved in political processes, including parties, trade unions, the army, students and young people, national organizations, denominations, support groups and pressure, creative unions. The political processes within individual countries are significantly affected by external factors, world political and world economic relations and relations, the entire set of economic, political, military-strategic and other realities of an international character.


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Political science

Terms: Political science