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LIST OF LITERATURE list of questions to offset (exam). questions and tasks for independent work.



  1. The subject, structure and social functions of political science.
  2. Place of political science in the system of social sciences.
  3. The main stages of the development of political science.
  4. The main trends in modern political science.
  5. Conceptual and categorical apparatus of political knowledge.
  6. Socio-historical and cultural background of the separation of political science as a science.
  7. Features of Western European, Eastern and Russian traditions in the development of political thought.
  8. The essence and main features of the policy.
  9. Policy classification.
  10. The ratio of politics and economics, politics and law.
  11. Subjects of a policy.
  12. Personality as the primary object and subject of policy.
  13. Personality in politics. Motivation of behavior. Political roles.
  14. Political socialization of personality.
  15. The concept and essence of political power.
  16. Motivation, means and mechanism of realization of power.
  17. The main trends of power relations in modern Russian society.
  18. Separation of powers as a condition of a democratic regime.
  19. The legitimacy of power and features of its formation under various political regimes.
  20. The crisis of power and the transformation of power relations.
  21. The main ways of forming government.
  22. Elections to the authorities. Typology of elections to the authorities.
  23. The concepts of the structure and types of political systems.
  24. The state as the main institution of the political system.
  25. Types of modern states.
  26. The legal state, its essence, historical examples.
  27. Political parties and party systems.
  28. Political elite. Features of the Russian political elite.
  29. Leadership and its specificity in the political life of society.
  30. The content of the concept of "political culture".
  31. Political conflicts and ways to resolve them.
  32. The ideological factor in politics. The main political ideologies of our time.
  33. Features of the political process in modern Russia.
  34. Trends in world politics and international relations in an era of global risk.
  35. Factors ensuring the national security of the state.


  1. The subject of political science as a science and academic discipline.
  2. Features of the formation of political science in Russia.
  3. The main categories, method and functions of political science.
  4. Modern political concepts.
  5. The theory and practice of modern liberalism.
  6. Conservatism as a political theory and practice.
  7. The political content of modern social democracy.
  8. The concept of politics and its modern interpretation.
  9. Politics and morality: the problems of our time.
  10. Politics and economics: models of interaction.
  11. Social and institutional policy actors.
  12. Functional purpose and essence of political systems.
  13. The origin, nature and distinctive features of the state.
  14. Forms of state power and government.
  15. The concept of the legal state and the principles of its organization.
  16. Presidential and parliamentary republics: the general and the particular.
  17. Political parties as subjects of politics.
  18. Political elite and counter elite.
  19. Political leadership and its features.
  20. Power as a political category.
  21. Means and mechanism for the implementation of power.
  22. The main branches of government and the principle of "separation of powers."
  23. Structural elements of power and typology of its sources and resources.
  24. Interest groups and pressure groups.
  25. Power structures in the system of power.
  26. Political consciousness: the essence, structure.
  27. The election system of the authorities and the types of electoral systems.
  28. Democracy as a form and value of social order.
  29. Political regimes: the essence and types.
  30. Totalitarianism in national history.
  31. Ways and mechanisms of democratization of political regimes.
  32. Levels and forms of mass political participation.
  33. Human rights and international "standards" in this area.
  34. The nature and features of socio-political conflicts.
  35. Ways to resolve political conflicts.
  36. Political problems of interethnic relations.
  37. Political culture: essence, functions.
  38. Political process Features of political processes in Russia.
  39. Political ideology and its main functions.
  40. Political problems of international relations.
  41. National security of the state: the essence and content.


  1. The formation and development of political science.
  2. The subject and methods of political science.
  3. Essence and specificity of politics as a social phenomenon.
  4. Scientific and technical policy and its specificity.
  5. Scientific and technical policy in modern Russia.
  6. The essence of political power, its features and legitimacy.
  7. The separation of political power in the modern world.
  8. The specifics of the separation of state power in modern Russia.
  9. The Constitution of the Russian Federation on the executive branch in Russia.
  10. Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and its functions.
  11. State Duma of the Russian Federation and its functions.
  12. Democratic political regime.
  13. Totalitarian regime and its features.
  14. Authoritarian political regime.
  15. Essence, the main features and functions of the state.
  16. Presidential form of government.
  17. Parliamentary form of government
  18. Civil society, its distinctive features.
  19. The essence of a political party and its functions.
  20. Party systems and their types.
  21. Features of a multiparty system in modern Russia.
  22. Political blocs and movements in modern Russia.
  23. The essence and functions of political leadership.
  24. Typology of political leadership.
  25. Political leaders of modern Russia.
  26. The essence and functions of the political elite.
  27. The system of political elite recruitment.
  28. Features of the evolution of the political elite of modern Russia.
  29. Engineers in the political elite of modern Russia.
  30. Political conflicts and their specificity.
  31. Ethnic conflicts and ways to resolve them.
  32. The essence of political consciousness and the mechanism of its formation.
  33. Political ideology, its content.
  34. The ideological and political field of modern Russia.
  35. Political culture as an organic part of the general culture.
  36. The interaction of political culture and political process.
  37. The essence of the political socialization of the individual.
  38. Features of political socialization of modern Russian youth.
  39. Political socialization of students of technical universities.
  40. The relationship of domestic and foreign policy.
  41. Subjects of world politics and international relations.
  42. Geopolitics as a science.
  43. Geopolitical factor in the foreign policy of the Russian Federation.
  44. Essence and specificity of applied political science.
  45. Basics of political analysis.
  46. Methods for assessing the political situation.
  47. Features of political campaigns, elections and referendums.
  48. Political management and its role in managing political events.
  49. Essence and methods of political forecasting.
  50. Forecasting the political future of Russia.
  51. Comparative political science and its methods.
  52. Comparative analysis of democracy: the West - Russia.
  53. Comparative analysis of the form of government: USA - Russian Federation.
  54. An integrated approach in a comparative analysis of political cultures.


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Political science

Terms: Political science