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5.3. Functions and types of state


The functions of the state - these are the main directions of its activities, expressing the essence and social purpose, goals and objectives of the state to manage society in its inherent forms and inherent methods. The functions of the state can be divided into:

  • functions arising from class contradictions ;
  • functions arising from the needs of society as a whole .

In the modern world, functions can be classified in general terms as follows.

1. Leadership and management . The leadership is associated with the development of a state strategy, common parameters and guidelines for the life and development of society, including directions and principles, methods for solving economic, social, political, national and cultural issues and problems. The management is involved in the development and application of specific mechanisms for the implementation of common goals, tasks, strategic installations (by developing solutions, planning and forecasting activities, monitoring and coordination, the use of personnel factors and other levers of influence).

2. Internal functions . These include political, legal, organizational, economic, social, educational, cultural and educational.

The political function is connected with the exercise of political power: maintaining political dominance of the dominant class in the economy, suppressing the will of the oppressed classes, strata (for antagonistic societies), ensuring political stability, regulating national (interethnic) relations, interacting with political parties, trade unions and other public institutions . The development of program-strategic goals and objectives for the development of society also belongs to the political function.

The legal function is wholly owned by the state. By implementing lawmaking, the state establishes the legal laws and regulations governing social relations, the behavior of citizens.

The organizational function of the state consists in streamlining all power activities: making, organizing and executing decisions, forming and using a cadre of managers, exercising control over the implementation of laws, decisions, regulations, informing policy, implementing measures to coordinate the activities of various actors of the political system, etc.

The economic function is one of the main ones, although it is carried out in different ways in a particular society and at different stages of its development. In modern conditions, state participation in the economy is manifested in the formulation and implementation of tax policy, the allocation of loans, the use of economic sanctions, incentives for the development of the sectoral economy, direct influence on transport and energy, the use of planning, programming.

The social function of the state is manifested in the implementation of caring for a person as a member of society: meeting the needs of people in work, housing, education, maintaining health; social protection of the elderly, disabled, youth, the unemployed; life insurance, health, property.

The educational function of the state. In the opinion of prominent statesmen of Great Britain, the USA, and Japan, quality education is the basis of a future breakthrough into modern civilization. Many states are faced with a task that has no alternative: the implementation of a fundamental reform in the field of education, the development of policies covering the whole process of education from pre-school to university. And the state, first of all, provides democratization of education, its continuity, providing people with equal opportunities to receive it, and high-quality training of young people for active life.

The cultural and educational function of the state is aimed at creating conditions for meeting the cultural needs of people, the formation of high spirituality and citizenship.

3. The external functions of the state are related to protecting the borders of the country’s territory (defense), intervening in the affairs of other states (military-aggressive, violent), maintaining and developing interstate relations, as well as carrying out foreign trade, coordinating joint activities with other states in various fields, participation in the blocks, unions.

An important theoretical and practical importance is the question of the form of the state - the totality of its features, determined by the nature and content of the activities of the state. It is customary to distinguish two main forms - the form of government and the form of government.

Form of government - an external expression of the content of the state, due to the structure and legal status of public authorities. The difference between the two main forms of government - the monarchy (absolute, parliamentary) and the republic (presidential, parliamentary, mixed) - depends on the position and character of the highest state authority.

The form of government is a national-territorial organization of the state and relations between central and regional bodies. Usually there are two forms: unitary and federal, although there are mixed forms of government.

The existing confederation does not relate to the form of government, but is a form of association of sovereign states coordinating their activities on certain issues.


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Political science

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