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Teaching without a teacher


Teaching without a teacher (English Unsupervised learning , self-study , spontaneous learning ) is one of the methods of machine learning, in solving which the test system spontaneously learns to perform the task, without interference from the experimenter. From the point of view of cybernetics, is one of the types of cybernetic experiment. As a rule, it is suitable only for tasks in which descriptions of a set of objects are known (training sample), and it is required to detect internal interrelations, dependencies, regularities existing between objects.

Learning without a teacher is often contrasted to learning with a teacher, when for each learning object the “right answer” is forcibly given, and it is required to find a relationship between stimuli and system responses.


  • 1 Relationship with physiology
  • 2 The concept of "learning without a teacher" in the theory of pattern recognition
  • 3 Types of Input
  • 4 Solved problems
    • 4.1 Clustering Tasks
    • 4.2 Generalization Tasks
    • 4.3 Tasks for finding association rules
    • 4.4 The tasks of reducing the dimension
    • 4.5 Tasks of data visualization
    • 4.6 Some applications
  • 5 See also
  • 6 Notes
  • 7 Literature
  • 8 References

Relationship to physiology

Despite numerous applied advances, teaching with the teacher was criticized for its biological improbability. It is difficult to imagine a learning mechanism in the brain that would compare the desired and actual output values, performing a correction using feedback. If we allow a similar mechanism in the brain, then where do the desired outputs come from? Teaching without a teacher is a much more plausible model of learning in a biological system. Developed by Kohonen and many others, it does not need a target vector for exits and, therefore, does not require comparison with predefined ideal answers [1] .

The concept of "learning without a teacher" in the theory of pattern recognition

To build a theory and move away from a cybernetic experiment in various theories, one tries to formalize a learning experiment without a teacher mathematically. There are many different subtypes of the formulation and definition of this formalization. One of which is reflected in pattern recognition theory.

Such a departure from the experiment and the construction of the theory are associated with different opinions of specialists in their views. Differences, in particular, consist in answering the question: “Are uniform principles possible to adequately describe images of different nature, or is such a description a task for specialists of specific knowledge each time?”.

In the first case, the statement should be aimed at identifying general principles for the use of a priori information in the preparation of an adequate description of images. It is important that here a priori information about the images of different nature is different, and the principle of taking them into account is the same. In the second case, the problem of obtaining a description is taken out of the general setting, and the theory of learning pattern recognition machines from the point of view of the statistical theory of pattern recognition learning can be reduced to the problem of minimizing the average risk in a special class of decision rules [2] .

In the theory of pattern recognition, there are basically three approaches to this problem [3] :

  • Heuristic methods;
  • Mathematical methods;
  • Linguistic (syntactic) methods.

Types of input data

  • Characteristic description of objects. Each object is described by a set of its characteristics, called attributes . Attributes can be numeric or non-numeric.
  • Matrix of distances between objects. Each object is described by distances to all other objects of the training set.

Solvable tasks

An unsupervised experimental training scheme is often used in the theory of pattern recognition and machine learning. At the same time, depending on the approach, it is formalized into one or another mathematical concept. And only in the theory of artificial neural networks the problem is solved experimentally, applying one or another type of neural networks. At the same time, as a rule, the resulting model may not have an interpretation, which is sometimes referred to as minus neural networks. But nevertheless, the results are no worse, and, if desired, can be interpreted by applying special methods.

Clustering tasks

Main article: Cluster analysis

Learning experiment without a teacher in solving the problem of pattern recognition can be formulated as a task of cluster analysis. A sample of objects is divided into disjoint subsets, called clusters, so that each cluster consists of similar objects, and the objects of different clusters are significantly different. Baseline information is presented as a matrix of distances.

Solution methods

  • Graph Clustering Algorithms
  • Statistical Clustering Algorithms
  • Hierarchical clustering or taxonomy
  • Kohonen's neural network
  • Nearest Neighbor Method (k-means)
  • Autoassociator
  • Deep belief network

Clustering can play a supporting role in solving problems of classification and regression. To do this, you first need to split the sample into clusters, then apply some very simple method to each cluster, for example, to bring the target dependence to a constant.

Solution methods

  • Neural network of counter distribution
  • Method of radial basis functions

Generalization tasks

Main article: Generalization of concepts

As in the case of distinction experiments, which can be mathematically formulated as clustering, when generalizing concepts, one can investigate a spontaneous generalization , in which similarity criteria are not introduced from the outside or are not imposed by the experimenter.

At the same time, in the experiment on “pure generalization” a model of the brain or perceptron is required to switch from a selective response to one stimulus (say, a square in the left side of the retina) to a similar stimulus that does not activate any of the same sensory endings (square on the right side of the retina). The generalization of a weaker species includes, for example, the requirement that the system’s reactions extend to elements of a class of such stimuli that are not necessarily separated from the stimulus already shown (or heard, or perceived by touch).

Association Policy Search Tasks

The task of reducing the size of the source information is presented in the form of characteristic descriptions. The task is to find such sets of features, and such meanings of these features, which are most often (not accidentally often) found in the feature descriptions of objects.

Baseline information is presented in the form of feature descriptions, and the number of features can be quite large. The task is to present this data in a space of lower dimension, if possible, minimizing the loss of information.

Solution methods

  • Principal component method
  • Independent component method
  • Multidimensional scaling

Data visualization tasks

Some methods of clustering and reduction of dimension build representations of the sample in a space of dimension two. This allows you to display multidimensional data in the form of flat graphs and analyze them visually, which contributes to a better understanding of the data and the very essence of the problem being solved.

Solution methods

  • Dendrogram
  • Kohonen self-organizing map
  • Generative topographic map
  • Affinity Map

Some applications

  • Sociological research: the formation of representative subsamples in the organization of sociological surveys.
  • Market research: splitting the set of all customers into clusters to identify typical preferences.
  • Analysis of market baskets: identifying combinations of products that are often found together in customer purchases.

Alfa-reinforcement system - a reinforcement system in which the weight of all active bonds Teaching without a teacher that end in some element Teaching without a teacher vary by the same amount Teaching without a teacher , or at a constant speed during the whole time of reinforcement, and the weights of inactive bonds do not change during this time. A perceptron that uses an α-reinforcement system is called an α-perceptron. A reinforcement is called discrete if the magnitude of the change in weight is fixed, and continuous if this quantity can take an arbitrary value.



k-means ( k-means method ) is the most popular clustering method. It was invented in the 1950s by the mathematician Hugo Steinhaus [1] and almost simultaneously by Stuart Lloyd [2] . Special popularity gained after the work of McQueen [3] .

The algorithm is such that it seeks to minimize the total quadratic deviation of cluster points from the centers of these clusters:

Teaching without a teacher

Where Teaching without a teacher - the number of clusters Teaching without a teacher - received clusters, Teaching without a teacher and Teaching without a teacher - centers of mass of vectors Teaching without a teacher .

By analogy with the principal component method, the cluster centers are also called principal points , and the method itself is called the principal point method [4] and is included in the general theory of principal objects that provide the best approximation of the data [5] .


The algorithm is a version of the EM algorithm, also used to separate a mixture of Gaussians. It splits the set of elements of a vector space into a previously known number of clusters k .

The basic idea is that at each iteration the center of mass is recalculated for each cluster obtained in the previous step, then the vectors are divided into clusters again according to which of the new centers was closer in the selected metric.

The algorithm ends when at some iteration there is no change in the center of mass of the clusters. This happens in a finite number of iterations, since the number of possible partitions of a finite set is finite, and at each step the total standard deviation V does not increase, so looping is impossible.

As David Arthur and Sergey Vasilvitsky showed, on some classes of sets the complexity of the algorithm in time required for convergence is equal to Teaching without a teacher . [6]

Algorithm Demonstration

The action of the algorithm in the two-dimensional case. Starting points are randomly selected.

Teaching without a teacher

Starting points and randomly selected starting points.

Teaching without a teacher

Points related to the initial centers. Splitting on the plane - Voronoi diagram relative to the initial centers.

Teaching without a teacher

Calculation of new cluster centers (Looking for the center of mass).

Teaching without a teacher

The previous steps are repeated until the algorithm converges.

K-means problems

Teaching without a teacher

A typical example of the convergence of the method of k averages to a local minimum. In this example, the result of “clustering” by the k-means method contradicts the apparent cluster structure of the data set. Small circles indicate data points, four-star stars are centroids. The data points belonging to them are the same color. The illustration was prepared with the help of the Mirkes applet [7] .

Teaching without a teacher

The result of clustering by the k- average method for Fisher irises and real types of irises visualized using ELKI. Cluster centers are marked with large, translucent markers.

  • A global minimum of the total quadratic deviation V , but only one of the local minima is not guaranteed.
  • The result depends on the choice of the initial cluster centers; their optimal choice is unknown.
  • The number of clusters must be known in advance.

Extensions and variations

The neural network implementation of K-means, a network of vector signal quantization (one of the versions of Kohonen's neural networks), is widely known and used.

There is an extension k-means ++, which is aimed at the optimal choice of the initial values ​​of cluster centers.


  1. Steinhaus H. (1956). Sur la division des corps materiels en parties. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., C1. III vol IV: 801-804.
  2. Lloyd S. (1957). Least square quantization in PCM's. Bell Telephone Laboratories Paper.
  3. MacQueen J. (1967). Some methods for classification and analysis of multivariate observations. In Proc. 5th Berkeley Symp. on math. Statistics and Probability, pages 281-297.
  4. Flury B. (1990). Principal points. Biometrika, 77, 33-41.
  5. Gorban AN, Zinovyev AY (2009). Principal Graphs and Manifolds, Ch. 2 in: Handbook of Research and Development: Algorithms, Methods, and Techniques, Emilio Soria Olivas et al. (eds), IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 28-59.
  6. David Arthur & Sergei Vassilvitskii (2006). "How Slow is the k-means Method?". Proceedings of the 2006 Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG) .
  7. EM Mirkes, K-means and K-medoids applet. University of Leicester, 2011.

Demonstration and visualization

  • J. Tu, R. Gonzalez "Principles of pattern recognition", Mir Publishing House, Moscow 1978, pp. 109-112 A good description of the algorithm with an example.
  • K-means and K-medoids (an applet that demonstrates how the algorithm works and allows you to investigate and compare the two methods), E. Mirkes and the University of Leicester
  • Interactive applet demonstrating the work of the algorithm

  1. Gamma Reinforcement System


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