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Simulation of human reasoning 5 COMMUNICATOR (basics)


COMMUNICATOR (very briefly and simplified)
The part of consciousness responsible for communication (and speech).

Database of words, word formations, etc. (described in detail by linguists, including teaching foreign languages)

Each word, phrase is attached to images / concepts.

Also has a label I (know)
It also works with shortcuts.

Backlinking is based on common phrases.
Possible multiple binding of one connection to different phrases.
selection is made by the similarity algorithm (fuzzy logic)
(based on the most successful "bindings")


Second me

Internal projection of the interlocutor.

(When communicating with someone, we always communicate with ourselves.)

Recheck data.
Each phrase is rechecked on the principle, (and how will he understand it?)
building a second simplified chain of thought.
(before the conclusion to the answer, the phrase is again fed to the input of the communicator
2 GLOBES OF THOUGHT are analyzed and compared. If the balls are different SIGNIFICANTLY
(adjustment) is repeated (refined) binding)
Everything in the process of communication can be adjusted and changed / supplemented depending on the context.

The input / output data is adjusted for intonation, context, meaning, etc.


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Natural Language Modeling of Thought Processes and Character Modeling

Terms: Natural Language Modeling of Thought Processes and Character Modeling