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Creating concepts based on sensory perception


The concept created on a sensual level is already a thought, but a special thought. It differs from any other by the presence of only one connection, which makes it the simplest possible one. Another difference is the complete arbitrariness in the choice of image and name.

The stage of creating concepts at the sensory level is, in fact, the stage of coding objects, phenomena or actions that are perceived by the intellect as something separate. Of course, it cannot be separated in time from the next stage, associated with the creation of more complex thoughts. I mean only that the object, phenomenon or action must first be encoded, and only then used in the process of thinking.

More complex thoughts should contain more than one connection. In addition, arbitrariness in the selection of related objects disappears. Each object can be formally associated with each, but this connection should reflect something (an empty statement — no need to convince anyone of this). And this does not simplify the search for a new thought - almost the entire set of problems associated with AI arises. But one disappears exactly - it becomes clear how the connections, observed sensually, go to the logical level and I will try to show this.

From the point of view of the programmer, the stage of creating simple concepts does not solve any substantial problem. From the point of view of intelligence (any), there is no difference in the use of both the simplest and the most complex concepts.

Interestingly, the terms "concept", "thought", "information" at the level of coding sensory concepts absolutely coincide. They all express a connection. And this must be taken seriously.

But what is surprising is the negligible number of concepts that a person needs for the manifestation of intelligence. Formally, one is enough, but in reality several hundreds (perhaps even tens) are enough for the thinking process to be launched. Nothing compared to what we can now equip AI.

And it does not follow from anywhere that the more sophisticated the logic with which he is “armed”, the more intelligent he becomes. There is not a single fact that could confirm this.

Creation of concepts on the sensory level is not yet thinking. Thoughts are already formally, but thinking is not yet. What next?

Consider the situation more closely. The appearance of the first concept is the appearance of the first connection between objects in its memory, each of which is created by an external signal. One of the objects can be called an image, another name, although at first they are absolutely equal. However, sound signals are easy to remember and reproduce, which means that it is possible to transmit and store the created concepts using sound images as codes of objects and actions.

Suppose a certain number of concepts have been created, therefore, the intellect is able to recognize a specific subject or to classify it. But the creation of concepts means much more than the ability to learn. "Secret" in their complete independence from each other. Any image that forms a concept has properties that are completely inherent in real objects. Images can be combined in any combination and any sequence. They can be placed in any conceivable picture. They can change color, shape, content, size, etc. without any restrictions, except those that are imposed by their own experience. Therefore, at the early stage of the development of intelligence, images are difficult to distinguish from real objects. Children often confuse their fantasies with reality.

But the most important thing is that the connection between the images will be perceived by the intellect as the connection between their names. I remind you that the activation (excitation) of the image immediately activates its name, that is, the image in the mind of the intellect is identified with the name. Simultaneous activation of two images leads to simultaneous activation of their names. And this in turn establishes the connection between active names. In other words, the connection from the sensory level goes to the logical, creating more complex thoughts. The way to create new logical connections is exactly the same as for creating the simplest concepts. Of course, this is also a coding, but already a coding of links that may or may not exist (!) In the outside world. We will not touch upon the verification problem here, but note that this allows the intellect to create something that does not exist in nature, for example, a wheel, a computer, or Harry Potter.

It is hard to come up with any other scheme that would allow all this to be done with greater simplicity. But whatever the concept of creating AI, it is impossible to avoid solving the problem of transition from sensory to logical perception at some stage.

It can be said that the result of creating concepts based on sensory perception is the potential opportunity to experiment with objects in one’s own memory and transfer the results of the experiment from the sensory to the logical level. Instead of experimenting with real objects, it is easier to experiment with their images.

Between the real world and the world of logic is a world that has long invented a name - virtual. Only this world is not outside the intellect, but inside it, not in front of the senses, but behind them. Any object that a person encounters in the real world is immediately identified with the corresponding concept and is endowed with all the properties associated with this concept. The real world of intelligence can be studied only through the virtual. By the way, this is one of the moments of what is called consciousness. The intellect must sense the presence of the real world, but feel through its personality, which is largely shaped by previous experience.

In the process of developing intelligence, the inner virtual world changes along with the logical one. Each new connection, each solved problem complicates the logic, allowing in some cases to look for solutions without addressing the world of images. With each new thought, the world of logic more and more accurately describes sensory perception, thereby pushing the world of images into the background. Images of objects and phenomena "forget" unnecessary (unused) parts and themselves increasingly become like signs in which there are just enough details to be recognized.

Is there a conflict between the logical and the sensual world? - Of course, the resolution of conflicts is thinking. The reasons can be very different and the more developed the intellect, the more opportunities for conflict. Moreover, it can be quite deep - let us recall the "drama of ideas" associated with the emergence of the theory of relativity or quantum mechanics. As a result, the world of logic and the world of images are equally changing. For example, images appear that are not created by objects of the external world through the senses, but only on the basis of logic.

This is a scheme. It has no external or internal reasons that could “revive” this scheme. It does not remove the issues that are always facing the developers of AI, I will not list them. But when there is a scheme, at least it is clear how the solution of these questions should be correlated with it.

Let's sum up

The first step in the development of intelligence is the creation of concepts based on sensory perception. Their appearance becomes possible, since the intellect has the ability to establish connections between two simultaneously active objects.

Thanks to the ability to forget the details, it is possible to create single and general concepts.

The creation of concepts leads to the fact that the inner world of the intellect is a connection between the logical and sensual worlds.

The result of creating concepts based on sensory perception is the potential opportunity to experiment with objects in one's own memory and transfer the results of the experiment from the sensory to the logical level, creating more and more complex mental constructions.

Creating a new thought may or may not be completely the task of logic, leaving room for experiment in the sensory virtual world, i.e. occasion. A new thought may be erroneous, which is natural for any intellect.

The mechanism for creating logical structures does not depend on their complexity - it is always the creation of new connections, and the conditions for their appearance remain unchanged, starting with the creation of concepts at the sensory level.

The given diagram explains why thinking develops from a small number of concepts and with time can create arbitrarily complex constructions at the logical level.

The idea of ​​creating artificial intelligence with sensory perception is not new, of course. About two years ago, one of the American laboratories announced work on the creation of such a device. They hoped to achieve the intellect of a 2 year old child in just two or three years, without resorting to programs that imitate intelligence. But something apparently did not work out. Then I did not attach any importance to this, which I regret now. I tried to find this message, but I could not. Unfortunately, the message did not say anything about the ideological basis of this attempt. Maybe this message caught your eye?
created: 2014-09-23
updated: 2024-11-14

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