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Simple knowledge base


Now, after determining the semantics of propositional logic, we can form a knowledge base for the world of the vampus. For simplicity, we will consider only pits; the case in which the vampus itself is also considered is left to the reader as an exercise. We will provide the agent with a sufficient amount of knowledge so that he can form those logical conclusions, which were described informally in the section.

First you need to define a vocabulary of propositional characters. For each i, j.

  • Assume that the statement Pi, j is true if there is a well in the square [i, j];
  • Suppose that Bi, j is true if there is a breeze in the square [i, j].

The knowledge base includes the following statements, each of which is assigned a separate designation for convenience.

  • In the square [1,1] there is no hole: R 1 : ¬P i , j
  • A breeze is felt in the square if and only if there is a hole in the adjacent square. Such a statement must be formulated for each square; currently only squares of interest to us are included in the consideration: R 2 : B 1,1 <=> (P 1,2 v P 2,1 ) R 3 : B 2,1 <=> (P 1,1 v P 2.2 vP 3.1 )
  • The above statements are true in all instances of the vampus world. We now include breeze perception data for the first two squares that the agent visited in that particular world where he is located; This will lead us to the situation shown in the figure.
  • R4: ¬ B 1,1 R 5 : B 2,1
Thus, the knowledge base consists of the statements R 1 - R 5 - It can also be viewed as the only statement (as a conjunction of R 1 ^ R 2 ^ R 3 ^ R 4 ^ R 5 ), since it confirms that all individual statements in her are true.
created: 2014-09-23
updated: 2021-03-13

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Knowledge Representation Models

Terms: Knowledge Representation Models