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Conclusion in logical models. Resolution Method


Inference in a formal logical system is a procedure that, from a given group of expressions, derives a semantically correct expression that is different from the given group. This procedure, presented in a specific form, is the rule of inference. If the group of expressions that makes up the premise is true, then it must be guaranteed that the use of the inference rule will provide a true expression as a conclusion.
Two methods are most commonly used. The first is the method of inference rules or the method of natural (natural) inference, so named because the type of reasoning used in the predicate calculus approaches that of ordinary human reasoning. The second is the resolution method. It is based on the calculus of resolvents.
This article discusses the second method. Method resolutions proposed in 1930. in Herbrand’s doctoral dissertation for proving theorems in formal systems of the first order.
The resolution method is based on the calculus of resolvents. There is a theorem stating that the question of the provability of an arbitrary formula in the predicate calculus reduces to the question of the provability of the empty list in the calculus of resolvents. Therefore, the proof that the list of formulas in the calculus of resolvents is empty is equivalent to the proof of the falsity of a formula in the predicate calculus.
The idea of ​​the resolution method is that the proof of the truth or falsity of the assumption, for example:
  Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method
conducted by the method of the contrary. To this end, the original set of sentences includes the axioms of the formal system and the negation of the hypothesis being proved:
  Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method
If in the process of proof there is a contradiction between the negation of the hypothesis and the axioms, which is expressed in finding an empty list (clause), then the hypothesis is correct.
Such proof can be obtained on the basis of the Herbrand theorem, which guarantees that the existing contradiction can always be achieved in a finite number of steps, whatever the truth values ​​given to the functions present in the hypotheses and conclusions.
In the resolution method, a set of sentences is usually considered as a composite predicate containing several predicates connected by logical functions and quantifiers of existence and generality. Since predicates of the same meaning can have a different form, sentences are converted into a clausal form — a kind of conjunctive normal form (CNF), in which quantifiers of existence, universality, symbols of implication, equivalence, etc. are removed.
In the clausal form, the entire initial logical formula is represented as a set of sentences (clause)   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method called clausal set   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method :
  Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method
Any suggestion   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method from which the clausal set is formed   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method , is a set of atomic predicates or their negatives, connected by the disjunction symbol:
  Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method
A predicate or its negation is called a disjunct , a literal, an atom, an atomic formula.
The essence of the resolution method is to verify whether or not it contains   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method empty sentence   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method . Sentence   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method is empty if it does not contain any characters. Since the condition of truth   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method is the truth of all   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method included in   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method then the falsity of any   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method consisting in the fact that many   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method forming   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method will be empty, indicating the falsity of the original logical formula.
If a   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method contains an empty sentence   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method then   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method contradictory (impracticable). If the offer   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method is not empty, then an attempt is made to output sentences   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method until an empty one is received (which will always be the case for an impracticable   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method ).
For this, in two sentences, one of which consists of one letter, and the second contains an arbitrary number of letters, is a counter pair of letters (for example   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method and   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method ), which is deleted, and a new sentence is formed from the remaining parts (for example, from   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method and   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method is displayed   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method ).
Sentence   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method reformed from existing   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method and   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method is called the resolvent   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method and   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method . For example:
  Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method
  Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method
Resolvent   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method
If at the withdrawal of sentences two one-liter clauses are formed, which form a counter pair, then their resolvent will be an empty clause. Since the presence of an empty disjunct means that   Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method is false, then the impracticability of the original statement, formulated as a negation:
  Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method
proves the truth of the assumption:
  Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method
Since in the predicate logic in sentences, the presence of variables is allowed, in order to find contra pairs it is necessary to introduce a unification operation (substitution of a constant instead of a variable into predicates that have the same predicate symbols, but different letters). The unification algorithm was developed in 1966 by J. Pitra and, independently of him, J. Robinson: in order to unify two different expressions, the most common unifier is sought - LEU (a substitution in which an expression with greater descriptive power agrees with an expression that has a small descriptive power) . The presence of this algorithm made it possible to implement the method of Erbran’s resolutions in the form of a computer program.
So, if it is required by the resolution method to prove the truth of any logical statement, then the negation of this statement is transformed into a clausal form, according to its proposals, an empty sentence is searched using unification and derivation of resolvents. The impossibility of negation confirms the truth of the statement in question.
The resolution method is widespread due to the high efficiency of machining. Based on it, the Prolog language is built. However, a person does not use such logic in the process of reasoning, and this gives grounds for searching for more natural procedures for the human consciousness to draw conclusions.
A significant drawback of the resolution method is that it is intended only to prove theorems. It is not suitable for generating new offers. In addition, if the proposal is not a theorem, the resolution may lead to the construction of an infinite decision tree.
Example: solution output in a logical model based on the resolution method.
Statements are given:
  • "Socrates is a man";
  • “Man is a living being”;
  • "All living things are mortal."
It is required by the method of resolutions to prove the statement "Socrates is mortal . "
Step 1. We transform statements into a disjunctive form:
  Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method
Step 2. Write down the negation of the target expression (the required output), i.e. Socrates is immortal:
  Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method
Step 3. We put together a conjunction of all clauses (that is, build a QF), including the negation of the target expression:
  Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method
Step 4. In the cycle, we perform an operation for searching resolvents on each pair of clauses:
  Conclusion in logical models.  Resolution Method
Receiving an empty disjunct means that the phrase "Socrates is immortal" is false, it means that the saying "Socrates is mortal" is true.
In general, the resolution method is interesting because of its simplicity and systemic nature, but it is applicable only for a limited number of cases (the evidence should not have great depth, and the number of potential resolutions should not be large). In addition to the method of resolutions and rules of inference, there are other methods of obtaining conclusions in the logic of predicates.
created: 2014-10-08
updated: 2024-11-13

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