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satellite polarization types


Signal polarization

(types of polarization of the satellite signal)

In addition to the frequency spectrum (range), the satellite signal is distinguished by the type of signal polarization. Here are the main types of signal polarization that you may encounter:

1) Linear horizontal - abbreviated " H " (Horisontal).

2) Linear vertical - abbreviated " V " (Vertical).

1) Circular right - abbreviated " R " (Right).

1) Circular left - abbreviated " L " (Left).

The signal of horizontal polarization (Horisontal) - goes to the satellite antenna in the horizontal plane ( Fig. 1 ).

  satellite polarization types
Fig. 1 Horizontal polarization signal - Horisontal (H).

The signal of vertical polarization (Vertical) is in the vertical plane ( Fig. 2 ).

  satellite polarization types
Fig. 2 Vertical polarization signal - Vertical (V).

In circular polarization (Circular) - the signal seems to rotate in one or the other direction with a very greater speed, conventionally called right - Right ( R ), and left - Left ( L ) polarization.


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The television. Theory. Satellite

Terms: The television. Theory. Satellite