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I. Goals and objectives of the course

Pedagogical psychology is one of the central disciplines in the system of training psychologists. It is aimed both at creating general theoretical foundations of the worldview of psychologists, as well as at creating an interest in specialization in research on the psychology of education and in the applied activities of a practical psychologist.

Course purpose:
- to help students master the analytical approach to modern concepts of learning and personality formation, to the practice of constructing an educational situation.

As a result of studying the course, students:

must know:

  • basic methodological approaches to the study of psychological and pedagogical phenomena;
  • domestic and foreign theories of learning and teaching;
  • main approaches to solving the problem of the ratio of learning and mental development;
  • theory of learning activities;
  • psychological mechanisms and patterns of learning, the formation of skills;
  • psychological mechanisms of education;
  • psychological bases of pedagogical activity.

should be able to:

  • determine the relationship between the level of intellectual and personal development of the student and the forms, methods of training and educational influence;
  • determine the characteristics of the organization and management of students' learning activities and the impact of these processes on the intellectual, personal development and educational and cognitive activity;
  • to determine the facts, mechanisms, patterns of developmental education, in particular the development of scientific, theoretical thinking;
  • determine the levels of mastering knowledge, the formation of skills;
  • apply psychodiagnostic techniques to determine the level of intellectual and personal development in educational and cognitive activity;
  • solve psychological and pedagogical problem situations;
  • to design educational situations that act as tools for managing intellectual and personal development.

2. Suggested knowledge

The main content of the course is presented in four sections.
In the first section, students learn about the subject, tasks and problems of educational psychology. We consider the conceptual approaches to solving the problem of the relationship of learning and development. Here students get acquainted with the main methods and categories of educational psychology.
The second section discusses various aspects of the psychology of learning. Students study the main types, conditions and mechanisms of learning, foreign approaches to the study of the laws of assimilation of social experience, modern domestic concepts of learning. Much attention is paid to the study of the age characteristics of the assimilation of social experience, the structure of learning activities.
The third section is devoted to issues of the psychology of upbringing, the formation of a personality, its worldview in educational activities.
The last, fourth section is devoted to familiarizing students with the psychological essence of pedagogical activity, the problem of pedagogical abilities, the study of basic styles of pedagogical activity, as well as the specifics of pedagogical communication and its psychological characteristics.
At the end of each topic there is a list of main and additional literature, as well as a list of questions and tasks for independent more in-depth study of the topic.

3. Target audience of the course

The electronic textbook is focused primarily on students of distance learning in the specialty "Psychology". However, we consider it appropriate to use it when organizing training in full-time, part-time and part-time and correspondence forms.
In addition, the proposed educational-methodical complex can be used in the development of skills by education workers, school psychologists.
The e-course can also be useful to those students who have in their plan of self-education the goal to master this subject. It is essential that the basic courses are “General Psychology”, “Age Psychology”, and the condition necessary to study this course is a minimum of knowledge in the field of social psychology, psychodiagnostics.

4. Features of educational and methodical complex

This electronic textbook was developed as a self-sufficient course (as a mini-encyclopedia), which allows in the course of self-study to get a comprehensive comprehensive understanding of the subject, to get acquainted with the basics of terminological, theoretical and practical aspects of educational psychology. This is a set of materials for students to master the entire program of the educational discipline "Pedagogical Psychology".
The basis of this educational and methodical complex is the author's course of lectures as a brief summary of all sections and topics of the program. At the end of each topic, basic terms and concepts are highlighted, questions and tasks for self-examination are proposed to organize self-control, the topics of essays and / or term papers, and a list of basic literature.
In addition, the training text is accompanied by a large package of educational background information material. For each topic, textbook materials are provided in the educational and methodical complex.
In the selection of textbook materials, the task was to present the content of modern pedagogical psychology. This approach provides an objective criterion for evaluating the practical significance of most theoretical papers. In accordance with the ideas developed in the published materials, we attempted to provide the broadest possible orientation to recreate the logical structure of the studied discipline, its problems and achievements. Therefore, along with the works of the classics of psychology, which have become a bibliographical rarity, this includes works that highlight the growing points of scientific and practical issues. Almost all works in the reader are published with abbreviations.
Of course, we are not able to include in this manual all the works that I would like to see presented in it. Preference is given to that minimum of publications, without which it is impossible to ensure a sufficiently high level of problematic educational material and activity in its assimilation.
For better mastery of the educational material, a conceptual terminological dictionary (620 terms) is provided, including both general scientific and special scientific concepts.
We would like to draw particular attention to the structural-logical schemes that accompany the educational text, since the presentation of information in a structural-logical form has several advantages compared to the linear-text presentation of the educational material.
First, with the linear construction of textual information, it is often difficult to determine the structure of the phenomenon being studied, to identify the essential connections between its components. This difficulty is largely overcome when replacing a verbal description with its design in the form of tables, or better schemes.
Secondly, such a transformation of the educational text is a highly effective technique that activates the student's thinking.
Thirdly, a number of researchers have established that the leading link in mental activity is a special form of analysis — analysis through synthesis. This operation is the basis for a deeper assimilation and understanding of educational material through its symbolic modeling.
Fourth, this manual uses the well-known method of schematic visualization of information in science and practice. It seems that the knowledge of this technique and, moreover, the skill of practical possession of them will help students in mastering the subject of educational psychology and will contribute to the formation of more rational methods of working with educational material in general.
Fifth, a number of psychological studies have revealed that the structuring and mapping of textual information are the most important components of the mnemonic action that forms the basis of the memorization process.
Sixthly, the visual-figurative form of presenting information promotes its better memorization.
Seventh, as experience shows, the presentation of educational information in the system of structural-logical schemes is quite an effective means of organizing and activating independent work of students.
The manual also offers interactive tasks and exercises. Being a part of many pedagogical innovations, they make it possible to obtain objective assessments of the level of knowledge and skills in pedagogical psychology, and to identify problems arising in mastering a curriculum. Pedagogical tasks can be applied to the implementation of both learning and supervisory functions. When compiling them, we used not only the materials of the educational text, but also textbook articles, biographical information about scientists, bibliographic data of the main sources.
During the work, at least three levels of self-checking and self-checking are provided and implemented:

  • “thematic” - upon completion of a topic, the student is offered, among other things, a choice of tasks for self-examination and monitoring of studies, the result of which is an assessment of the mastery of particular thematic issues;
  • “boundary” - 14 topics of the training course are grouped into 4 sections, at the end of each of which the student is asked to evaluate the level of knowledge gained concerning issues and problems of a higher level than it was after studying individual topics;
  • Finally, there is a “final” level of self-examination (and certification), which includes questions and tasks related to the most significant problems studied in the course of work with the course.

Final certification depends on the results of intermediate (thematic and boundary) stages of self-examination.

5. Organization of work

To organize a full-fledged learning process, it is necessary to ensure that the student has access to an electronic textbook at the most convenient time for him.
The amount of time required for such training is from 80 to 200 hours. At one time it is recommended to spend no more than 1.5 hours at work with an electronic textbook.
Work with the set of materials "Pedagogical Psychology" should be based on a strategy of consistently mastering the topics of the course (no transition to the following topics is assumed, bypassing the previous ones):
- the initial reading of one paragraph of the topic without the use of hyperlinks located in this topic;
- re-reading the same section of the topic with fixing the most significant parts of the content using the transitions on hyperlinks;
- elaboration of the material available on the hyperlinks of this paragraph (terminological dictionary, personal dictionary).
The main educational text is accompanied by a large set of hyperlinks. Key words representing hyperlinks are highlighted in blue.
Blue also highlights words that give a brief explanation of a concept. When you move the mouse pointer to them, the relevant information immediately appears on the screen.
Such hyperlinks are also available on personalia. Clicking on the scientist’s last name (or his portrait in the text), you will go to the level where the following information about the scientist is presented: his portrait, brief biographical data, area of ​​scientific interest, main essays.
Some of the figures in the form of structural-logical schemes are given in the text. But the most voluminous drawings are brought to the second level through the hyperlinks "see fig.". In addition, some of them are given in the form of animations. In this case, the hyperlink indicates "see animation."
Most bibliographic sources are presented in annotated form. Clicking on the relevant hyperlink "see annotation", on the second level you will receive, as a rule, the following information about the book: a scanned version of the cover, a brief annotation about the book, a preface (or introduction), a table of contents. This information, in our opinion, will help create a more adequate picture of the book.
The text contains links to Internet resources on the issues under consideration. They, in our opinion, should be considered as additional educational resources. Among them, I would like to draw particular attention to Internet links to the laboratories of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which specialize in studying, to varying degrees, individual problems of educational psychology, as well as organizations and institutions involved in the implementation of advanced psychological and pedagogical ideas (for example, learning, etc.).


The educational-methodical complex offered to your attention in electronic form in educational psychology can be attributed to the Russian educational-methodical materials of the new generation. We hope that working with the electronic version of the textbook will help you to better understand the psychological aspects of educational and cognitive activity.
Certainly, assuming the presence of possible inaccuracies in the above material, as well as the likely lack of completeness of information and reference material of some sections and topics of the proposed course in educational psychology, the author will sincerely appreciate any constructive comments and suggestions addressed to him.

created: 2017-07-01
updated: 2024-11-14

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Pedagogical psychology

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