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Universal mental code (pentamodal concept). Modal approaches in mental self-organization. Fractality of the CMB


The structure of the universal mental code (CMD) is disclosed. Its pentamodality is shown. Its role in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches is indicated. Illustrates the use of the CMD on lexical, syntactic and literary examples, in any theory, judgment, word. Evolutionary background of the concept. Monoconception and polyconception. Multi-level operational information. The principle of fractality. Literary and lexical examples of conceptuality. Historical background of the formation of modal approaches in mental self-organization. The main variants of modal approaches.

Practical task. Identify conceptual nature in the theory that is most relevant to you at the moment. Analyze the most important concepts in it, try to see them as structural and system parts of your theory. Highlight modal approaches in some tasks of professional activity. Briefly show and justify the benefits of this particular approach. To show its systemic inclusion in the general conceptual structure of the problem being solved.


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Cognitive science

Terms: Cognitive science