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Familiarity with reflective thinking. Introspective theorists. Their role features. Content and structural reflection. Historical eras in the development of reflection


  Acquaintance of students with the basics of reflexive thinking. The value of reflective thinking. The designation of meaningful and structural reflection. Statement of the task of developing every reflexive agility necessary for today. Acquaintance of students with the evolutionary-historical picture of the development of reflection (table No. 13 on p. 297 "Polylogical excavations"). Statement of the task of mastering their conscious-reflexive thinking. Presentation of personal experience in the development and defense of his thesis. The first steps in this direction: the "institution" in itself of key introspective theorists. This “institution” is the beginning of working out the necessary “from-subject activity” (at any level of reflection and from any subject of activity). Special emphases when getting into the role of a Cognitologist.


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Cognitive science

Terms: Cognitive science