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The final lesson. Discussion with students of individual achievements on the learned course


To sum up with the students the personal theoretical and practical results achieved and once again jointly realize their awareness. Once again, positively reinforce personal emotionality and satisfaction with what has been done. Awareness (now from a new cognitive position) of the modern social situation and the problems existing before society (ideological, moral, environmental, military, economic, terrorist ...) as a result of the underdevelopment of social thinking and consciousness. Awareness of their personal intellectual and spiritual readiness (or not yet readiness?) To solve these problems for themselves and their future children.

. Analysis with students from the results of practical tasks. Providing on the basis of this personal creative developing positive feedbacks. Identification and statement of moral satisfaction with the first achieved results. The students' awareness of themselves as a single com ***, in which horizontal developing feedbacks are of paramount importance. And at the same time com *** th with its social differentiation. Awareness of the role rights and obligations on the 4th front in our particular case is the joint work on the adjustment of thinking in the classroom.

9. Used and recommended literature

ARCH: Proceedings of the culture and logic seminar / Ed. Vs bibler Issue 3. - M., RSUH, 1998. - 384 p.

Akhutin A.V. Werner Heisenberg and philosophy. Commentary on the book by V. Heisenberg "Physics and Philosophy. Part and Whole." Per. with him. M., Science, Ch. ed. Phys.-Mat. Lit., 1989. 400 p.

Akhutin A.V. Logical lacunae (Experience of definition) / ARCHE Culture-logical Yearbook. Kemerovo: "ALEF" Humanitarian Center, 1993. - 448 p.

Berdyaev N. Self-knowledge. - M .: Publishing house "Dem", 1990.

Abdeev R.F. Philosophy of information civilization. - M., 1994.

Burns R. The development of self-concept and education. Per. from English Total edition and introductory article by V.Ya. Pilipovsky. - M .: Progress, 1986.

Bibler V.S. Thinking as creativity. M, IPL, 1975.

Bibler V.S. Another dialogue with the Monologist Dialogic. / ARCHE Culture-logical Yearbook. Kemerovo: "ALEF" Humanitarian Center, 1993. - 448 p.

Bondarenko O. On the Level Approach to Physical Disciplines. Material from the Internet on November 12, 2002 ("membrana")

Buzan T. and B. Supermind / Trans. from English E. A. Samsonov; - Minsk .: Popurri LLC, 2003. - 304 p.

Heisenberg V. Physics and Philosophy. Part and whole. Per. with him. - M., Science, Ch. ed. Fiz.-Mat.lit., 1989. 400 p.

Gates B. Road to the future / Per. from English - M., Publishing Department "Russian edition" LLP "Channel Trading Ltd", 1996. - 312 p.

De Bono E. Lateral thinking. - SPb., "Peter Publishing", 1997.

Dzarasov S.S. Everyone - about the management. - M., "Thought", 1986.

Dynin B.S. Method and theory. - M .: Publishing house "Knowledge", 1968. Series "Philosophy". P.30

Yemelyanov S.V., Korovin S.K. New types of feedback. Management with uncertainty. - M., Science, "Fizmatlit", 1997.

Ilovetsky M. Trustsoy to the mind. The magazine "Technology - Youth", 1988, № 12.

Kapitsa, S.P., Kurdyumov, S.P., Malinetsky, G.G. Synergetics and future predictions. 2nd ed. - M., Editorial URSS, 2001. - 288 p.

Kara-Murza S.G. Manipulation of consciousness. - M .: Publishing house Eksmo, 2003. - 832 p.

Kurdyumov S.P., Malinetsky G.G. Synergetics and system synthesis / New in synergetics:   Look into the third millennium. - M., Science, 2002. - 478 p. (Informatics: unlimited possibilities and possible limitations).

The course of practical psychology, or How to learn to work and achieve success: A manual for senior management personnel / Author-compiler RR Kashapov. - Izhevsk .: Publishing house Udm. University, 1999. - 448 p.)

Lazarev F.V. On the nature of scientific abstractions. - M., Publishing house "Knowledge", 1971. P.6.

Leibin V.M. "Models of the world" and the image of a person: (A critical analysis of the ideas of the Club of Rome). - M .: Politizdat, 1982. 255 p.

Malinetsky G.G., Potapov A.B. Let's do it problems of nonlinear dynamics. - M., 2000.

Migdal, A.B. How physical theories are born. M., Pedagogy, 1984.

New in synergy:   look into the third millennium. - M., Science, 2002. - 478 p. (Informatics: unlimited possibilities and possible limitations).

Orlov V. Meet - evolutionary. M "Technique - Youth", 1991, №6. P.22

Palagin S.V. Reflexive thinking, patterns of formation and structural levels. / Thesis for the degree of candidate of philosophical sciences. - Saratov, SPI, 1991.

Palagin S.V. Polylogical excavations. - Saratov, Steamboat ICD, 2000.

Palagin S.V. Why am I a cognitologist? - Saratov, “New Wind”, 2004.

Palagin S.V. What is cognitive science and why does it think a person? - Saratov, “New Wind”, 2004.

Palagin S.V. Cognitive self-organization is serious / Or why Buddha, Christ and Mahomet are the most famous historical figures. - Saratov, SSU Publishing House, 2005. - 164 p. with silt

Palagin S.V. Do you know your thinking and what are you capable of with it? - Saratov, Publishing House "Scientific Book", 2005.

Palagin S.V. Meet the general scientific intellectual hypercycle. - Saratov, “New Wind”, 2005.

Palagin S.V. Why do we need to know the universal mental code. - Saratov, “New Wind”, 2005.

Palagin S.V. Cognitologist among self-organizers, organizers and dissipators. - Saratov, Publishing House "Scientific book", 2006.

Palagin S.V. To the problem of interdisciplinary transition from physics to biology. - Saratov, Publishing House of SSU, 2006.

Parsons G. Man in the Modern World. Per. from English - M., "Progress", 1985.

Paperny Z.S. About the artistic image. - M., GIPL, 1961. (PBE)

Pekelis V. Cybernetic mix: Impressions, findings, cases, notes, reflections, narrated and seen are different reasons for talking about cybernetics. - 4th ed., Pererab. and add. - M., Knowledge, 1991. - 368 p.

Reconstruction of thinking and scientific knowledge / EI Andros, V. G. Tabachkovsky, et al. Ed. ed. E.I. Andros. Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. - Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1990.

Pildich J. Path to the buyer. About how successful companies make products that we gladly buy .: Trans. from English - M., Progress, 1991. - 256 p. With ill.

Limits of predictability / Ed. Yu.A.Kravtsova. - M., CentrKom, 1997. 256 p.

Reflexive processes and control. Abstracts of the III International Symposium October 8-10, 2001, Moscow / Ed. A.V. Brushlinsky and V.E. Lepsky. - M., Publishing house "Institute of Psychology RAS", 2001

Sanochkin V.V. What is Information / Philosophical Studies, No. 3, 2001.

Sanochkin V.V. The universal reason for the development / Philos. Research, No. 3, 2001.

Sarukhanov T. Zigzagi of Knowledge and Evolution ... Technique for Youth Journal, 1991, No. 4.

Selye G. From a dream to a discovery: How to become a scientist: Trans. from English / Tot. ed. N. Kondrashova and I.S. Khorol; M., Progress, 1987.

Silva H. Goldman B. Silva’s Intelligence Management / Trans. from English; - Minsk, LLC Popurri, 1999.

Synergetics and systems analysis / Synergistic paradigm. - M .: Progress-Tradition, 2004.

Stepin V.S. The nonlinear world of post-non-classical science / Synergetic paradigm. - M .: Progress-Tradition, 2004.

Stepin V.S. Theoretical knowledge. Structure, historical evolution. - M., 2000.

Teilhard de Chardin P. The Phenomenon of Man. Persian. from English - M., Ch. ed. editions for foreign countries of the publishing house "Science". 1987

Fedotov V.V. Rational organization of mental labor. - M., Economics, 1987.

Yu. A. Urmantsev. Evolutionary, or the General Theory of the Development of Systems of Nature, Society, and Thinking. - Pushchino: NTSBI AN USSR, 1986. 78 p.

Eigen M., Schuster P. Hypercycles: Principles of Self-Organization of Macromolecules. - M :, "Peace", 1982.

10. Questions for the offset.

1. Determine the place of cognitive science in the system of scientific knowledge and describe its features. Why is cognitive science relevant today?

2. Give the definition of "feedback". Why has the correct understanding of the essence of reverse coupling phenomena become especially relevant lately?

3. What is reflection? Make a distinction between meaningful and structural reflection. What introspective theorists in our thinking represent it? Outline the essence of the subject approach in thinking.

4. What is ONIGTs? What function does it perform in our thinking?

5. What does a universal thought code look like? How, thanks to him, do we navigate the information space?

6. What is the fundamental difference between philosophical and scientific knowledge?

7. What is information? What are the main types of information you know? What are their fundamental differences?

8. What kind of thinking do we characterize as autistic? Why?

9. What is the main feature of abstract thinking? What happens to the mental models during abstraction and concretization?

10. What is an intelligence card? What advantages do we achieve by using them in our creative and professional work?

11. Recommendations for the further development of the course.

1. Track existing informational, cognitive and cognitive trends, as well as their coverage in modern journalistic, political, scientific and educational literature. All achievements of this direction are reflected in the teaching work.

2. To focus attention on those problems that are most promising and interesting to students in the Cognitive Studies course.

3. In the case of expanding the volume and number of topics in this discipline, introduce more fundamental and interdisciplinary coverage of the entire conceptual structure of applied cognitive science and increase the number of seminars for more in-depth study of skills in information self-organization and mental literacy.


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Cognitive science

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