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Intellectual card. Its construction (according to the fractal principle) and application.


The concept of the intellectual map. Achievements T. and B. Buzenov and their followers. Creation of intellectual maps according to the associative and conceptual principles of the organization of information. The fractality of conceptual subordination and the graphic implementation of this in smart maps.

Building with students personal intelligence cards for the course “Applied Cognitology”. Each student’s individual vision of the structure of the course in the light of their interests and material learned. Meeting with the teacher in the process of performing this task.

Practice: Design and draw an intellectual map for one of its most important problems. Prepare for the final lesson, summarize and analyze the personal results of classes on this course and the results of independent lessons. Summarize and analyze in writing what you received for yourself personally from the course on cognitive science and practical tasks performed. Compare your intellectual capabilities and the state of your information space before the start of the course and now. What did you like, what gave its real return, and what did not? Tell the teacher about it. How well do your personal success correspond to the qualitative criteria by which you can distinguish a person with a tuned mindset from a person with an unconfigured one?


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Cognitive science

Terms: Cognitive science