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The paradigm as an information and ideological phenomenon in conscious-reflexive thinking.


Acquaintance of students with one of the most important areas of intellectual self-organization and attunement of thinking: the development and assimilation of the modern reverse-link, polyconcept, non-linear paradigm. The historical path of the approach of public consciousness to this paradigm.

World view and paradigm. Why should a cognitive scientist know what a world view is. Why should he in his professional thinking go "beyond the limits" of thinking. The metasystem of cognitive science in relation to classical logic in the new Paradigm. The formation of a paradigm through descriptive, explanatory and prognostic thinking. Their fundamental difference. Scientific cognitive culture.

Practice: Sketch a sketch of his vision of a single picture of the worlds. Sketch of their worldview and their paradigm. Decide for yourself whether it satisfies you or not. If the latter, then what and why? Try to formulate and state. Find an opponent in your environment and try to explain to him the difference between explanatory and prognostic thinking on a specific example. Communication experience to describe and draw conclusions from it.


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Cognitive science

Terms: Cognitive science